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Unit 3 Guided Notes
7-3.1 The French Revolution
1. Enlightenment Thinkers
A. Enlightenment thinkers like _______________ spoke of ideas like ___________________.
B. Their strongest idea was people’s ______________ to ________________ against the
2. American Revolution
A. _______________________ colonists challenged their home country, ____________________________.
B. 1776- __________________ of _______________________ was sent to ____________________.
C. France sent nobles then ________________, __________________ and __________________ to help.
D. The _____________________ were inspired!
Declaration of Independence
 The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, and was issued by Congress on July 4, 1776
Boston Massacre
 At the Boston Massacre, British Soldiers fired into a crowd of protestors and killed 5 people.
Boston Tea Party
 At the Boston Tea Party, colonists protested the Tea Act by dumping British Tea into the Boston Harbor.
3. The Causes of the French Revolution
A. Unfair ____________ _________________
1. First Estate: ________________________________________________
2. Second Estate: ________________________________________________
3. Third Estate: _________________________________________
B. Government Debts – King Louis XVI
1. Expensive ____________
2. ____________ _____________ out of control
C. Unequal Tax Burdens
1. The ____________ ____________ had no voice in government owned ____________ of the land and
paid _______________ of the taxes
D. Financial Crisis
1. Very High ______________ of _______________ for the very poor
4. Calling the Estates General
A. _______________ called together the _____________ ______________ to discuss the problems.
B. ____________ and ________________ Estate refused to ____________ ________________.
C. ______________ left declaring itself the ________________ _______________ and began working on a new
5. The Tennis Court Oath
A. They met and all swore “not to _________________. . . until the __________________ of the kingdom is
6. Storming the Bastille
A. The __________________ was a ________________ that held many _________________ prisoners.
B. The mob wanted to free the prisoners so they ______________ the ______________ on
______________________. (Now Bastille Day in France)
C. ______________ was _______________ – there was no going back now.
A New Revolutionary Spirit…
 First a marching song – then a National Anthem – Le Marseillaise
 The Movement needed a Slogan
1. National Convention
A. In 1791, a _______________________ was established. In that same year the _______________ was put aside,
and the _______________ was _____________________.
B. The ______________________ of France took over, and named themselves the “______________
C. Many members of the convention were “______________”, a _____________ ___________________ group.
2. Reign of Terror
1. After the _____________ was _____________________ him and the queen were __________________.
2. In 1793 a ______________ , Maximillian _____________________________ gained power as the leader of the
__________________ of _______________ _________________.
3. _____________________ started the reign of terror where 25,000 to 40,000 “_____________ of the
________________” were killed
4. Fearing for their own lives, ____________________ was ________________ in July of 1794
4. The Directory
A. A ______________________ was set up, but was overthrown and replaced by a _______________, headed by
Two Consuls – one of whom was _________________ ___________________.
B. Napoleon quickly brought about a ____________________ _________________ and became the sole ruler.
C. The Revolution was over!
5. Napoleon Bonaparte
A. The French Revolution ended in _____________ when ___________________ entered Paris and became
______________ ______________ at the age of 30.
B. He took the title of ______________ _________________ I in 1804.
6. Napoleon’s Accomplishments
A. Created a new legal system, the _______________ _________________
B. Set up ___________
C. Ended the _____________ _____________ _____________ system
D. Created a bureaucracy based on ____________ not on_____________
E. Reduced the power of the ______________ ________________
F. Required all citizens to ____________ _____________
7-3.2 Napoleonic Wars/Unification
1. Napoleon’s Empire
A. After crowning himself emperor, Napoleon created the ____________ _______________ that created a new
legal system in France- _____________ , right to choose a _______________ , and religious ________________.
B. The Napoleonic Wars began in 1804 and by 1812, Napoleon controlled most of Europe.
C. Napoleon was never able to control _______________ or ____________________________.
2. Napoleon’s Downfall
A. ______________ made 3 _____________ ______________:
1. Blockade of _______________ (Continental System)- kept ships from ports on the mainland of Europe
2. ______________ _____________
3. _________________ of _______________
3. The End of Napoleon
A. After that Napoleon was ______________ and _____________ to the island of ______________.
B. He _______________ and Napoleon returned to Paris where he regained control for _____________ days.
C. At the Battle of _________________ , Napoleon was finally ________________ and sent to the island of
__________________ where he died in 1821.
4. Effects of the Napoleonic Wars
A. _________________(the belief that one’s greatest loyalty is to a shared culture rather than to a leader or
border) spread!
