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The Respiratory System
Intro Movie: 23min
The Respiratory System
• Brings oxygen into the body
• Removes carbon dioxide and water.
• We breathe about 6L of air every minute.
– Air contains oxygen which is required for
respiration to take place in our cells.
• Carbon dioxide and water are the waste products of
Oxygen + Nutrients = Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
The Respiratory System
(Voice Box)
Nose and Mouth
o Two locations through which air enters the
respiratory system.
– Which of these two locations is the BEST for you
to breathe through?
The Nose
– Air is warmed by blood flowing through capillaries
in the inner lining of the nose.
– Air is moistened by the mucus lining which
prevents tissues from drying out.
– Air is cleaned by tiny hairs that trap dust particles
and microscopic organisms.
The Pharynx
o Air moves into the pharynx, located at the
back of the throat.
Location where the digestive and respiratory
systems cross.
 Food and air both travel through the pharynx.
o As air passes by the epiglottis and is directed
down the trachea toward the lungs.
Food would be directed into the esophagus
when the epiglottis closes off the airway during
The Larynx
• After the pharynx is the
larynx, voice box.
o Vocal cords vibrate as air
passes through them to create
Men’s vocal cords are longer
thus deeper voices.
Women’s vocal cords are
shorter thus higher pitched
Stephen Tyler – 10:49 min
The Trachea
• The Trachea – (Windpipe)
o passes by the epiglottis and is directed down the
trachea toward the lungs.
o Alternating bands of cartilage and smooth
muscle make up the trachea.
o Tiny hairs line the trachea and trap particles that
made it past the nose.
The Trachea
Cartilage Rings
The Bronchi
• The lower end of the trachea splits into two
tubes – Bronchi.
– One directs air to the left lung and one to the
right lung.
The Lungs
• Lungs are made up of smaller and smaller
tubes that eventually end in small grape-like
clusters called alveoli.
– Make up most of the tissue of the lungs.
– Make the lungs soft and spongy.
– Surrounded by capillaries and oxygen and carbon
dioxide are exchanged here by diffusion.
The Alveoli
Lung Comparison
Lung Comparison
Mechanics of Breathing
• Breathing in: (Inspiration/Inhaling)
– Muscles attached to the ribs contract and pulls up
and out.
– The diaphragm, at the bottom of your chest,
contracts and pulls down.
– Both actions allow the chest to expand making
more room for the entering air.
• Air pressure is now lower in your lungs compared to
the air pressure outside your body, forcing the air to
rush into the lungs.
Mechanics of Breathing
• Breathing out: (Expiration/Exhaling)
– Muscles in your chest relax, moving down and in.
– The diaphragm relaxes, moving up.
– Both actions reduce the amount of space available
in your chest cavity, forcing air out.
• Air pressure is now greater inside your lungs compared
to the air pressure outside your body, forcing the air to
rush out of the lungs.
Breathing Animation
• Mechanics of Breathing – 1:14min
• Process of Respiration