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Name: _____________________________________ Cohort: ______ Date: ____________ 6.10
Before you start the Do Now complete this checklist:
_____ I have a pen/pencil
_____ My homework is out
_____ My belongings are under my desk
_____ I wrote down the target
Learning Target: __________________________________________________________
Do Now:
Place these terms in the appropriate blanks below. If any terms are listed more than once, they will be used
more than once. The number in the corner of each box signifies how many responses need to be placed in that
Belief System
Where do people
What is the holy book
What day of the week
do followers worship?
Important leader /God
associated with belief
1. Order the three Kingdoms of West Africa from first to last (Mali, Songhai, Ghana)
a. ________________
b. ________________
c. ________________
The Origins of Islam
Muhammad was born in 570 CE in the city of Makkah, which is now
known as Mecca. His parents died when he was young, so he was looked
after by other members of his family. Later in his life, he became a camel
driver or shepherd. Makkah was a bustling and noisy city so Muhammad
often escaped to the caves in nearby hills to think and pray in peace and
It was there in 610 CE that Muhammad heard the voice of an angel who
told him the words of Allah. Muhammad was told he was the last prophet
in a series of prophets which included Moses and Jesus. A prophet is
someone who speaks for God. These words were written down in the
Qur’an or Koran the Muslim Holy book. The Qur’an is the holy text for the
Muslim community, but it also tells people how to live ethical and moral
Muhammad spent the rest of his life preaching the holy words of Allah in
Mecca, and telling residents not to worship other gods. Muhammad and his
followers were monotheistic, and were often persecuted by other local
communities. In 622 CE Muhammad took his followers and moved to
Medina. He started the first completely Muslim community there and began
the Muslim calendar.
Muhammad died in 632 CE but the religion of Islam continues today.
Muhammad (570 CE-632 CE)
Muhammad and his followers moved from Mecca to
Medina in 622 CE.
1. Where was Mohammad born?
a. Allah
b. Judea
c. Mecca
d. Medina
Put a star next to the sentence that led you to your answer.
2. Why did Mohammad often head to the caves in nearby hills?
a. To live an ethical and moral life
b. To study the Qur’an
c. To think and pray in quiet
d. To worship the Senate
Put a star next to the sentence that led you to your answer.
3. Who is Allah?
a. A prophet
b. A camel driver
c. The brother of Moses
d. God
Put a star next to the sentence that led you to your answer.
Islam is the second largest religion
in the world.
4. What is a prophet?
a. A holy text
b. A person that speaks for God
c. A relative of God
d. A resident of Medina
Put a star next to the sentence that led you to your answer.
5. What is the Koran?
a. A prophet
b. A Muslim community
c. The Muslim calendar
d. The Muslin sacred text
Put a star next to the sentence that led you to your answer.
6. How is Islam similar to Judaism and Christianity? Explain.
7. Is Islam older or younger than Christianity and Judaism? How do you know? Explain.
The Five Pillars of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam are the five basic duties expected of every Muslim.
Make a
pilgrimage to
once in your
Give charity to
There is only
one God,
times a day in
the direction of
Fast and
observe the
holy month of
What religious document are the Five Pillars of Islam Similar to? How are they similar?
Explain. (2-3 sentences)
Name: ___________________________
Subject: 6th grade Ancient Civilizations
Date: ________________________
Advisory: _____________________
Exit Ticket 6.10
1. Which of the following is a prophet or messenger of God?
a. Allah
b. Mekkah
c. Muhammad
c. Ramadan
2. Muslims are similar to Jews and Christains because…
a. All are polytheistic.
b. All originated in Medina.
c. All pray in Mosques.
d. All worship one God.
3. What is the Koran?
a. The holiest month for Muslims
b. The star and crescent moon
c. The Muslim calendar
d. The Muslim sacred text
4. Why did Muhammad move the Muslim people from Mecca to Medina?
a. Muslims desired to live in a nicer, less harsh climate.
b. Muslims preferred soil that was more fertile.
c. Muslims wanted to live in Muhammad’s birthplace.
d. Muslims were being persecuted in Mecca.
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam?
a. Help those in need
b. Live in a mosque
c. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca
d. Pray five times a day
Five Pillars of Islam
Homework 6.10
Select which of the Five Pillars is best associated with each of the ten following passages. Write the correct
responses in the blanks following each passage. Choose from the following choices:
Alms Giving
This occurs five times a day and always requires that you kneel towards Mekkah.
Muslims will take this trip every year to the holy city of Mekkah.
“There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”
You must do this daily during sunrise, noontime, afternoon, sunset, and evenings.
This occurs every year during the holy month of Ramadan.
This is also referred to as the “hajj”, and refers to Muhammad’s journey to Mekkah.
This pillar describes the process of giving money to those less fortunate.
This pillar emphasizes that Muhammad is not God, but is nearly a prophet.
This Pillar refers to the process of not eating from sunrise to sunset for an entire month.
This comes in the form of both private giving and public contribution through a tax.
Name: ____________________________________
Homework 6.10
Religions Graphing Sheet
1. What kind of graphs is shown above? ___________________________________________
2. According to the graph, what is the most widely practiced religion?
3. What percentage of the world practice one of the western religions (Islam and Christianity)?
4. What percentage of the world practice one of the eastern religions (Hinduism and Buddhism)?
5. What percentage of the world practices no religion? ____________________________
6. According to the graph, what are some types of Christianity?
7. What percentage of the world practices Islam? ________________
8. What percentage of the world has some type of religious belief? ______________
9. What is a pie graph usually used to show? _________________________________________________