* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Dear Families, Each nine weeks in kindergarten, we work on a new set of sight words, which are basic words that can help children as they read and write. The goal is to look at the words and read them without “sounding them out.” In our class, we refer to these words as HEART WORDS because we learn to know them by heart. Please help your child learn the attached words. You can cut the words out, make flashcards, and practice them on a daily basis. Thank you for your help at home! Here are some fun activities your child can do with heart words: *Count the number of letters in each word. Sort them into piles based on how many letters are in each word. *Play “school” and practice spelling the words on a chalkboard or whiteboard. *Use letter tiles or stamps to spell the words. *Use the words in a sentence. *Look for common letters or letter sounds in the words. *Put the heart words in alphabetical order. *Write the words in shaving cream. *Play Memory, but players must read the match to keep the pair. *Use a fly swatter and have an adult call the word out. The child finds and swats the word that was called. *Make a word wall at home. * Use magnetic letters to spell the words on your fridge. *Type the words on the computer. Have fun practicing these heart words! he she out in how have all one get look as your love will was by on not very