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Biology 315: Lecture Test 1, Spring 2010
Directions: This is a multiple-choice test with only one
correct answer per question. Please fill in the best answer
on your answer sheet. Also, please write your lab time at
the top of the answer sheet, because we will give the test
back in your lab.
Planes of section: A vertical section that divides the body
into right and left parts is a ___________ section
A. frontal
B. oblique
C. transverse
D. sagittal
E. coronal
Which of these body structures lies the farthest ventrally?
A. ankle
B. neural tube in an embryo
C. scrotum (male)
D. triceps brachii muscle
E. sacrum
Light microscopy (LM) versus electron microscopy (EM):
Circle the correct statement.
A. LM gives sharper pictures at higher magnification.
B. EM, not LM, shows details within cells.
C. Both EM and LM give colored images (pink from eosin and
purple from hematoxylin, for example).
D. EM does not use sectioned-tissue slices, only whole,
preserved tissue.
E. A method for viewing three-dimensional structures at
high magnification is scanning LM (scanning light
What kind of molecule in the unit membrane gives the
membrane its basic, bi-layered (two-layered) structure?
A. phospholipid
B. osmium tetroxide
C. cholesterol
D. protein
E. glycocalyx (sugar)
Use logic and what you already know to answer this: One of
our cellular organelles contains its own DNA and 37 genes
that are much more similar to those of bacteria than to the
ordinary genes in the nucleus of any kind of animal cell.
That organelle is the . . .
A. mitochondrion
B. rough endoplasmic reticulum
C. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D. lysosome
E. ribosome
Which part of the cell skeleton (cytoskeleton) of all cells
is also essential for the sliding-filament mechanism of
muscle-cell contraction?
A. microtubule
B. actin microfilament
C. intermediate filament
D. mitotic spindle
E. collagen fiber
In a goblet cell, which organelle makes the mucous
secretory product (called mucin protein)?
A. lysosome
B. nucleolus
C. rough endoplasmic reticulum
D. glycosome
E. plasmalemma
The human body has several basic regions. Which of the
following is NOT part of the axial region of our body?
A. left leg
B. head
C. neck
D. perineum
E. thoracic vertebral column
Several times we said that the outer part of the body of
all vertebrates is segmented. Use what you have learned,
and estimate how many segments the human body has.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 40
D. 2000
E. one million
A patient said he refuses to be exposed to any X-rays, but
that other kinds of energy are okay. Given this, you could
use any kind of medical imaging or examination on him,
EXCEPT for . . .
C. Ultrasonography
D. deep palpation
A janitor accidentally left a big wrench in an examining
room next to a medical imaging device. Then, when the
device was turned on, the wrench flew rapidly into the
device and barely missed hitting the patient who was being
scanned in there. That was a lucky miss, but then later,
the patient found that several metal fillings had been
pulled loose from her teeth. From this information, deduce
what kind of imaging device was being used.
D. traditional X-rays with a new electronic sensor screen.
E. ultrasound imaging
The notochord . . .
A. becomes our spinal cord and brain.
B. is a hollow tube.
C. is present in the adult but not in the embryo.
D. forms at the primitive node.
E. is the same as our backbone.
Choose the correct time-order of these embryonic stages,
from the earliest (youngest) to the latest (oldest): 1.
Cylindrical or tadpole-shaped body; 2. Early blastocyst, 3.
Morula, 4. Double-bubble with first appearance of the
embryonic disc, amniotic sac and yolk sac, 5. First
primitive streak and first mesoderm.
A. 2, 3, 4, 1, 5
B. 5, 3, 2, 1, 4
C. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
E. 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
We defined an embryo and a fetus very precisely in this
course, and also said that the first bone tissue forms in
the earliest fetus. How many weeks after conception
(fertilization) is this?
A. 8 to 9
B. 16 to 17
C. 22
D. 38
E. 255
Which embryonic germ layer forms the brain and spinal cord?
A. ectoderm
B. mesoderm
C. mesenchyme
D. endoderm
E. hypoblast
Which of these does NOT develop from somites?
A. vertebrae
B. hair
C. some dermis of the skin
D. intercostal muscles
E. myotomes
What are the four basic types of tissue in our body?
A. nervous, skeletal, muscular, and blood
B. connective, epithelial, muscle, and nervous
C. glandular, bone, blood, and brain
D. fat, bone, gristle, and hair
E. muscle, bone, gut, and fat
Epithelium: Choose the FALSE statement.
A. Simple squamous epithelium is thin, which can allow
fast, passive diffusion of small molecules across this
B. Endothelium is a special type of stratified cuboidal
C. Simple columnar epithelium can be involved in secretion,
reabsorption, or in ciliary transport.
