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The Allies Fight Back… War in North Africa & Beyond • Why North Africa??? Suez Canal= offers access to oil rich middle east. Suez Canal Fall 1940= Italians attack British (Libya) (Egypt) Result: British push Italians back= threaten to gain control of Libya Germans enter to support Italy. Afrika Korps: German & Italian force in N.Africa Led by: Erwin Rommel (German) a.k.a. Desert Fox Afrika Korps soon push Brits out of Libya Result: October, 1942 Battle of El Alamein El Alamein • Battle of El Alamein: • Axis Powers: Led by Rommel • Allies led by Bernard Montgomery –use info. from secret German codes to win battle (1943). • Axis power in N. Africa weakened. America joins the Battle • November, 1942: American & British forces land in N. Africa (are soon joined by French) • Axis powers are trapped to East and West. • Surrender May, 1943. U.S.A. Afrika Korps El Alamein D-Day June 6, 1944 Poland Invaded Sept. 1, 1939 Battle of Britain May 1940-1941 Battle of the Atlantic 1941-1943 Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941 France Invaded Spring 1940 Battle of Stalingrad 1942-1943 Battle of El Alamein Oct. 1942 Okinawa March1945 Iwo Jima Feb. 1945 Battle of Midway June 1942 Battle of Coral Sea May 1942 • What Next??? • Read pg. 448 • What is the next goal for the Allies? – Invade Italy • What is the Allies plan of attack? – Take Italian island of Sicily move to mainland • Result? – Success… Mussolini loses power Allies control Sicily