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The World War II Era
Worldwide Post – WWI Issues
Unsuccessfulness of Treaty of Versailles
Caused Anger and Resentment Throughout the World
Weimer Republic – Blame for the War
 Soviet Union – Carved up Russian Empire
Did Not Secure a “Just and Secure Peace”
Worldwide Depression
The Entire World Was Dealing With the Depression – Not
Just the United States
 London Conference
U.S. Leaves & Destroys Success of Conference
 “Every Country for Itself ”
The Development of
Nationalism and
Dictatorship Worldwide
Soviet Union – Joseph Stalin
Italy – Benito Mussolini
Germany – Adolf Hitler
Japan – Militarists (Hideki Tojo)
The Soviet Union
Joseph Stalin (man of steel) Took
Over After Vladimir Lenin Died
in 1924
Made ‘Ideal’ Communist State
Economic Goals:
Developed ‘Collectives’
Agricultural Growth
Industrial Growth
Government Owned Farms
Developed a Totalitarian
Government Has Complete
Control Over Citizens
Purged and Eliminated Any
Possible Threats and Opponents to
The Rise of Fascism in Italy
Italian Economic Problems
Middle and Upper Class
Demanded Leader to ‘Save’
Country From Economic Ruin and
Mussolini Created the Fascist
Party in 1921
Interests of the State Above the
Interests of the Individuals
Mussolini Given Power By Italian
King in 1922
Inflation, Unemployment, Strikes
Known as ‘Il Duce’ (the leader)
Crushed All Opponents and
Created a Totalitarian State
Hitler and Nazi Germany
Hitler Was a Struggling and Angry
WWI Veteran in Weimar Republic
Joined the National Socialist German
Workers Party (NAZI) in 1919
Eventually Named ‘Fuhrer’ of Party in
Wrote Mein Kampf While in Jail
Established Plan of Action for NAZI
Uniting of All German Speaking People
Racial ‘Purification’ in Germany
National Expansion (Lebensraum)
Depression Eventually Allowed
NAZI Party to Become Strongest in
Germany & Hitler Was Appointed
Chancellor & Dismantled Democratic
Principles of Weimar Republic
Developed the Third Reich
Japanese Militaristic
Beliefs and Movements
Reasons Japanese Militaristic Leaders
Believed Expansion Was Necessary
Western Aspirations
Security Reasons
Manifest Destiny
International Provocation
Free Asian Nations of Western
Five Power Treaty, Japanese Exclusion
Invaded and Took Control of
Manchuria in 1931
League of Nations Did Nothing
The Beginning of
Aggression Worldwide
German Aggression
Hitler Pulled Germany Out of
the League of Nations in 1933
By 1935 Hitler Began Military
Buildup – Complete Violation of
Treaty of Versailles
Sent Military Troops to the
 Demilitarized Zone
According to Treaty of
 Owned by France But
Controlled by Germany
Before WWI
Italian Aggression
Mussolini’s Goal – Build
‘His’ New Roman Empire
First Focus: Ethiopia
Invaded Ethiopia w/
Thousands of Soldiers in
1935 & Conquered by 1936
League of Nations
Economic Boycott (Slap on
the Wrist)
[To the League of Nations] “It is us today. It will be you
Ousted Ethiopian Emperor:
Haile Selassie
The Test Ground for Fascism
Spanish Civil War Began in 1936
Spanish Fascist Leader
Francisco Franco
Western Democracies Remained
Neutral But Elected Spanish
Government Received Limited
Help From Other Volunteers
Franco Received Aid From Hitler
and Mussolini
Led by Francisco Franco and Other
Spanish Army Officers
Troops, Tanks, Fighter Planes
Franco is Victorious & Another
Fascist Leader in Europe Present
Americans Clung to Isolationism Just Like in WWI
Kellogg – Briand Pact
‘Merchants of Death’ Rumors After WWI
Roosevelt Changing Foreign Policy
Beginning of Presidency:
Recognized Soviet Union
Good Neighbor Policy in Latin America
Reciprocal Trade Agreements (1934)
As Aggression Begins
Neutrality Acts
1935 --Prohibited American Citizens From Selling Arms to Belligerents in
International War
1936 – Prohibited Trade in War Materials as Well as Loans to Belligerent Countries
1937 – More Tightly Enforced Previous Acts and Included Nations in Civil War
The Beginning of Hitler’s
Nov. 1937 – Hitler Met w/ Officers & Explained That
Germany Needed Land of Neighbors to Grow and Prosper
March 1938 – German Troops March Into Austria
Germany Began to Move Troops to Take the Sudetenland
(German Speaking Province of Czech.)
