* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Words Their Way Home Practice Please Save This Sheet For Future Use Each week or two your child will be working on a new set of words at school. We will be focusing on identifying common word patterns, sorting the words by pattern, reading them fluently, and becoming familiar with common spelling patterns. Each time we start with a new sort, I will send home a copy of the new words your child will be working on, so you can try some activities at home that will help your child with this important reading and writing skill. Have your child show you the sort for this week’s word sort. Also, listed below are a variety of activities to try at home. Have your child choose one or two of the activities in order to practice the words. There is no need to return the words or the activities. These activities are also a great way to practice tricky sight words your child encounters while reading. All of these activities can be done with some or all of the words. One idea is to use a different activity each night to practice just a few different words. By the end of the week, you will have practiced all of the words. 1. Rainbow write over the words by writing each letter with one color, reading the word, and then writing it over the top with a new color. Repeat 3 more times. 2. Write the words in sentences. 3. Spell them in the air – forward, backward, and then forward. 4. Write them in alphabetical order. 5. Type the words. Try different fonts. 6. Use scrabble tiles to spell the words. Add up how much the word is worth. 7. Make a crossword puzzle out of the words using graph paper. Be sure to write a list of clues. 8. Write each word “out, down, and back” Ex: spell p e l spell 9. Write a spelling pyramid for each of your words. Ex: s sp spe spel spell spelli spellin spelling