1. ________________ __________________ spread
2. Napoleon tried to impose _______________ __________________ on conquered countries
3. _____________, ______________, _______________ became the rallying cry for revolutions all over
5. The Congress of Vienna
A. In 1814, _________________ leaders met in ________________, Austria to ______________ Europe to the way
it was before the ______________ _________________.
B. Their goal was to bring a ______________ of _________________ that would prevent any single nation from
controlling Europe.
C. It was too late! Over the next century, groups of people either joined together in _________________, or
Assorted European Upheavals
 1821- Greeks rebel against the Ottoman Empire
 1830s- Belgium, Italy and Russia
 1848- Liberal revolutions across Europe are suppressed by conservative groups
 France- After allowing 2 more kings to rule, France establishes a parliamentary system. Soon afterwards, the
President declares himself Emperor.
6. Unification of Germany
A. The ______________ ____________________ was comprised of 39 loosely joined states. _________________
and __________________ were the largest and most powerful.
B. __________________ leaders wanted to ______________ all the states in order to become even more
C. The Prussian leader was _______________________, a member of the __________________, a
___________________ political party.
D. The Prussians were embroiled in ____________________, the glorification of a military culture.
E. His Prime Minister was ______________________________ who ruled through the policy of ______________,
or the “politics of reality.”
1. Bismarck was determined that unification of Germany would occur by using _______________ and
F. The Germans fought 3 wars of Unification with _________________, _________________ and
1. _________________ and ________________ formed an ____________________ to take land from
2. Bismarck provoked Austria into beginning the __________ ___________ _________.
3. By ____________________ the wording of the ________________, ___________________ provoked
France into declaring war on Germany.
G. After the _________________-______________ war, German unification was complete!
A. Italy was also divided into ________________ ________________.
B. Count Camillo di________________ planned to unite _____________ ______________.
C. __________________ __________________, the leader of the ___________________, used _______________
warfare to win control of ____________________ Italy.
D. In 1861, northern and southern states agreed to become a united Italy, ruled by King _____________________.
8. The End….
A. After the wars of _________________, the great powers of Europe remained at peace for over forty years
despite the occasional __________________ dispute…
B. Dun, Dun, ______………
Latin America Revolutions
1. Social Order
A. Inspired by _____________________ and the __________________ and ________________ Revolutions, Latin
Americans formed their own ________________ for _________________.
B. There were struggles among the social classes:
1. At the top were the __________________
2. Next came the __________________
3. Next, and Largest, group was the _________________
4. Lowest was the Mulattos _________________________
C. All groups hated the ____________________ and __________________ rule.
2. Revolution in Haiti
A. Inspired by the American and French Revolutions, a new revolution began on the ______________ colony of
____________________________ . The people were ready for change!
B. In 1791, 100,000 slaves revolted under the leadership of ______________________ ___________________.
C. L’Ouverture _____________ all of the ________________.
D. The French sent an army to fight them and reclaim French property.
E. L’Ouverture was ______________ and ____________________ in a French prison.
F. _______________ declared its ____________________ from France in 1804
3. Social Uprisings
A. Of all the social classes, the _______________ led the ______________ of the _________________
B. The ideas of the Enlightenment inspired the creoles, _________________, and mulattoes to revolt against the
____________________and the mother country.
4. Mexican Revolution
A. In ______________ a priest, Father ____________ ______________, led mestizos and _______________
____________ in a revolution against ____________.
B. In 1810, ______________’s uprising was ______________ by the _________________ .
C. In 1823 ________________ finally won its ________________ and declared itself a ______________.
5. South American Independence
A. Simon Bolivar was a leading revolutionary in ___________________ .
B. He led revolts in ________________ , ____________________ ,_______________ and __________________.
C. He joined forces with _________________ de _____________ _______________, the liberator of Chile, to free
D. By 1824 nearly all of South America had successfully revolted and won its independence.
E. Temporarily, Bolivar united all of these countries as ________________ __________________