Many Austrians Were German Speaking People
Anschluss (Union) With Austria Was Complete
For: 1) Living Space 2) Natural Resources
Munich Conference
Germany’s Last Territorial Advance and Claim
Beginning of Appeasement Policy
The German Offensive Begins
Hitler Lied @ Munich Conference & Had Eyes on All
of Czechoslovakia
“Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist” – Hitler (March, 1939)
Poland Was Next on Hitler’s ‘Wish List’
German Speaking People in Poland
 Were Supposedly Mistreated by the Poles
Consequences of Attack on Poland
May Bring Soviet Union Into Conflict
 Declaration of War by France and Great Britain
Hitler’s Allies and Friends
Germany and Italy
The Rome – Berlin Axis (1936)
 Pact Between Hitler and Mussolini
Germany and Soviet Union
Nazi – Soviet Pact (August, 1939)
Nonaggrression Pact – Countries Would Never Attack Eachother
 Also Secretly Agreed to Divide Up Poland Between Two
Bad News for the Rest of Europe
The Start of World War II
Germany Invaded Poland on Sep. 1, 1939
Blitzkrieg (Lightning Warfare)
Attack Using All of Germany’s Superior Military Forces
More Numerous Soldiers
Great Britain and France Declare War – Sep. 3
Too Late to Save Poland
 Poland Ceased to Exist in About Two Weeks
Soviet Union Invaded From East and Took Territory
Map Showing
German Invasion of
Poland (1939)
The Phony War and Sitzkrieg
Both Sides of the
Conflict Were at Ease
For Several Months
After the Conquering of
Maginot Line (French and
Sigfried Line (German)
Blitzkrieg Turned Into
Sitzkrieg (Sitting War)
Maginot Line
Sigfried Line
German Reactivation of the Blitz
Hitler Attacked
Denmark, Norway,
Netherlands, Belgium,
and Luxembourg by May,
German Luftwaffe Fighter Badge
Hitler’s Excuse: “To
protect [those countries]
freedom and
Hitler’s True Purpose:
Build Military Bases
Along the Coasts Be Used
to Attack Great Britain
The Fall of France
Beginning in May, 1940 – Germany
Began its Advance on the Maginot
Line and France
Eventually Nazi Forces Pushed Allied
Troops (400,000 Total) to Beaches of
The French and Allied Forces Put Up
Little Defense Against the British Blitz
Operation Dynamo (May 26 – June 3)
Duce Mussolini Entered War and
Attacked France From South At the
Same Time
France Surrendered to Nazi Troops –
June 23, 1940
Marshal Philippe Petain – French Hero – Called Back to Boost French
Morale Fighting Against Germany
Upon Surrender – Became Leader of Vichy France
Tried to Lead Collaborative Government in Southern France
Known as the ‘Traitor of France’ – Was Eventually Returned to French
and Sentenced to Death by French Government
Operation Sealion
Once Hitler Occupied France, The Only Country Remaining
in Western Europe for Him to Take Was Great Britain
The Battle Was Fought Completely in the Air
G.B. Had a Superior Navy So Hitler Believed He Needed Superiority
of the Skies (Luftwaffe)
Beginning Point for Hitler: 1) Airfields 2) Manufacturing
Began the Attack of Great Britain in July, 1940
Eventually Changed Strategy and Focused on Cities
Eventual Daily & Nightly Raids Over Great Britain
RAF Eventually Secured G.B. From German Control (Radar)
Germany Pulled Back Operation and Focused on Invasion of
America Moves Toward
The U.S. in the Midst of War
Roosevelt Desperately Tried to Remain Neutral Even
When Hitler Was Expanding in Europe
Neutrality Act of 1939
U.S. Will Sell Weapons on a “Cash and Carry” Basis to
Democratic Nations
American Response to Battle of Britain
Increase in Defense Spending  Huge Air Force & Two
Ocean Navy
 Selective Service Training Act  First Peacetime Draft in
American History
Presidential Election of 1940
Franklin Roosevelt:
449 Electoral Votes
54.7% Popular Vote
Wendell Wilkie
82 Electoral Votes
44.8% Popular Vote
•Roosevelt Broke Tradition
and Ran for 3rd Term as Pres.