D. Simple columnar epithelium lines the lumen of our small
E. The epidermis epithelium of our skin is stratified
Choose the FALSE statement about epithelium.
A. cells are tightly joined by cell junctions
B. forms most of the glands in the body
C. is underlain by connective tissue (usually loose
D. embryonic ectoderm is an epithelial tissue
E. has lots of extracellular matrix
In the pancreas, the exocrine glands have branched ducts
and their secretory units are hollow balls of secretory
cells. This kind of gland is . . .
A. simple tubular
B. stratified squamous
C. compound acinar
D. branched tubular
E. simple alveolar
What are the three basic elements of the matrix of
connective tissue?
A. mineral crystals, glycosaminoglycans, reticular fibers
B. reticular fibers, collagen fibers, elastic fibers
C. cells, cell junctions, basal lamina
D. plasma, defense cells, and myofilaments
E. ground substance, fibers, tissue fluid
Choose the INCORRECT match between the structure and its
A. fibroblast: secretes collagen protein
B. ground substance: holds tissue fluid
C. collagen fibers: resist tension
D. tissue macrophage: secretes antibodies
E. ground substance: gives connective tissue bulk, like
packing material.
Which of these has the highest concentration of dense
irregular connective tissue?
A. ligament
B. tendon
C. synovial membrane
D. dermis of skin
E. adipose tissue below the skin
Which is NOT a type of cartilage tissue?
A. vascularized cartilage (containing many blood vessels)
B. hyaline cartilage
C. fibrocartilage
D. elastic cartilage
E. calcified cartilage
Choose the WRONG type of cartilage.
A. rings in the walls of your trachea: hyaline cartilage
B. cartilage in your ear: elastic cartilage
C. costal cartilage: hyaline cartilage
D. cartilage in the ligament of your pubic symphysis:
E. articular cartilage on the bone ends of a synovial
joint: elastic cartilage.
Another name for the cartilage growth plate between the end
and shaft of a growing long bone is the . . .
A. epiphysis
B. diaphyseal plate
C. epiphyseal plate
D. marrow cavity
E. meniscus
A man went to the butcher shop and bought a cow bone for
his dog. He discovered a fibrous membrane on the outside of
the bone, so he pulled it off and looked at it. This
membrane was . . .
A. a tendon
B. the synovial membrane
C. dermis (cowhide)
D. the periosteum
E. a ligament
Spongy bone . . .
A. is weaker than compact bone.
B. is soft like a wet sponge.
C. is the same thing as woven bone.
D. is located on the exterior of the bones of the skeleton
as well as in their interior.
E. is absent from the long bones, such as the femur.
an osteon, the lamellae are arranged as . . .
spider-shaped cells
flat plates
a branching network of random bars (woven bone)
a set of cylindrical rings, one inside another
giant, six-sided mineral crystals
Endochondral ossification: Choose the FALSE statement.
A. The epiphyses are made entirely of cartilage until the
time of birth, and then they gain bone tissue.
B. The shaft of a long bone becomes the primary center of
ossification in the early fetus.
C. Growth hormone signals our bones to grow longer.
D. Endochondral bones start out as hyaline cartilage in the
late embryo.
E. The frontal bone of the skull forms by endochondral
In bone remodelling, the cell type that breaks down bone
tissue is the . . .
A. osteoclast
B. osteoblast
C. stem cell
D. osteocyte
E. mast cell
To correct a dislocated temporamandibular joint, the
physician grasps the patient’s mandible from in front and
then . . .
A. pulls the mandible anteriorly
B. pushes it inferiorly and posteriorly
C. has to break the jaw in the midline of the chin in order
to rearticulate this joint
D. pulls the mouth farther open, then pushes superiorly
E. must surgically remove the articular disc from the joint
In the lecture on synovial joints, we said the word
‘synovial’ means ‘joint egg’ because . . .
A. it has lots of stem cells to heal itself after joint
injury, and an egg symbolizes such new life.
B. in females, the earliest egg cells (oocytes) lie deep in
the fibrous joint-membrane (as well as in the bone marrow).
C. it is injured (sprained) easily, just as delicate eggs
break easily.
D. the synovial fluid is clear and viscous, like raw egg
white, and the capsule is like the leathery shell of a
reptile’s egg.
E. the synovial membrane has a strong structural and
functional resemblence to a membrane inside chicken eggs
called the chorion.
In the upper limb, what group of muscles corresponds to the
leg-muscle group that includes gastrocnemius and soleus?
