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THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM - 0700 900 2671
Molestation of women
Tony Blair, Iain Duncan-Smith, the BBC and various top church leaders have all told us in recent weeks that Islam is a ‘peaceful’
religion - just Christianity with a towel on its head. Well, they’re all LYING! To find out what Islam really stands for, all you have
to do is to look at a copy of the Koran, and see for yourself that the shocking quotes from this supposedly ‘Holy’ Book, which are
reproduced word-for-word in this leaflet, are all 100% accurate.
We’re not making anything up. All the proof you need is in the Koran; Islam really does stand for Intolerance, Slaughter,
Looting, Arson and Molestation of Women. This isn’t the verdict of white ‘racists’, the acronym is widely used in India, where the
genuinely peaceful Hindu community have been the victims of brutal Islamic rule and murderous ethnic cleansing attacks for
centuries. That’s why, in Britain today, many Hindus and Sikhs (ordinary people, not their ‘community leaders’ who know they
have to keep their mouths shut to get Lottery grants and knighthoods) are among those warning about the fundamentally
aggressive nature of Islam.
Among the native British majority, no one dares to tell the truth about Islam and the way it threatens our democracy, traditional
freedoms and identity - except for the British National Party. So angry are the old parties about our willingness to stand up and
tell the truth that they are about to rush new repressive ‘laws’ through Parliament to make exposing the evils of Islam an
imprisonable offence. The facts you are reading in this leaflet will soon be ‘illegal’ - so read on while you can.
“Muslim extremists plan to turn Britain
into an Islamic Republic by 2025, using a combination of immigration, high
birthrates and conversion. They must
be stopped!”
Conclusion of a leaflet circulated by Hindu and Sikh activists in Southall,
West London, warning of the threat posed to other communities by Islam
“Islam is a peaceful
religion. The Koran says
‘Whoever kills a soul is like
one who has killed the whole
of Mankind.’ Islam means
‘Peace’ and the Koran
condemns murder.” That’s
what Tony Blair, Iain
Duncan-Smith and dozens of
media commentators keep
telling us, isn’t it? Well, are
you surprised to learn that
they’re all lying?
‘Islam’ doesn’t mean
‘Peace’, it means
‘Submission’ - submission
both of Muslims to the Will
of Allah, and of
‘Unbelievers’ to Islamic rule
throughout the world.
Blair’s favourite ‘quote’
from the Koran is a
Politically Correct forgery.
Just look at what Surah 5.
Ayat 32 actually says:
… whoever kills a soul, not
in retaliation for a soul or
corruption in the land, is
like one who has killed the
whole of mankind.
So, far from killing never
being allowed, it is permitted
under the law of “an eye for
Tony Blair: Lying about
the Koran to con the
British people
an eye” in the case of
murder, or in the case of
“corruption in the land.” The
very next Ayat continues,
explaining how the enemies
of Allah (who include all
Unbelievers) must be
Indeed, the punishment of
those who fight Allah and
His Messenger and go
around corrupting the land
is to be killed, crucified,
have their hands and feet
cut off on opposite sides, or
to be banished from the
land. That is a disgrace for
them in this life, and in the
life to come theirs will be a
terrible punishment.
So while the Koran teaches
its followers to respect the
sanctity of life of other good
Muslims, those who “fight
Allah and his Messenger
(i.e. Muhammad)” should be
killed and mutilated or
banished. Strange that Tony
Blair never mentions that bit!
And if innocent individuals
get in the way, that’s just
Surah 27, Ayat 48
And there were in the city
nine individuals, who
worked corruption in the
land and did not set things
50. They schemed a scheme
and We schemed a scheme,
while they were unaware.
51. See then what was the
outcome of their scheming:
We destroyed them
together with all their
52. Their houses are in ruin,
on account of their
Sounds just like New York,
doesn’t it?
There are some references to
Unbelievers which advise
toleration and state that an
individual’s religious belief,
or lack of it, is a personal
matter between them and
Allah. But these pluralist
passages are heavily
outnumbered by calls for
vicious attacks on ‘Kafirs’,
as they call Unbelievers,
typified by S.9.123:
Fight those of the
unbelievers who are near to
you and let them see how
harsh you can be.
The Koran is full of sadistic
descriptions of the fate that
awaits the Unbelievers
(which includes Christians
and Jews) in Hell. S.22.19 is
To the unbelievers, garments
of fire shall be cut up and
over their heads boiling
water shall be poured;
20. Whereby whatever is in
their bellies and in their
skins shall be melted.
21. And for them are iron
rods (which, the helpful
footnote in our edition
explains, are “To beat their
heads with.”)
Nor is this vision of a riot in
Bradford just a matter of
damnation in the next world.