•Candidates Were Very Similar
So Many Americans Voted for
Candidate They Knew Best
“The Great Arsenal of Democracy”
After the Election Roosevelt Didn’t Have to Worry About His
Critics as Much – America Would Be the ‘Arsenal of
The Lend – Lease Plan
The U.S. Cannot Remain Neutral When the NAZI Goal is World
Domination  The U.S. IS THREATENED
The U.S. Would Lend or lease Arms and Other Supplies to “Any
Country Whose Defense Was Vital to the United States”
Is Basically U.S. Economic Entrance into WWII
Roosevelt Also Laid Out ‘Four Freedoms’
Speech and Expression
Freedom From Want
Freedom From Fear
The War Overseas
Keeping America Out of the War
Tripartite Pact (Axis) Signed
on Sep. 27, 1940
Germany, Italy, Japan
Pact For Mutual Defense and
Military Support
Aimed to Keep the U.S. Out
of the War
Was the Reason for the
Development of U.S. 2 –
Ocean Navy
The Axis Powers Continue to
Germany Invades Northern Africa in
Feb. 1941
General Erwin Rommel & ‘Afrika Korps’
Arrive w/ Tank Squadrons & Attack Greece
and Northern Africa w/ Help of Italian
Hitler Lied Again – Nazi / Soviet Pact
Invaded the Soviet Union in July 1941
Operation Barbarossa
Laid Siege to Major Soviet Cities
“If Hitler Invaded Hell, the
British Would Be Prepared to
Work With the Devil Himself ”
Winston Churchill on the German
Invasion of the Soviet Union
Leningrad – 900 Days
Germany Was Looking for Lebensraum
Took Soviets by Surprise
The Americans Actually Helped to Soviets
thru Lend – Lease Policy
Began American Warfare Against U –
Boats in Atlantic
The Atlantic Charter
Roosevelt Was Basically Planning for War in the U.S.,
Presuming the U.S Would Be Forced to Enter
Roosevelt and Churchill Met on USS Augusta &
Created the Atlantic Charter  A Basic Declaration
of War Aims:
Collective Security, Disarmament, Self – Determination,
Economic Cooperation, Freedom of the Seas
 Declaration Signed by 4/5 of the Human Race
The U.S. / German Naval Warfare Continued in the
Atlantic & the U.S. Government Allowed Merchant
Ships to be Armed
Japanese Imperialistic Aims
As European Countries Were
Tied Up w/ Hitler in Europe –
Japan Saw Chance to Expand
U.S. Response:
Japanese Emperor Hirohito
Invaded China & Other French
Military Bases in the Pacific
Embargo (Especially Oil)
Japan Saw As Partial War
Declaration and Prepared for
Attack on the U.S.
Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7, 1941
Japanese Planned Surprise
Attack and Did Not Wait For
American Military Forces to
Build Up and Attack Japan
Two Waves of Attacks
Total Losses:
7:55 a.m.
8:50 a.m.
2403 Killed
1100 Wounded
18 Ships Sunk or Destroyed
188 Planes Destroyed
Japanese Lose 29 Planes and
64 Men
The United States in World War II
The American War Machine
Starts Again
Japan Believed America Would Shudder and Back
Down From a Superior Japanese Force
America Did Exactly the Opposite and Nationalism Soared
Military Mobilization
The Selective Service Act Increased & Eventually 16
Million Men & Women Served in WWII
 Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC)
Worked in Every Part of Military Service Except Combat
Minorities Also Served in Segregated Units and Saw
Some Wartime Combat
The Government Takes
Control of the Economy
Wartime Production Increased in Factories and Fewer
Consumer Products Were Available
Prices Looked as they Would Climb Outrageously
Office of Price Administration (OPA)
Goal: To Fight Inflation
How: 1)Freeze Prices on Most Consumer Goods
2) Raised and Extended Income Taxes
Encouraged People to Purchase War Bonds
Encouraged Rationing (Meat, Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Gasoline)
War Production Board
Goal: To Ensure that the Armed Forces and War Industries Had the
Resources Needed to Win the War
Converted Certain Industries to Wartime Production
Propaganda Campaign
of ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Got
Women into the
