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Download Spelling Homework Ideas
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Spelling Homework Ideas Choose one (or more) ideas from the list to practice weekly spelling words. By Friday, your child should turn in one thing that he/she has done to practice. If the idea is not one that you can turn in on paper, just write me a note saying what your child has done (ex. tracing words in flour). Thank you! Spelling Ideas: Type words on the computer Use shaving cream as finger paint and write the words Put a layer of flour/cornmeal on a cookie sheet and trace the words with your fingertip Use a Magna Doodle / dry erase board / chalkboard to write the words Cut out letters from the newspaper and glue them together to make the words Write the words in ABC order Use each word in a sentence and write them down Write the words and circle the consonants Write the words and circle the vowels Rainbow write the words (write each word with a crayon, then trace over each word with several different colors) Draw a picture and “hide” your words in the picture Spell the words using letter dice from games like Boggle Write each spelling word and draw a picture that goes with each Spell your words while doing jumping jacks Spell your words with magnetic letters Paint your words Make a spelling chain by writing each letter of the spelling word on a paper strip and linking together like a chain Write the words neatly in pen The parents scrambles each word and the child unscrambles them Write the words in all lowercase letters Write the words in all UPPER CASE letters Trace the words on someone’s back Use pipe cleaners or yearn to form letters for each word Write each word four times Make word flashcards to help practice each word Use stencils to trace the letters for each word