Download Quiz #2 - Anatomy of the Digestive System

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Quiz #2 - Digestive System Anatomy
Name: ____________________________
Definitions: specialized structures
A. Produces sticky alkaline mucus that protects stomach lining from being digested by neutralizes
stomach acid
B. Produced in stomach mucosa and is required for the absorption of vitamin B12
C. Produce insulin
D. Produce glucagon
E. large, longitudinal folds in stomach that help mix food
F. Erosion in lining of digestive system lining
G. emulsify fats
H. creamy semi-fluid mass of enzymatic juices and partially digested food
I. controls rate of stomach emptying into small intestine
J. Collections of lymphatic tissue in small intestine that prevent bacteria from being absorbed into
K. Cause of peptic ulcers
L. 2 structures that increase surface area in the small intestine
M. 1 structure in small intestine that causes food to spiral to increase absorption
heliobacter pylori
intrinsic factor
mucus neck cells
pancreatic islets – alpha
pancreatic islets – beta
peptic ulcer
peyer’s patches
plicae circulars
pyloric sphincter
Main Organs and their functions
A. store and concentrates bile
B. storage tank for food and important site for mechanical and chemical breakdown of proteins.
C. produces enzymatic fluid, insulin and glucagon
D. produces bile for export to duodenum
E. produce secretions containing amylase and mucin to begin starch digestion
F. passageway for food, fluids, and air
G. passageway for food and fluids only
H. digestion completed and absorption of all nutrients takes place
I. absorption of water and elimination of indigestible wastes
gall bladder
large intestine
salivary glands
small intestine
Write answers on the back if you need to.
1. When peritonitis occurs, what do the peritoneal membranes do and why is this helpful to you?
2. Discuss all the facts about pernicious anemia.
3. Differentiate between hepatitis and cirrhosis.
4. Discuss all the facts about peptic ulcers.
5. Be able to label the liver and stomach diagrams.