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Anatomy Summary
35–1 Human Body System
Cells of multicellular organisms are specialized for certain functions. The levels
of organization in a multicellular organism include cells, tissues, organs, and
organ systems.
• A cell is the basic unit of structure and function in living things.
Specialized cells are suited to perform a particular function.
• Groups of similar cells work together to form tissues.
• Groups of tissues that work together to perform complex
functions are called organs.
• Organs form organ systems. The human body has 11 organ systems, each
that does a specific job, to keep the individual alive.
●The Respiratory System is the system of the body that deals with breathing.
The main role of the respiratory system is to provide gas exchange between the
blood and the environment. Primarily, oxygen is absorbed from the
atmosphere into the body and carbon dioxide is expelled from the body.
Oxygen is inhaled, travels down from the head, through a long tube called the
trachea, which leads to the lungs. Oxygen is diffused into the blood while
carbon dioxide leaves the blood and is exhaled out.
●The Circulatory System is the system by which oxygen and nutrients reach
the body's cells, and waste materials are carried away. Blood serves as the
system of transport. The heart, a muscular organ, positioned behind the ribcage
and between the lungs, is the pump that keeps this transport system moving.
The blood vessels are the tubes the blood travels through to reach all the areas
of the body
●The nervous system of the human being is responsible for sending, receiving,
and processing signals throughout the body. All the organs and muscles inside
your body rely upon these nerve impulses to function. It could be considered as
the master control unit inside your body. Sense organs provide the nervous
system with information about the environment. These signals are sent to the
brain by nerve cells, also called neurons. The brain analyzes the signals and
responds by sending new messages down the nerves to muscles, glands and
the other organs of the body. For survival, this process must happen as quickly
as possible For example, if we touch something, impulses travel through the
nerve network to the brain at a rate of 350 feet per second.
● The main role of the excretory system is to filter out cellular wastes, toxins
and excess water or nutrients from the circulatory system. The primary organs
of excretory system are the lungs and kidneys. Waste gases (carbon dioxide)
are carried by blood traveling through the veins to the lungs where respiration
takes place. Liquid waste is removed from the body through the kidneys.
During circulation, blood passes through the kidneys in order to deposit used
and unwanted water, minerals, and a nitrogen-rich molecule called urea. The
kidneys filter the wastes from the blood, forming a liquid called urine. Each day,
the kidneys produce about 1.5 liters of urine. All of it needs to be removed from
your system. This occurs through urination.
●The endocrine system is responsible for creating and sending chemical
messengers, such as hormones, through the body. These messengers travel
through the bloodstream to affect specific target cells. The endocrine glands
include the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands, which are both found in the
brain. Hormones secreted by these glands control other glands, including the
thyroid and parathyroid glands, which affect metabolism. Hormones regulate or
control our body activities, for example growth, sleep, sudden actions, feelings
and blood sugar for energy.
●The main role of the digestive system is to breakdown and absorb nutrients
that are necessary for growth and maintenance. Enzymes produced by
pancreas and liver help to break nutrients down. Acid made in the stomach,
help the digestion process. The small intestine absorbs nutrients so they can
enter the bloodstream. The unused materials leave the body by the large
intestine and anus.
●Organ systems work together to keep conditions in the body stable. This
process is called homeostasis. Homeostasis is the process by which organisms
keep internal conditions relatively constant, despite changes in external
environments. Homeostasis may involve feedback inhibition, or negative
feedback. Negative feedback causes a change that is opposite to the signal
that is received. For example ,the nervous system senses when the body is
getting too cold and signals the muscle cells to give off more heat.
What are the levels of organization found in multicellular organisms?
What is a cell?
What is a tissue?
What are the four types of tissues?
What does each type of tissue do?
What is an organ?
What is the main purpose of the Respiratory system?
In which system does oxygen and nutrients travel to the body cells?
What is the purpose of the nervous system.
What is another name for a nerve cell?
What is the main role of the excretory system?
How much urine does a person produce each day?
What is the role of the endocrine system?
What system breaks down foods into nutrients?
What happens in the small intestine?
What do hormones do?
What is homeostasis?
What is negative feedback?
Fill in the table below
control of body activities and the reaction to stimuli
break down of food and absorption for use as energy
production of hormones and helps to regulate body activities
blood, blood vessels, heart,
Name two body systems that must work together to do the following job:
a. Have oxygen enter the body to be delivered to the cells?
Have waste products removed form the body?
Have nutrients absorbed by the villi get delivered to the cells?
Remove carbon dioxide from the blood to be exhaled?
The brain controls the levels of hormones released by glands?
In the boxes below, draw a diagram that shows what the system does.
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Nervous System