The Koran also includes
frequent exhortations to the
Muslim Faithful to fight
against the unbelievers in
the here and now. Surah 9
provides some good
38. O believers, what is the
matter with you? If you are
told: “March forth in the
Way of Allah,” you cling
heavily to the ground. Are
you satisfied with the
present life rather than the
39. If you do not march
forth, He will inflict a very
painful punishment on
41. Charge forth, on foot or
mounted, and struggle with
your possessions and
yourselves in the Way of
The message is reinforced
time and time again. There’s
S.9.29: Fight those among
the People of the Book ….
who do not profess the true
religion (i.e. Jews and
Christians), till they pay the
poll-tax out of hand and
or S.60.4:
You have had a good
example in Abraham and
those with him, when they
said to their people: “We are
quit of you and what you
worship apart from Allah.
We disbelieve in you. Enmity
and hatred have arisen
between you and us forever,
till you believe in Allah
Nor is it just a matter of
‘hatred’ in spirit. The Koran
recommends it in the highly
practical form of ethnoreligious cleansing as well:
S.14.13 & 14: Then their Lord
revealed to them: “We shall
destroy the wrongdoers
(who refused to accept
Allah). And We will make
you dwell in the land after
S.33.60: If the hypocrites,
those in whose hearts is a
sickness and those who
spread lies in the city, do
not desist, We will certainly
urge you against them and
then they will not dwell with
you therein as neighbours
but for a short time.
The same theme runs
through parts of Surah 33,
with the addition of a
promise to faithful Muslims
of more countries coming
under their sway in the
27. And he bequeathed to
you their lands, their homes
and their possessions,
together with land you have
never trodden.
It’s quite likely that many
members of the Muslim
community, having come to
regard non-Muslims as
friends and to grow fond of
their adopted country, may
be inclined to shut all this
bigoted nonsense out of
their minds. But when they –
or their often alienated
children – read the Koran,
they find passage after
passage warning them
against taking unbelievers as
friends and against the
tolerance needed to keep the
peace in a democratic,
secular state:
S.2.216 You are enjoined to
fight, though it is something
you dislike ….217. Fighting
(in the Holy Month) is a
great sin; but to debar
people from Allah’s sacred
Way and to deny him and
the sacred Mosque, and to
drive people out of it is a
greater sin in Allah’s sight.
Sedition (idolatry and the
corruption of Muslims) is
worse than murder.
If those who interpret the
Koran literally (as all good
Muslims should, though
many – fortunately for them
and us alike – do not) were
to start putting all this
bloodthirsty advice into
practice as soon as they first
arrived in a new country, the
natives would probably
wake up and smell the
burning coffee. But Allah is
described repeatedly in His
book as a “schemer,” and
S.4.101 advises His people to
follow His example in order
to keep the opposition off
guard until it is too late:
And when you journey in the
land, you are not at fault if
you shorten the prayer for
fear that the unbelievers
will harm you. The
unbelievers are your
manifest enemies.
But that advice is only
applicable when the Muslims
are too few to stand a
chance of winning the fight
which the Koran stresses is
their religious duty. Once
their numbers increase, they
are ordered in S.8.65 to go on
the offensive:
O Prophet, urge the
believers to fight. If there
are twenty steadfast men
among you, they will defeat
two hundred; and if there
are a hundred they will
defeat a thousand of the
unbelievers, because they
are a people who do not
Is this ten per cent rule just a
forgotten verse in a dusty
book? The answer may
perhaps be seen in places
like Burnley and Oldham.
The soft-hearted reader may
object that ‘moderate’
Muslims tend to pick and
choose to follow the few
tolerant verses rather than
obeying the overall
aggressive and intolerant
tone of the Koran. No doubt
many do, but they are warned
against such Western-style
tolerance in no uncertain
terms in S.2.85:
Do you, then, believe in one
part of the Book and
disbelieve in another? The
reward of those among you
who do that is nothing but
disgrace in this world, and
on the Day of Resurrection
they shall be turned over to
the most severe punishment.
At a well-publicised meeting
in Downing Street with selfappointed Muslim community
leaders, Tony Blair claimed
that “there is no
contradiction between being
a Muslim and being a British
For the average Westernised
Muslim who goes along with
the family religion without
giving it much thought this
may well be the case. But for
any good Muslim, who reads
the Koran and accepts its
claims to be the literal word of
Allah, this is another Blair lie.
The Koran orders Muslims
not to obey unbelievers,
which is why
fundamentalists reject any
form of government which is
not a strict theocracy run by
Muslim clerics.
S.3.149 O believers, if you
obey the unbelievers, they
will turn you upon your
heels (“thus,” says the
commentary, “turning you
back from your true religion”)
S.25.52 So, do not obey the
unbelievers and strive
against them with it (the
Koran) mightily.
None of this should be held
BNP Chairman Nick
Griffin: Telling the truth
about the Islamic threat
to our freedom
against ordinary Muslims,
many of whom are not much
more ‘Muslim’ than Britain
is ‘Christian.’ Any hostility
directed to them can only
drive them into the arms of
the fundamentalists. But it
should be held against our
own ‘Great and Good’, the
fools and knaves who
decided to include a hefty
dose of Islam in their
witches’ brew of
multiculturalism. And an
understanding of what the
Koran really says – as
opposed to what the serial
liar Tony Blair tells us it says
– should lead anyone with
an ounce of commonsense
to realise that a growing
Muslim population is a
recipe for communal strife.
