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How Do Animals Regulate the Composition of Their Bodies?
What Nutrients Do Animals Need?
A. The Primary Sources of Energy Are _________ and ___________________
(Table 21-1)
B. Lipids Include ________, __________________, and ________________
1. Fats store ____________ in concentrated form (Figure 21-1)
C. Carbohydrates Are a Source of ______________ Energy
D. ____________ Provide Amino Acids for Building New Proteins (Figure 21-2)
E. _____________ Are Elements Required by the Body (Table 21-2)
F. Vitamins Play Many Roles in _________________ (Table 21-3)
1. __________-soluble vitamins (Figure 21-3)
2. _________-soluble vitamins (Figure 21-4)
G. The Human Body Is About _____-_________ Water
H. ________________ _______________ Help People Obtain a Balanced Diet
(Table 21-4)
I. Are You Too Heavy?
What Are the Major Processes of Digestion?
What Types of Digestive Systems Are Found in Non-Human Animals?
A. In Sponges, ______________ Occurs within _________________ ________
(Figure 21-6)
B. Jellyfish and Their Relatives Have Digestive Systems Consisting of a _______
with a _____________ Opening (Figure 21-7)
C. Most Animals Have Digestive Systems Consisting of a _________ with
______________ Specialized ___________________(Figure 21-8)
How Do Humans Digest Food? (Figure 21-9)
A. Breakdown of Food Begins in the ___________ (Figure 21-10)
B. The _______________ Connects the ____________ to the Rest of the
_______________ System (Figure 21-11)
C. The __________________ Conducts Food to the Stomach
D. The Stomach ___________ and _____________ ___________ Food
E. Most Digestion Occurs in the ______________ ________________
1. The ________ and __________________ provide bile
2. The pancreas secretes _________________ substances
3. The _________________ ___________ completes the digestive process
F. Most ___________________ Occurs in the Small Intestine (Figure 21-12)
G. The ____________ ______________ Absorbs Water, Minerals, and Vitamins
and Forms ___________
H. Digestion Is Controlled by the ______________ System and
1. ____________signals initiate digestion
2. Hormones help _______________ digestive activity
What Are the Functions of Urinary Systems?
What Types of Urinary Systems Are Found in Non-Human Animals?
A. ___________ Cells Filter Fluids in Flatworms (Figure 21-13)
B. ______________ Filter Fluids in Earthworms (Figure 21-14)
How Does the Human Urinary System Work?
A. The Human Urinary System ___________, _____________, and Excretes
B. The Urinary System Is Crucial for __________________ (Figure 21-15)
C. The Urinary System Consists of the ___________, _____________,
___________ __________, and ____________ (Figure 21-16)
D. Urine Is Formed in the ____________ of the _____________ (Figure 21-17)
1. Blood is filtered by the _______________ (Figure 21-19)
2. The filtrate is converted to urine in the ____________ of the ____________
3. Urine becomes concentrated in the __________________ ___________
E. _________________ ______________ Regulates the Water Content of the
Blood (Figure 21-20)