War Labor Board:
Worked to Maintain
Standard of Living for
Working Americans
The Early War for the Americans
The Allies Struggled Early in the War
Hitler’s ‘Wolf Packs’ Dominated Seas
Sunk Millions of Tons of Supplies Headed to Europe
Germany Laid Siege to Soviet Union
Were Stopped From Taking Moscow and Leningrad by
Cold in 1941
 Attacked Southern Soviet Union in 1942 – Oil Fields
 Battle of Stalingrad (1942 – 1943)
Soviet Union Furious at Allies – Didn’t Open a
Second Front to Help Soviets
Stalingrad -- 1942
Movement of Fronts in Europe
Roosevelt & Churchill’s First Plan:
Operation Torch – November 1942
The “Desert Fox”
Invaded North Africa @ Casablanca
Among Other Places
Didn’t Believe Allies Had Enough Power
to Land in Europe
British and American Forces Squeeze
German Troops in Northern Africa
Erwin Rommel
Deal With Hitler First, Then Worry
About Japan
Battle of El Alamein – Nov. 1942
(Turning Point of Campaign)
Germans Surrender in North Africa –
May 13, 1943
Commander of Operation Torch:
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Defeating Italy
Casablanca Conference – January
Roosevelt and Churchill Decide:
Allied Troops Very Successful &
Make Way Up ‘Boot of Italy’
The End of Mussolini:
Roosevelt and Churchill @
Will Only Take Unconditional
Invasion of Italy to Get to
Mussolini Was Stripped of Power –
July 25, 1943
“At this moment, you are the most
hated man in Italy”
Germany Refused to Let Allies
Out of Italy
Did Not Want Fighting to Get to
Battle of Anzio – Early 1944
Purpose of Italian
•Open Mediterranean For
Troops and Supplies
•Diverted German
Divisions From Soviet and
French Fronts
The Allies Try and Save Europe
Operation Overlord – June 6, 1944
Combined Allied Offensive to land on Normandy
Coast of France and Initiate 2 – Front Battle Against
Germans and Liberate Europe
Hitler Began Constructing the ‘Atlantic Wall’ in 1943
Largest Air / Sea Invasion in History on 5 Beaches
Normandy Coast Was Less Fortified
Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword
Consisted of 5,000 Ships and 150,000 Men
Operation Fortitude – The Ultimate Deception
The Beginning of the End For Hitler
Successful D-Day Landing Allowed Allied Troops to Enter
Europe (Despite Huge Casualties)
Germans: 30,000 Dead & 80,000 Wounded
Americans: 29,000 Dead & 106,000 Wounded
Liberated Paris in August, 1945 and Continued to Liberate
Countries in Western Europe
Allied and Soviet Forces Pushing Germany Back Within
Operation Bagration – Soviet Attack From East
Battle of Kursk – Largest Tank Battle in History (Soviet Victory)
By March, 1944 – Soviets Enter Poland and Don’t Allow Germans to
Move Troops to Western Front
The Battle of the Bulge
October, 1944
Hitler Realized What Was Going On and Stockpiled
Weapons For One Last Attack to Defend German
Attacked and Split U.S. and British Lines w/ Tanks
and Forced Line to ‘Bulge’
Goal: To Capture Port of Antwerp to Destroy Supply Line
Hitler Believed Lines Would Break and Split, but
Eventually Troops Secured Lines and Nothing Changed in
Lines of Europe
Was Basically the End for Germany
Lost Most of Supplies: Men, Tanks, Airplanes & Morale
The Surrender of Germany
The Germany Military Was in Shambles w/ No Supplies and
the Economy Was Destroyed
Added: Enemies Closing in and Bombing Homeland Germany
Soviet and Allied Troops Began to Liberate Concentration
Camps and See What Hitler Had Done
Made Final Decree to German People:
Blamed Jews for Starting War
Blamed Generals for Losing War
Shot Himself and Wife (Eva Braun) Took Poison – Bodies Burned
Dwight Eisenhower Accepted Unconditional Surrender of
Germany on May 8, 1945
V – E Day
•Unfortunately for
Franklin Roosevelt, He
Never Got to See V-E
•He Died of a Stroke in
Warm, Springs Georgia
on April 12, 1945
•Harry S. Truman Was
Sworn in the Next Day as
the 33rd President of the
United States
The Battle in the Pacific
