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Name: __________________________________
January 10, 2006
Do Now
History - ____
Do Now #5
5. I will be able to analyze the different major beliefs of the Hindu religion.
Essential Question: “What does it take for someone to earn your trust?”
Let’s get ready to FIGHT BACK against the achievement gap …
 Make sure your binders are in a neat stack next to your desk, slightly in the aisle.
 Clip away today’s materials (except for this DN), and have your HW out on top of your binder.
 Turn to your tracking sheet and record today’s objective. Close your binder when finished.
 Read the selection below, and then fill in the blanks that follow.
1. N___________ M_________ spent over twenty years in prison before becoming president of South
2. This leader spent many years living u____________________ (in hiding) in South Africa.
3. He organized a m____________ wing of the African National Congress.
4. This organization practiced s_____________ against white-owned factories and warehouses.
5. For over twenty-years, this leader was imprisoned on R____________ I______________.
Follow the first two steps of SOAPS analysis with the two primary sources below.
S = ______________________
O = _________, ___________
S = _______________________
O = __________, ___________
Today’s Vocabulary Practice: We will say this aloud with our hand signals.
Nelson Mandela
Above and Beyond: Write out one Bloom’s Time Traveler’s question for evaluation, one for synthesis,
and one for analysis.
Name: __________________________________
January 10, 2006
History - ____
Classwork #5
Introduction to Hinduism -- The World’s 3rd Most Popular Religion
The World’s Most Popular Religion:
Hinduism has over 800 million followers worldwide. Someone who practices Hinduism
is called a Hindu. Most of them live in India, the largest country in South Asia. Unlike the
other three religions we have studied (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), there is no single
founder of Hinduism. There is no single text for Hindus. Historians are even unclear about
exactly when Hinduism started. Hinduism does, however, have four books that remain
important to its followers. These books are called the Four Vedas.
Central Beliefs:
Most Hindus do, however, agree on certain basic ideas. First, unlike
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Hinduism is a polytheistic religion; Hindus
believe in more than one god. The three most important gods in Hinduism are
Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer).
Second, Hindu’s believe that all of these gods and all of the earth grew out of
one world spirit called Brahman.
Third (and this is perhaps most important), Hindus believe in
reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that after the body dies, the soul
comes back in a different form. Hindus believe that if you live a good life, you
come back as something “better” (a wealthy movie star, for example). They
believe that if you live a bad life, you come back as something “worse” (a
cockroach, for example).
The other important beliefs in Hinduism all have to do with reincarnation. Hindus call “doing the
right thing” your dharma. Following your dharma means doing good deeds, helping others, and living a good
life. Hindu’s further believe that there is a “record” of your soul’s good deeds and bad deeds. They call this
record your “karma.” You create good karma by doing many, many good deeds. When the body dies, Hindus
believe that the gods examine your karma, punish you for your good deeds, reward you for the good ones, and
then send you back to earth in a new form (reincarnation).
So, does reincarnation go on forever? Hindus believe that once someone lives a perfect life, that
person’s soul ceases to be reborn. The soul at that point becomes part of Brahman, the world’s spirit.
Hindus call this event “moksha.”
Religions in India:
India is the home to many, many different religions. The two biggest,
however, are Hinduism and Islam. Remember that the Muslim Empire stretched all
the way into India. The Muslim Empire brought Islam to India. One of the greatest
challenges of India’s battle for independence was uniting these very different
religions. What do you think is the best way of uniting people with very different
belief systems?
Above and Beyond: Study your Africa map with your partner.
Part II: Complete the blanks in today’s skeleton.
Part III: Create an illustration in each box so that it matches the description below each box.
The gods examine the
soul’s karma
The soul is punished
for its bad deeds
The soul is rewarded
for its good deeds
The soul is reborn in a
new form.
Part IV: What could Hinduism have in common with Islam? Complete the graphic organizer below to
find out!