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P2 Active Learning – Spelling Activities
Choose one of the activities for spelling homework per week, in addition
to learning to spell the words. Parents/Carers feel free to comment or
stick in games etc into homework folders or diaries. Please initial and
date the activity you have chosen for the week.
Make a word
search with your
words. List them
Look up your words Write rhymes for
in a dictionary (in a each of your words.
book or online)
Throw a ball with a
partner. Every time
you throw it, say
the next letter of
the word.
Play charades with Put your words to a
your words. When
number code eg
someone has
A=1, B=2
guessed the word,
spell it.
Arrange your words
in alphabetical
Use each of your
words in a silly
Underline the word
Sit back to back
with a partner and
test your words.
Write your words
in different sizes
and colours. You
could even try
bubble writing!
Sprinkle talcum
and or similar in a
baking tray. Use
your finger to spell
out your words.
Cut out letters
from a newspaper
or magazine to
make your spelling
Illustrate each of
your words with a
funny picture.
Play hangman with a Draw a rainbow.
partner using your
Write all your words
in each arc using a
different colour for
each arc.
Write out the
whole alphabet on a
long strip of paper.
Spell out each
word by driving a
toy car to each
letter in the right