Losses While Dealing With Hitler
The Allies Suffered Many
Losses While Dealing With
Hitler in Europe
Photo of the Bataan Death March
Doolittle Raids – Some
Recourse from Pearl Harbor
Americans Withdraw From
Many Pacific Islands Under
Leadership of Douglas
Some Forces Withdrew and
Were Captured Near Bataan
‘Bataan Death March’
Japanese Expansion to May, 1942
The Battle of the Coral Sea
May, 1942
The Japanese Had Control of Almost the Entire South Pacific
and Were Now Moving South Toward Australia and New
Zealand – Especially Now the Solomon Islands in the Coral
U.S. Intelligence Reports Japanese Carriers Moving to Coral
Sea and Sends USS Yorktown and USS Lexington
Five Day Battle Fought Entirely With Airplanes From Carriers
Japanese Suffered Defeat For First Time in War
Japanese Invasion / Conquest of Australia Stopped
The Battle of Midway
June 4 – 5, 1942
The Japanese Next Focus Was on
Midway Island
Admiral Chester Nimitz
Commander of Naval Forces in
the Pacific
Just Northwest of Hawaii
Goal: To Eliminate American Fleet in the
U.S. Planes Spot Japanese Carriers on
Way to Island and Bomb Before
Planes Can Get Off Deck
Is Great Victory for American
Some Said it Avenged Pearl Harbor
Protected West Coast From Attack
The March to Japan Begins
After Hitler Was Stopped, Allied Forces Could Focus
on Japan
Started the ‘Island Hopping Campaign’
 Allied Forces Had to Dislodge Japanese Control From
Every Controlled Island in the Pacific
Began @ Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands
Focus on Henderson Field (Muddy Airstrip)
 Japanese Couldn’t Re-Supply Troops
American Submarines Did Not Allow Japanese
Military to Move Troops Where Needed to Attacked
Nimitz and MacArthur
Planning for the Island
Hopping Campaign
•MacArthur in Charge
of Ground Attacks
•Nimitz in Charge of
Naval Attacks
The Victories @
Midway and Coral Seal
Allowed For Campaign
to Begin, Pushing
Japan Back to
Confines of Formed
Moving Through The Islands
American Troops Invaded and Retook the Philippines and
Liberated Prisoners of War
Next Step: Iwo Jima
Island Close Enough to Use as Base For Heavy Bombers to Attack
Mainland Japan
One of Most Heavily Fortified Islands w/ About 20,000 Troops in
Tunnels and Underground Fortifications
Focal Point of Battle on Island is Mt. Sirabachi
Results: Americans Take Island w/ Huge Casualties
Over 6,000 American Deaths
¼ of All Medals of Honor of WWII Are Given @ Iwo Jima
Mt. Sirabachi
•American Troops @ Mt.
•Photo Taken by Joe Rosenthal
The Battle of Okinawa
June, 1945
The Island of Okinawa Was the Final Major Island
Allied Forces Had to Take Before Mainland Japan
Island Had 4 Major Airstrips for Operation Downfall
Was the Largest Land – Air – Sea Battle in History
Americans Successfully Take Island w/ Many Casualties
 Japanese Lose Over 100,000 Troops Many of Who
Commit Seppuku
Told Story for Future Possible Invasion of Japanese
Japanese Protection of
 Throughout the Island
Hopping Campaign, The
Japanese Became More
and More Desperate
4/22/1943 – Japan
Announced Captured
American Pilots Will Be
Given “One Way Tickets
to Hell”
10/25/1944 Begin to Use
Kamikaze Attacks
Eventually Use 2,257
Kamikaze Attacks
Throughout the War
Finding a Way to End the War
The Potsdam Conference – July, August, 1945
Allied Meet and Warn Japan That They, “Must surrender or
suffer complete and utter destruction”
 Surrender Must Come w/ Emperor Stepping Down
Planned Invasion of Japan
The Allies Saw How the Japanese Were Willing to Protect
Islands Around Japan – Didn’t Know What They Would
Do @ Homeland
 Churchill Predicted Invasion of Japan Would Cost 1
Million American and ½ Million British Lives
Allies Looked for Another Way to End War
The Development of the Atomic
Roosevelt Created the Office of
Scientific Research and
Development (OSRD) in 1941
Developed New Technologies –
Radar, Sonar, Etc.
German Scientists Now in U.S.