A. dorsal extensors on the forearm (for example, extensor
B. ventral flexors on the forearm (for example, flexor
digitorum superficialis)
C. biceps brachii and brachialis
D. triceps brachii
E. deltoid muscle of the shoulder
During what action can you feel the external and internal
oblique muscles tighten and contract, as you feel them
through your skin?
A. flexing your neck forward to put your chin on your chest
B. standing up straight and thrusting your shoulders back
C. inhaling (breathing in air) forcefully
D. straining to vomit
E. biting down hard
Sarcoplasmic reticulum . . .
A. does not contribute to the triads in skeletal muscle.
B. lies in the extracellular matrix, where it wraps around
the outside of a muscle cell.
C. includes terminal cisterns.
D. includes T tubules.
E. is a specialized Golgi apparatus.
What is the size order of skeletal-muscle structures from
largest to smallest.
A. whole muscle, myofilament, fiber, myofibril, sarcomere,
B. whole muscle, fascicle, fiber, sarcomere, myofibril,
C. whole muscle, fiber, sarcomere, fascicle, myofibril,
D. whole muscle, fiber, fascicle, myofibril, sarcomere,
E. whole muscle, myofibril, fascicle, myofilament,
sarcomere, fiber.
Which of these is NOT PRESENT in cardiac muscle?
A. intercalated discs
B. A bands
C. sarcoplasmic reticulum
D. many nuclei per cell
E. branching muscle cells
Smooth muscle is the main type of muscle in all these,
except for the __________, which has skeletal muscle
A. wall of uterus
B. wall of stomach
C. wall of arteries
D. wall of trachea (windpipe)
E. wall of pharynx
In one lecture, Dr. Mallatt showed you a box of red Jell-o
brand gelatin dessert (Blackberry Fusion flavor). What
point was he making?
A. In the cytoplasm, the cytosol is viscous like gelatin.
B. Ground substance of the extracellular matrix is viscous
like gelatin.
C. This Jell-o is made from collagen, mostly extracted from
animal bones.
D. Some joint injuries lead to bleeding (red) into the gellike synovial fluid.
E. Mesenchyme is like some Jell-o that stuffs the middle of
the trilaminar embryonic disc.
KEY VERSION: LectureT12010
Biology 315: Lecture Test 1, Spring 2010
Directions: This is a multiple-choice test with only one
correct answer per question. Please fill in the best answer
on your answer sheet. Also, please write your lab time at
the top of the answer sheet, because we will give the test
back in your lab.
D 1. Planes of section: A vertical section that divides the
body into right and left parts is a ___________ section
A. frontal
B. oblique
C. transverse
D. sagittal
E. coronal
C 2. Which of these body structures lies the farthest
A. ankle
B. neural tube in an embryo
C. scrotum (male)
D. triceps brachii muscle
E. sacrum
B 3. Light microscopy (LM) versus electron microscopy (EM):
Circle the correct statement.
A. LM gives sharper pictures at higher magnification.
B. EM, not LM, shows details within cells.
C. Both EM and LM give colored images (pink from eosin and
purple from hematoxylin, for example).
D. EM does not use sectioned-tissue slices, only whole,
preserved tissue.
E. A method for viewing three-dimensional structures at
high magnification is scanning LM (scanning light
A 4. What kind of molecule in the unit membrane gives the
membrane its basic, bi-layered (two-layered) structure?
A. phospholipid
B. osmium tetroxide
C. cholesterol
D. protein
E. glycocalyx (sugar)
A 5. Use logic and what you already know to answer this:
One of our cellular organelles contains its own DNA and 37
genes that are much more similar to those of bacteria than
to the ordinary genes in the nucleus of any kind of animal
cell. That organelle is the . . .
A. mitochondrion
B. rough endoplasmic reticulum
C. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D. lysosome
E. ribosome
B 6. Which part of the cell skeleton (cytoskeleton) of all
cells is also essential for the sliding-filament mechanism
of muscle-cell contraction?
A. microtubule
B. actin microfilament
C. intermediate filament
D. mitotic spindle
E. collagen fiber
C 7. In a goblet cell, which organelle makes the mucous
secretory product (called mucin protein)?
A. lysosome
B. nucleolus
C. rough endoplasmic reticulum
D. glycosome
E. plasmalemma
A 8. The human body has several basic regions. Which of
the following is NOT part of the axial region of our body?
A. left leg
B. head
C. neck
D. perineum
E. thoracic vertebral column
C 9. Several times we said that the outer part of the body
of all vertebrates is segmented. Use what you have
learned, and estimate how many segments the human body has.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 40
D. 2000
E. one million
E 10. A patient said he refuses to be exposed to any Xrays, but that other kinds of energy are okay. Given this,
you could use any kind of medical imaging or examination on
him, EXCEPT for . . .
