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Unit 4 Test
1. The word Allah is the same as God in what language?
A. Spanish
B. Sassanid
C. Native Indian
D. Arabic
2. The word “Islam” means:
A. submission to the will of Allah
B. one who has submitted
C. one from Mecca
D. pilgrimage once in a lifetime
3. The word “Muslim” means:
A. submission to the will of Allah
B. one who has submitted
C. one from Mecca
D. pilgrimage once in a lifetime
4. Which form of leader did Muhammad not become when in Medina:
A. Political
B. Economic
C. Military
D. Religious
5. Where is the Dome of the Rock located?
A. Baghdad
B. Mecca
C. Damascus
D. Jerusalem
6. The Muslims believe what happened at the Dome of the Rock?
A. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac
B. Muhammad died
C. Muhammad rose to heaven to learn Allah’s will
D. The Abbasids murdered the Ummayad’s
7. The Christians believe what happened at the Dome of the Rock?
A. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac
B. Muhammad died
C. Muhammad rose to heaven to learn Allah’s will
D. The Abbasids murdered the Ummayad’s
8. Toward what city do Muslims Pray?
A. Mecca
B. Medina
C. Jerusalem
D. Damascus
9. What are the five pillars of Islam?
A. the various divisions of Islam
B. the major duties required of all Muslims
C. the times during the day when Muslims must pray
D. Muhammad and the four leaders who followed him
10. What division of Islam believes that only a relative of Muhammad is qualified to be a caliph?
A. Sufi
B. Shi’a
C. Sunni
D. Fatimid
11. What do Muslims believe about Muhammad?
A. He was the last and greatest of the prophets
B. He was the only son of the one true God, Allah
C. He was the first and only prophet of Allah
D. He was a combination of god and man
12. Which of the following was the body of civil law created for the Byzantine Empire?
A. the Roman Law
B. the Justinian Code
C. the Orthodox Law
D. the Greek Code
13. Who invented the alphabet that is used by many Slavic languages?
A. Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius
B. Saint John and Emperor Justinian
C. Emperor Leo III and the leading bishops
D. The Slavs and Vikings
14. Orthodox Christianity became the state religion of which of the following?
A. Byzantine Empire
B. Mongol Empire
C. Western Roman Empire
D. Seljuk Empire
Place the following events beside the appropriate date.
A. Birth of Muhammad
B. Marriage to Khadijah
C. Visit from Gabriel
D. Move to Yathrib (Medina)
15. ________ 610
16. ________ 622
E. Journey back to Mecca
F. Death of Muhammad
17. _________ 630
True of False
18. ______ Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians are the third group of Muslim Society.
19. ______ “People of the Book” are allowed to live in Muslim country if they pay a higher tax.
20. ______ Calligraphy is the art of beautiful handwriting.
21. ______ The Umayyad family moved the capitol of the Muslims to Damascus.
22. ______ The Abbasid family move the capitol of the Muslim to Baghdad.
23. _______ Allah
A. Islamic place of worship
24. _______ Muhammad
B. One who submits; a follower of Islam
25. _______ Islam
C. Pilgrimage to Mecca as part of the Five Pillars
26. _______ Muslim
D. Religion that developed in Arabia that has some Jewish similarities
27. _______ Hijrah
E. Islamic model for living, based on the life and teachings of Muhammad
28. _______ Mosque
F. Arabic word for God
29. _______ Hajj
G. The holy book of Islam
30. _______ Qur'an
H. Muhammads migration from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina)
31. _______ Sunna
I. Prophet of Islam who became a leader to the people of Mecca
32. _______ Shari'a
J. Body of law governing the lives of Muslims
33. Which city was the capitol of the Byzantine Empire
A. Rome
B. Kiev
C. Constantinople
D. Novgorod
34. Which groups attacked the Byzantine Empire from the North?
A. Turks, Persians
B. Avars, Slavs, Bulgars
C. Lombards, Romans
D. Avars, Slavs, Vikings
35. Who was the first Emperor of the Byzantine Empire?
A. Justinian
B. Constantine
C. Caesar
D. Vladimir
36. Justinian’s wife who greatly influenced the rights of women?
A. Vladimir
B. Theodora
C. Justinian
D. Ivan III
37. Who was the leader of the Rus?
A. Malik Shah
B. Constantine
C. Rurik
D. Theodora
38. Vladimir sent out officials to “research” all religions. Which religion did he choose based on their
A. Islam
B. Christianity
C. Buddhism
D. Catholicism
39. Genghis Khan ruled over what empire?
A. Tang
B. Song
C. Mongol
D. China
40. Which pope called for the first Crusade/Holy War?
a. Clement V
b. Boniface VIII
c. Urban II
d. Leo I
41. The main goal of the Crusades was to capture what city?
A. Jerusalem
B. Mecca
C. Damascus
D. Constantinople
42. Which of the following was not a problem in the church?
A. Priest marrying
B. The practice of Simony
C. The practice of Lay investiture
D. Muslims converting to Christianity
43. The First Crusade was a disaster because of:
A. unorganized Muslim armies
B. unorganized Crusader’s armies
C. lack of weapons and supplies
D. not enough men to fight
44. Who became the leader of the Muslim forces after the Second Crusade?
A. Phillip II
B. Saladin
C. Fredrick I
D. Barbarosa
45. The Third Crusade resulted in what?
A. Christian victory
B. Muslim victory
C. Truce between both sides
D. The death of Saladin
46. In the Fourth Crusade Christian forces looted what major city?
A. Mecca
B. Palestine
C. Jerusalem
D. Constantinople
47. The Children’s crusades were led by two boys named?
A. Stephen of Britain and Nicholas of France
B. Stephen of Cloyes and Nicholas of Cologne
C. Phillip II and Richard the Lion-hearted
D. Fredrick I and Richard the Lion-hearted
48. Fredrick and Isabella had Muslims and Jews converted or killed during what event?
A. First Crusade
B. Children’s Crusade
C. Spanish Crusade
D. Fourth Crusade
49. The Crusades showed the power of what organization in Europe?
A. Pope
B. Government
C. Church
D. Muslims
50. The Muslim community gained a very bitter hatred for what group of people because of the Crusades, and that hatred still exist
A. Buddhist
B. Hindu
C. Christians
D. Monarchs