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The Digestive System I
The digestive system
• The organs of the digestive system can be
separated into 2 main groups:
1. Alimentary canal: digests food and absorbs
the digested fragments through its lining into
the blood
2. The accessary digestive organs: assist the
process of digestive breakdown in various
Organs of the Alimentary Canal
• It is also called the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
• It is a continuous, coiled, hollow, muscular tube
that pass through the ventral body cavity and is
open at both ends
• Its organs are:
- The mouth
- Pharynx
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Small intestine
- Large intestine
Organs of the Alimentary Canal
• In a cadaver, the alimentary canal is
approximately 9 meters long, but in a living
person, it is considerably shorter because of
its relatively constant muscle tone
• Food material within this tube is technically
outside the body, because it has contact only
with cells lining the tract and is open to the
external environment at both ends
• Mouth: oral cavity, a mucous membrane-lined
• Lips: Labia, protect the mouth’s anterior opening
• Cheeks: Form the mouth’s lateral wall
• Hard palate: Forms the mouth’s anterior roof
• Soft palate: Forms the mouth’s posterior roof
• Uvula: A fleshy fingerlike projection of the soft
palate, which extends downward from its
posterior edge
• Vestibule: The
space between
the lips and
cheeks externally
and the teeth and
gums internally
• The muscular tongue occupies
the floor of the mouth
• The tongue has several bony
1. 2 hyoid bones
2. The styloid process of the
• The frenulum, a fold of
mucous membrane, secures
the tongue to the floor of the
mouth and limits its posterior
• The Papillae on the tongue
containing taste buds, or taste
• From the mouth, food
passes posteriorly into the
oropharynx and
laryngopharynx: Both of
Which are common
passageways for food,
fluids and air
• Oropharynx: posterior to
the oral cavity
• Laryngopharynx:
continuous with the
esophagus below
• The walls of the pharynx contain two skeletal
muscle layers:
- The cells of the inner layer run longitudinally
- The cells of the outer layer run around the
wall in a circular fashion
- Alternating contractions of these two muscle
layers propel food through the pharynx into
the esophagus
• The esophagus, or gullet, runs
from the pharynx through the
diaphragm to the stomach
• The mechanism that esophagus
propel food down is called
Walls of the alimentary canal organs
• The walls of the esophagus to the large intestine
are made up of the same four basic tissue layers
or tunics:
1. The mucosa: The inner most layer, a moist
membrane that lines the cavity or lumen of the
Walls of the alimentary canal organs
2. The submucosa: Is found just beneath the
mucosa. It is a soft connective tissue layer
containing blood vessels, nerve endings, lymph
nodes and lymphatic vessels
Walls of the alimentary canal organs
3. The muscularis externa: A muscle layer
typically made up of an inner circular layer and
an outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle
Walls of the alimentary canal organs
4. The serosa: the outermost layer of the wall. It
consists of a single layer of flat serous fluidproducing cells, the visceral peritoneum
Nerve Plexus
• The alimentary canal wall contains 2
important nerve plexus (a branching network
of axons outside of the central nervous
system): Submucosal nerve plexus and the
mysenteric nerve plexus
• They help regulate the mobility and secretory
activity of GI tract organs
• The C shaped
stomach is on the
left side of the
abdominal cavity
• The stomach has 2
- Esophageal
- Pyloric sphincter
• The fundus is the
expanded part of the
• The body is the midportion
• The funnel shaped
pylorus is the terminal
• The stomach is approximately 25 cm long, but
its diameter depends on how much food it
- When its full, it holds about 4 liters of food
- When its empty, it collapses inward on itself
and its mucosa is thrown into large folds
called rugae (roo’ge)
• The lateral convex surface of the stomach is
called the greater curvature
• The medial surface is the lesser curvature
• The lesser omentum is a
double layer of peritoneum
extends from the liver to the
lesser curvature
• The greater omentum
drapes downward and
covers the abdominal organs
like a lacy apron
• The infection of peritoneum
is called peritonitis : the
peritoneal membranes tend
to stick together around the
infection site
• The stomach acts as a temporary “storage
tank” for food as well as a site for food
1. Physical break down:
- Besides the usual longitudinal and circular
layers, its wall contains a third obliquely
arranged layer of muscle in the muscularis
- This muscle allows the stomach to churn, mix
and physically breaking the food down
2. Chemical breakdown:
- The mucosa of the stomach is dotted with millions
of deep gastric pits, which lead into gastric glands
that secrete the solution called gastric juice
- The chief cells produce protein-digesting enzymes,
mostly pepsinogens
- The parietal cells produce corrosive hydrochloric
- The mucous neck cells produce a sticky alkaline
mucus, which clings to the stomach mucosa and
protects the stomach wall itself from being
• Most digestive activity occurs in the pyloric
region of the stomach
• After food has been processed in the stomach,
it resembles heavy cream and is called chyme
• The chyme enters the small intestine through
the pyloric sphincter
Small Intestine
• It is the body’s major
digestive organ
• It is the longest
section of the
alimentary tube (avg.
• The small intestine is
a convoluted tube
extending from the
pyloric sphincter to
the ileocecal valve
Small intestine
• The small intestine has 3 subdivisions:
- duodenum: beginning
- Jejunum: middle
- Ileum: terminal
Small intestine
• The small intestine is able to process only a
small amount of food at one time
• The pyloric sphincter controls food movement
into the small intestine from the stomach
Small intestine
• Enzymes produced by the
intestinal cells and by the
pancreas (more important)
are ducted into the
duodenum through the
pancreatic duct
• Bile (produced by the liver,
stored in the gallbladder)
also enters the duodenum
through the bile duct
• The pancreatic and bile
duct join at the duodenum,
to form the flask-like
hepatopancratic ampulla
Small intestine
• The wall of the small intestine has 3 structures
that increase the absorptive surface:
- Microvilli: tiny projections of the plasma
membrane of the mucosa cell, sometimes it is
referred to as the brush border
- Villi: fingerlike projection of the mucosa
- Circular folds: deep folds of both mucosa and
submucosa layers
Villi and microvilli
• Within each villus is a
rich capillary bed and
a modified lymphatic
capillary called a
• The digested food are
absorbed through the
mucosa cells into both
the capillary and the
Circular folds
• Unlike the rugae folds of the stomach, the
circular folds do not disappear when food fills
the small intestine
• The number of folds decrease toward the end
of the small intestine
• Payer’s patch (lymphatic tissue) increase
toward the end of the small intestine
Large Intestine
• The large intestine is
about 1.5 m long
• Its major functions
are to dry out the
indigestible food
residue by absorbing
water and eliminate
these residues from
the body as feces
Large intestine
• It frames the small intestine on three sides
and has the following subdivisions:
- Cecum
- Appendix
- Colon
- Rectum
- Anal canal
• The colon is divided into several distinct
- The ascending colon
- The transverse colon
- The descending colon
- Sigmoid colon
Anal Canal
• The anal canal has an external voluntary
sphincter formed by skeletal muscle and internal
involuntary sphincter formed by smooth muscle
Large intestine
• Because most nutrient absorption has
occurred before the large intestine, no villi are
seen in the large intestine
• There are tremendous numbers of goblet cells
in its mucosa that produce mucus
• The pocket like sacs on the large intestine are
called haustra