Warned About German Capacity to
Create New Weapon of Mass
The Manhattan Project
Top Secret American Project to
Develop an Atomic Bomb
Director of Research for the
Manhattan Project:
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Over 600,000 People Worked on
Development of Bomb, Yet No
One Knew What They Were Doing
Total Cost: $1.8 Billion
Results of the Manhattan Project
Produced Three Atomic Bombs
1) Gadget
3) Fat Man
Test to See if Bombs Worked
Where: Alamogordo, New Mexico – AKA Trinity Test Site
Result: Bomb Worked
2) Little Boy
Blast Equal To 20,000 Tons of TNT & Flash of Explosion Seen 180 Miles
Areas of Destructiveness:
½ Mile: Everything Vaporized (3000-4000 Degrees C)
1 Mile: 90% Casualties – All Buildings Destroyed
1.75 Miles: 65% Fatalities – Rivers Flow Counter Current
2.5 Miles: 50% Fatalities – Burn Damage -- Suffocation
Trinity Explosion .16 Seconds After Detonation
Little Boy
Fat Man
The Question of Nuclear Warfare
A Huge Debate Developed Now About the Use of
Nuclear Warfare That Hitler Was Defeated
Arguments For Use:
Fear of U.S.S.R.
 Destruction of Japan
 Save American Lives
Arguments Against Use
Ethical / Humanity Reasons
 Einstein Was One of the Biggest Opponents of Using
The Bombs at Work
Truman Ultimately Decided to Use the Bombs
Against Japan as They Refused to Surrender
Aug. 6, 1945 – B-29 Bomber Flown by Paul Tibbets
Dropped ‘Little Boy’ Over Hiroshima
66,000 Killed Instantly & 200,000 Later
Aug. 9, 1945 – B – 29 Bomber Named “Bock’s Car”
Dropped “Fat Man” Over Nagasaki
 More Powerful Bomb But Fewer Casualties
39,000 Killed Instantly & 100,000 Later
Cloud From
Bomb @
Nagasaki After the Bomb
Hiroshima After the Bomb
Photo of Injuries Sustained
Due to the Atomic Bomb
The Surrender of Japan
Emperor Hirohito
Said He Couldn’t Bear
to See His People
Suffer Any More &
Ordered Surrender
Papers to Be Drawn
Japan Surrendered –
August 14, 1945 on
USS Missouri in
Tokyo Bay
V-J Day
WWII in Review
46 – 55 Million Dead
35 Million Wounded
3 Million Missing
30 Million Soldiers Dead
300,000 American
 23 Million Soviet
6 Million Jews Killed as Part of “Final Solution”
6 Million Others Physically Handicapped
The Rebuilding Process After War
The Yalta Conference
Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill Met @ Yalta b/f Germany Surrendered
(but Surrender Was on the Way) to Discuss Fate of Postwar World
Views @ Conference:
Stalin: Punish Germany Harshly
Churchill: Complete Opposite
Roosevelt: Mediator
Break Germany into 4 Military Controlled Sections and Eventually Make Back
into Free and Combined Germany
Roosevelt Wanted Stalin as Friend
To Join in War Against Japan
Participate in International Meeting in San Francisco
United Nations
The Nuremberg War Trials
A Series of War Trials Were Developed After the War
to Punish NAZI Officials for Crimes Against
Result of Evidence Found in Concentration Camps
12 Initial Officials Sentenced to Death and Many
Others Sentenced to Jail Terms
Principle Established:
It is Not an Excuse to “Follow Orders” to Kill Another
Human Being
The Holocaust
Murder of 11
Million People
Across Europe –
More Than Half
Were Jews
The Elimination of Jews in Germany
The Targeting of Jews
Nuremberg Laws (1935)
Hitler Specifically Targeted Jews
for Economic Problems and
Defeat in WWI
Stripped Jews of Personal
Property, Jobs, and Citizenship
Forced Jewish People to Wear
Star of David
Kristallnacht – Nov. 9 – 10,
NAZI Destruction of Jewish
Businesses and Synagogues
Hitler’s “Final Solution”
Hitler’s “Final Solution” Was the Deliberate and Systematic
Killing of the Entire Jewish Population (Genocide)
Those Who Hitler Condemned:
Why: Aryans Were a Superior People and the Purity of the Master
Race Must Be Preserved
Gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Homosexuals, Mentally
Ill, Physically Disabled
Forced Relocation:
Hitler’s ‘Security Squadron’ or SS Rounded Up Jews and Moved them
to Ghetto’s or Segregated Jewish Areas in Poland and then in Other
The Final Stage
The NAZI’s Developed Concentration Camps, First
in Poland, and then Throughout Europe for Holding
and Eliminating the Jew’s of Europe
Types of Camps:
Labor Camps
 Death Camps
Originally Developed for Political Enemies in
Germany – Plan Just Shifted to Jews
Camps Also Used for Medical Experiments /
NAZI Concentration and
Death Camps