This is particularly true in
a country where Political
Correctness prevents the
Establishment from closing
the gates to the immigration
flood, taking steps to
reverse the tide, and saying
to a minority which sees
expansion and domination
as its religious duty :
“Mend your ways, cut your
birthrate and keep
yourselves to yourselves –
or get out!”
All quotations are from An
interpretation of the QUR’AN.
English translations of the
meanings. Translated by Prof.
Majid Fakhry. Approved by AlAzhar University. Garnet
Publishing Ltd. 2000.
ISBN 1 85946 161 X
LOOTING, ARSON and MOLESTATION it’s all in the Koran!
The Koran repeatedly refers with approval to the taking of ‘booty’ from conquered infidels or ‘kafirs’. See for example S.8.69,
S.33,19 and S.33.27. S.48.20 is perhaps the most blatant: “Allah has promised you many spoils.” S.8.41 instructs that one-fifth of
such loot must be given to Allah via his earthly representatives, but the rest belongs to those who seize it.
As we’ve already seen, the Koran is packed with sadistic descriptions of how Unbelievers will burn forever in the fires of Hell, and
fire has been used against non-Muslims and their property from the earliest times. When the conquering Muslim army arrived in
Egypt, the general in charge did not know what to do with the huge library at Alexandria, the greatest in the ancient world. He sent
a message to Caliph Umar, Muhammed’s successor, who replied: “If these writings of the Greeks agree with the book of Allah, they
are useless and do not need to be preserved. If they disagree, they are pernicious and ought to be destroyed.” The great library was
therefore burnt to the ground, settling for all time the way Muslims deal with centres of infidel learning and religion. During
communal riots in India (in which around three million Hindus have been murdered by their ‘peace-loving’ Muslim neighbours
since 1947) it is common practice for Muslim mobs to trap their victims inside buildings and then set them alight, hoping to burn
them alive. The same was done during the Islamic revolution in Iran, where Muslim mobs chanted “purification by fire” as they
burnt down cinemas and brothels. The ‘justification’ for trapping people in burning buildings is found in S.22.22: “And every time
they want to get out of it (the fire) they are brought back into it. And it is said to them: ‘Taste the agony of burning’.” Here we see
the source of the vicious mentality which, during this summer’s anti-kafir violence in Bradford, led rioting Muslims to block the fire
doors of a local Labour Club with burning cars.
Molestation of women
Strict Muslims don’t just force their women to go around in sweltering heat covered from head to foot in black cloth. In countries
such as Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, women are not even allowed to drive. And British women living in heavily Muslim areas
know all about the hostile comments and assaults they too have to endure for wearing T-shirts or short skirts in summer. But less
well-known is the way in which the Koran states that women are worth less than men and must inherit less than the males in a family.
The crude, sexually exploitative attitude of Islam to women is summed up in s.2.223: “Your women are a tillage for you. So get to
your tillage whenever you like.” Even worse are verses such as S.4.24, which give Muslims the right to rape women who “your
right hands possess” - those captured in battle. S.33.50 confirms that Muslims are allowed to have sex ‘only’ with their wives (up
to four each) and “what your right hand owns out of the spoils of war.” The mass rapes suffered by thousands of Hindu and Sikh
women during religious riots and wars in Pakistan show that ‘good’ Muslims still take this ‘Divine’ permission all too literally.
This problem is not a matter of race. In the last few years those Muslims oppressing and
murdering ‘infidels’ and women have included Arabs, Pakistanis, black Nigerians and white
Bosnians. And their victims are of all races too. Nor are all Muslims to blame. Many have little
or no understanding of the evil side of their religion. Of those who do, some risk their lives to
turn against it, while millions of others remain the victims of the rule of the Mullahs.
Some moderate Muslims recognise the urgent need to reinterpret their faith to make it compatible
with the modern world, in the same way that Christians no longer go around killing witches as
instructed in the Bible. But unless and until Islam is moderated in this way, it remains a menace
to freedom, democracy and peace; not just in far-off countries, but on the streets of Britain, where
its followers already make up probably the largest single religious group.
Tony Blair says there is no war against Islam. That is true, but there is a war against the West.
And it is being fought, not just with terrorist outrages but in every schoolroom where nonMuslim children are forced to learn how wonderful Islam is supposed to be, and in every Labour
or Lib-Dem council which builds five bedroomed houses for Muslims while British council tenants
can’t even get essential repairs done.
It’s a war in which the weapons of the enemy are immigration, high birthrates, and the old
political parties. A war in which the only response that can do any good is to organise a new
political party - one which will stop immigration and ensure that the British remain the majority
and take back control of our own country - the British National Party! Join our Crusade!
Printed & published by the BNP Campaign Against Islam, PO Box 287, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8ZU