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Topic: The Growth of Islam: Muhammad changes the world
 Arabian Peninsula – Southwest Asia, AKA
–Serves as a bridge between ______________, ____________, and
_____________, allowing goods and ideas to be shared..
•This land is __________________, so the people living there were
–“______________________” were organized into _______________
– tribes and groups that provided security and support in the harsh
•By the early _______s CE, many Arabs settled in an oasis or market town,
creating permanent trade routes between the ________________ and
_______________ Empires, and along the _________________
–Traded – spices, incense, silk, ideas and other products, and used
_____________ to transport across land.
•Mecca was along the trade routes, and traders would stop at the
_______________, adding idols to be worshipped along with many gods
and spirits.
•_________________________ also existed in the area – Arabic
Christians and Jews worshiped one God.
–God = _____________ (Arabic) = __________________ (Hebrew) =
__________ (Aramaic)
•Born in Mecca around ________AD; little is known of his early life
–He had no formal education- he was an illiterate
____________________ and ____________________
–Worked as a trader for a wealthy widow caravan owner,
_____________________, and at age 25, they married
•Muhammad became distressed with the _____________________ of
Arabs, so he began to __________ and _______________ about the
fate of his people.
•At about 40, Muhammad heard the voice of the Angel
_________________ telling him that there was only one Lord, Allah.
•Muhammad believed he was the last and the greatest in a series of
prophets of Allah, starting first with ______________ and including
Moses. (Muhammad=“____________________”)
•Muhammad is a descendant of _________________, and his beliefs
are based on _______________’s prophecy.
•Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all ____________________ faiths,
and the “God” is the same
In ______________________ – oldest standing Islamic monument
Spot where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac to God, and
Muhammad ascended to heaven to learn Allah’s will
•Muhammad began to preach Islam in ________ CE, but was met with
•_________________ is the language of the Qu’ran, and only
hostility and rejection in Mecca, because many thought it would hurt Mecca
as a ________________ and ________________ center.
–Muhammad left Mecca in 622 CE and began the _______________, or
“flight” to Yathrib, which was renamed __________________. This is
year 1 in Muslim calendar.
–There, he joined Arabs, Muslims and Jews together into one community, or
“____________” and served them as a political, religious and military
–In 630, Muhammad led 10,000 followers to _____________
–Many Meccans converted to Islam and join the ______________.
•Muhammad dies 2 years later in 632 at age _____.
–After his death, Muhammad’s revelations were written in Arabic and
collected the ______________, the holy book of the Muslims, seen as a
sequel to the Torah and Gospels
________________ is the true word of Allah, used to unite and control
later conquered peoples.
•May not drink ______________ or eat _____________
•No ________________ or central religious authority – worship Allah
–_______________ – scholar class of religious teachers who apply M’s
teachings to everyday life.
•Must follow the Five Pillars:
•The __________ must select a new leader, since
__________________ had no son for an heir.
•One group felt that _____, Muhamad’s son-in-law/cousin &
closest male__________ should become Islam’s leader (follows
Bedouin tradition).
•Another group wanted more _____________ & supported
_________, Muhammad’s friend, father-in-law & a military leader.
 ________________ is chosen as the First ________ (“deputy” of the
Prophet), & this causes a split.
Those who supported Abu-Baker later became
known as the _________________ sect of
Those who wanted Ali (& later his son Husain)
later become the _________ sect of Islam
(now known as Shite).
 Abu-Bakr fought against ____________ tribes who wanted to break
away from the umma & maintained unity through
___________________ __________________.
Islamic calendar
Gregorian calendar
Major developments
Fought Bedouin tribes
that tried to break away
& maintained unity
through military conflict.
Fought outsiders &
explained Islam to Egypt
Syria & Iraq.
Spreads Islam
throughout Egypt & into
No. Africa.
Conflict arises between
Ali & Umayyad, leading
to two sects/branches of
 Abu-Bakr invoked jihad, or “_______________” to encourage the
expansion of Islam.
 The Bedouins had superior ________________ skills & created a
strong _________.
 The ________________ & ________________ Empires were weak
 Non-Christians (Byzantine) & non-Zorastrians (Persian) were persecuted
in their empires and welcomed __________________
 Islam’s message of ________________ had wide appeal among the
people it spread to.
 ______________________ peoples could maintain their religion, but
had to pay a poll tax to avoid military duties – creating a strong
_________________ base.
 Those who converted to Islam avoided the ___________ _________.
 When Islam expanded the old _______________
________________ of the Classical Period were revived between
Africa & Eurasia.
 Centers of ________________ flourished in Cairo, Baghdad &
Cordoba in Spain.
 Arabic becomes the shared language of ___________________.
 _____________________ becomes the “international” city where
Muslims from across Eurasian & Africa come together & exchange
__________________ & __________________
__________________. “