C. Ultrasonography
D. deep palpation
C 11. A janitor accidentally left a big wrench in an
examining room next to a medical imaging device. Then,
when the device was turned on, the wrench flew rapidly into
the device and barely missed hitting the patient who was
being scanned in there. That was a lucky miss, but then
later, the patient found that several metal fillings had
been pulled loose from her teeth. From this information,
deduce what kind of imaging device was being used.
D. traditional X-rays with a new electronic sensor screen.
E. ultrasound imaging
D 12. The notochord . . .
A. becomes our spinal cord and brain.
B. is a hollow tube.
C. is present in the adult but not in the embryo.
D. forms at the primitive node.
E. is the same as our backbone.
C 13. Choose the correct time-order of these embryonic
stages, from the earliest (youngest) to the latest
(oldest): 1. Cylindrical or tadpole-shaped body; 2. Early
blastocyst, 3. Morula, 4. Double-bubble with first
appearance of the embryonic disc, amniotic sac and yolk
sac, 5. First primitive streak and first mesoderm.
A. 2, 3, 4, 1, 5
B. 5, 3, 2, 1, 4
C. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
E. 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
A 14. We defined an embryo and a fetus very precisely in
this course, and also said that the first bone tissue forms
in the earliest fetus. How many weeks after conception
(fertilization) is this?
A. 8 to 9
B. 16 to 17
C. 22
D. 38
E. 255
A 15. Which embryonic germ layer forms the brain and spinal
A. ectoderm
B. mesoderm
C. mesenchyme
D. endoderm
E. hypoblast
B 16. Which of these does NOT develop from somites?
A. vertebrae
B. hair
C. some dermis of the skin
D. intercostal muscles
E. myotomes
B 17. What are the four basic types of tissue in our body?
A. nervous, skeletal, muscular, and blood
B. connective, epithelial, muscle, and nervous
C. glandular, bone, blood, and brain
D. fat, bone, gristle, and hair
E. muscle, bone, gut, and fat
B 18. Epithelium: Choose the FALSE statement.
A. Simple squamous epithelium is thin, which can allow
fast, passive diffusion of small molecules across this
B. Endothelium is a special type of stratified cuboidal
C. Simple columnar epithelium can be involved in secretion,
reabsorption, or in ciliary transport.
D. Simple columnar epithelium lines the lumen of our small
E. The epidermis epithelium of our skin is stratified
E 19. Choose the FALSE statement about epithelium.
A. cells are tightly joined by cell junctions
B. forms most of the glands in the body
C. is underlain by connective tissue (usually loose
D. embryonic ectoderm is an epithelial tissue
E. has lots of extracellular matrix
C 20. In the pancreas, the exocrine glands have branched
ducts and their secretory units are hollow balls of
secretory cells. This kind of gland is . . .
A. simple tubular
B. stratified squamous
C. compound acinar
D. branched tubular
E. simple alveolar
E 21. What are the three basic elements of the matrix of
connective tissue?
A. mineral crystals, glycosaminoglycans, reticular fibers
B. reticular fibers, collagen fibers, elastic fibers
C. cells, cell junctions, basal lamina
D. plasma, defense cells, and myofilaments
E. ground substance, fibers, tissue fluid
C 22. Choose the INCORRECT match between the structure and
its function.
A. fibroblast: secretes collagen protein
B. ground substance: holds tissue fluid
C. collagen fibers: resist tension
D. tissue macrophage: secretes antibodies
E. ground substance: gives connective tissue bulk, like
packing material.
D 23. Which of these has the highest concentration of dense
irregular connective tissue?
A. ligament
B. tendon
C. synovial membrane
D. dermis of skin
E. adipose tissue below the skin
A 24. Which is NOT a type of cartilage tissue?
A. vascularized cartilage (containing many blood vessels)
B. hyaline cartilage
C. fibrocartilage
D. elastic cartilage
E. calcified cartilage
E 25. Choose the WRONG type of cartilage.
A. rings in the walls of your trachea: hyaline cartilage
B. cartilage in your ear: elastic cartilage
C. costal cartilage: hyaline cartilage
D. cartilage in the ligament of your pubic symphysis:
E. articular cartilage on the bone ends of a synovial
joint: elastic cartilage.
C 26. Another name for the cartilage growth plate between
the end and shaft of a growing long bone is the . . .
A. epiphysis
B. diaphyseal plate
C. epiphyseal plate
D. marrow cavity
E. meniscus
D 27. A man went to the butcher shop and bought a cow bone
for his dog. He discovered a fibrous membrane on the
outside of the bone, so he pulled it off and looked at it.
