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Mapping Mesopotamia
The civilizations of MESOPOTAMIA [meh-suh-puhTAY-me-uh] developed around large river systems that
supported their growth, in an area also known as the
FERTILE CRESCENT. In Greek, “Mesopotamia” means
“between the rivers”. Located between the TIGRIS [TI-gris]
Mesopotamia has also been called “the cradle of civilization”
because some of the first civilizations known began here.
Copyright CartoCraze 2010
Copyright CartoCraze 2010
Mapping Mesopotamia
1. Label the following bodies of water drawn in on the map, and shade with BLUE
coloured pencil: !
• Persian Gulf
• Arabian Sea
• Caspian Sea
• Red Sea
• Mediterranean Sea
2. Label the following rivers on the map and outline them with BLUE coloured pencil:
• Tigris River
• Euphrates River
• Nile River
3. Label the following land forms (mountains are indicated by drawing a symbol next to the
label like this ^^^) and shade with ORANGE coloured pencil:
• Zagros Mountains
• Syrian Desert
• Arabian Desert
4. Label the following cities of Mesopotamia:
• Ur
• Ashur
• Uruk
• Nineveh
• Babylon
5. Outline, lightly shade in GREEN, and label the area known as the “Fertile
Copyright CartoCraze 2010
6. LIGHTLY shade the remaining land areas ONE color (suggestions: light brown or
7. Draw a compass rose that indicates North, South, East, and West in the bottom
corner (use the map in an atlas or on the internet to determine where “North” is; if
you’re not sure what a compass rose looks like, try to find an example of one on the
***************** STOP! Check with your teacher before moving on! *****************
Respond to the following prompts in COMPLETE sentences by restating the question:
● Looking at the geographic features you have indicated on your map and using your
background knowledge, what predictions can you make about what this area of the world
looks like?
● Why do you think “civilization” first emerged in a region like this and not somewhere else? Be
specific in your answer.
● What role do you think geography is going to play in the development of ancient
Mesopotamian civilizations? Be specific in your answer.
Copyright CartoCraze 2010
Mapping Current Day Countries of The Middle East
1. Label the following bodies of water drawn in on the map, and shade with BLUE
coloured pencil: !
• Persian Gulf
• Arabian Sea
• Caspian Sea
• Red Sea
• Mediterranean Sea
2. Label the following rivers on the map and outline them with BLUE coloured pencil:
• Tigris River
• Euphrates River
• Nile River
3. With a BROWN coloured pencil, shade and label the Arabian Desert and the Zagros
4. Label, outline, and shade the current day countries indicated by the dotted lines.
Countries that border one another (i.e. countries that are touching) should NOT be
the same colour!
Copyright CartoCraze 2010
The Middle East, Current Day
Copyright CartoCraze 2010