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General U.S. Grant
Union General
1864- Lincoln appoints as Commander of all
United States Forces
1865- Robert E Lee surrenders to General
Grant to end Civil War.
Elected President in 1868.
General William T.
Union General
He commanded the Union army that
captured Atlanta and began the “ march to
the sea”.
Captured and burned Columbia, SC in
February 1865.
Most hated man in the South.
He believed in waging hard war.
Thomas J. “Stonewall”
Confederate General
Accidentally killed in 1863 by his own men.
His loss was difficult for the South to replace.
General Nathan
Bedford Forrest
Confederate General
Forrest Gump was named for General
He began the KKK after the Civil War
General Robert E. Lee
Confederate General
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia
Twice led his army into the North, once in
Maryland and the other time to Gettysburg
Pennsylvania. Both times suffering defeat at
the hand of the Union Army
He surrendered to General Grant in 1865 to
end war.
After war became President of a college.
Died in 1870
President Lincoln
Great wartime leader
Refused to allow South to leave the Union
Issued Emancipation Proclamation in 1863,
which changed the character of the war.
Gave the Gettysburg Address in November
1863 to help dedicate Soldier’s Cemetery at
Gettysburg Pa.
Assassinated in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth.
President Jefferson
First and only Confederate President
From Mississippi
Not a good wartime leader.
Tried to flee after the war but was captured.