This membrane was . . .
A. a tendon
B. the synovial membrane
C. dermis (cowhide)
D. the periosteum
E. a ligament
A 28. Spongy bone . . .
A. is weaker than compact bone.
B. is soft like a wet sponge.
C. is the same thing as woven bone.
D. is located on the exterior of the bones of the skeleton
as well as in their interior.
E. is absent from the long bones, such as the femur.
D 29. In an osteon, the lamellae are arranged as . . .
A. spider-shaped cells
flat plates
a branching network of random bars (woven bone)
a set of cylindrical rings, one inside another
giant, six-sided mineral crystals
E 30. Endochondral ossification: Choose the FALSE
A. The epiphyses are made entirely of cartilage until the
time of birth, and then they gain bone tissue.
B. The shaft of a long bone becomes the primary center of
ossification in the early fetus.
C. Growth hormone signals our bones to grow longer.
D. Endochondral bones start out as hyaline cartilage in the
late embryo.
E. The frontal bone of the skull forms by endochondral
A 31. In bone remodelling, the cell type that breaks down
bone tissue is the . . .
A. osteoclast
B. osteoblast
C. stem cell
D. osteocyte
E. mast cell
B 32. To correct a dislocated temporamandibular joint, the
physician grasps the patient’s mandible from in front and
then . . .
A. pulls the mandible anteriorly
B. pushes it inferiorly and posteriorly
C. has to break the jaw in the midline of the chin in order
to rearticulate this joint
D. pulls the mouth farther open, then pushes superiorly
E. must surgically remove the articular disc from the joint
D 33. In the lecture on synovial joints, we said the word
‘synovial’ means ‘joint egg’ because . . .
A. it has lots of stem cells to heal itself after joint
injury, and an egg symbolizes such new life.
B. in females, the earliest egg cells (oocytes) lie deep in
the fibrous joint-membrane (as well as in the bone marrow).
C. it is injured (sprained) easily, just as delicate eggs
break easily.
D. the synovial fluid is clear and viscous, like raw egg
white, and the capsule is like the leathery shell of a
reptile’s egg.
E. the synovial membrane has a strong structural and
functional resemblence to a membrane inside chicken eggs
called the chorion.
B 34. In the upper limb, what group of muscles corresponds
to the leg-muscle group that includes gastrocnemius and
A. dorsal extensors on the forearm (for example, extensor
B. ventral flexors on the forearm (for example, flexor
digitorum superficialis)
C. biceps brachii and brachialis
D. triceps brachii
E. deltoid muscle of the shoulder
D 35. During what action can you feel the external and
internal oblique muscles tighten and contract, as you feel
them through your skin?
A. flexing your neck forward to put your chin on your chest
B. standing up straight and thrusting your shoulders back
C. inhaling (breathing in air) forcefully
D. straining to vomit
E. biting down hard
C 36. Sarcoplasmic reticulum . . .
A. does not contribute to the triads in skeletal muscle.
B. lies in the extracellular matrix, where it wraps around
the outside of a muscle cell.
C. includes terminal cisterns.
D. includes T tubules.
E. is a specialized Golgi apparatus.
B 37. What is the size order of skeletal-muscle structures
from largest to smallest.
A. whole muscle, myofilament, fiber, myofibril, sarcomere,
B. whole muscle, fascicle, fiber, sarcomere, myofibril,
C. whole muscle, fiber, sarcomere, fascicle, myofibril,
D. whole muscle, fiber, fascicle, myofibril, sarcomere,
E. whole muscle, myofibril, fascicle, myofilament,
sarcomere, fiber.
D 38. Which of these is NOT PRESENT in cardiac muscle?
A. intercalated discs
B. A bands
C. sarcoplasmic reticulum
D. many nuclei per cell
E. branching muscle cells
E 39. Smooth muscle is the main type of muscle in all
these, except for the __________, which has skeletal muscle
A. wall of uterus
B. wall of stomach
C. wall of arteries
D. wall of trachea (windpipe)
E. wall of pharynx
C 40. In one lecture, Dr. Mallatt showed you a box of red
Jell-o brand gelatin dessert (Blackberry Fusion flavor).
What point was he making?
A. In the cytoplasm, the cytosol is viscous like gelatin.
B. Ground substance of the extracellular matrix is viscous
like gelatin.
C. This Jell-o is made from collagen, mostly extracted from
animal bones.
D. Some joint injuries lead to bleeding (red) into the gellike synovial fluid.
E. Mesenchyme is like some Jell-o that stuffs the middle of
the trilaminar embryonic disc.