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George Gershwin. Irving Berlin.
Cole Porter
George Gershwin
September 26, 1898 – July 11, 1937
An American composer and pianist
Parents: Russian Jewish immigrants
Lived in New York
began playing piano professionally at age 15
pop music and concert music
broadway musicals
Igor Stravinsky, Claude Debussy, Piotr Tchaikovsky, and even
Jewish chant also contribute to his (paradoxically) quite
original music.
• Had a 10-year affair with composer Kay Swift
• died immediately following brain surgery at the age 38
Rhapsody in Blue
An American in Paris
Porgy and bess- folk opera
“Why should I limit myself to only one woman when I can
have as many women as I want?”
Irving Berlin
May 11, 1888 – September 22, 1989
Russian-born American composer and lyricist
one of the most important songwriters in the USA
he came to the United States at age 5
was educated in New York's public schools
His earliest musical education was from his father, a cantor
spent the better part of his career writing songs (usually
both words and music) to be used in Broadway musicals
• 4 children
• Ellin Mackay and Dorothy Goetz
• Died of natural causes at age 101
• Could not read music
• In World War II, he wrote the musical This is the
Army, which raised $10 million for the Army
Emergency Relief
• He wrote more than 900 songs, 19 musicals and
the scores of 18 movies
“The song has ended, but the melody lingers on.”
"God Bless America“
"Blue Skies“
"White Christmas"
Cole Porter
• learned piano and violin at age six
• but he disliked the violin's harsh sound and so
his energy turned to the piano
• Height- 1.68 m
• Married- Linda Lee Thomas
• “I am the most enthusiastic person in the
world. I like everything as long as it's