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Differential Amplifiers (Chapter 8 in Horenstein)
• Differential amplifiers are pervasive in analog electronics
Low frequency amplifiers
High frequency amplifiers
Operational amplifiers – the first stage is a differential amplifier
Analog modulators
Logic gates
• Advantages
Large input resistance
High gain
Differential input
Good bias stability
Excellent device parameter tracking in IC implementation
• Examples
– Bipolar 741 op-amp (mature, well-practiced, cheap)
– CMOS or BiCMOS op-amp designs (more recent, popular)
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-1
Amplifier With Bias Stabilizing Neg Feedback Resistor
Single transistor common-emitter or common-source amplifiers often use a bias
stabilizing resistor in the common node leg (to ground) as shown below
– Such a resistor provides negative feedback to stabilize dc bias
– But, the negative feedback also reduces gain accordingly
We can shunt the common node bias resistor with a capacitor to reduce the negative
impact on gain
– Has no effect on gain reduction at low frequencies, however
– Large bypass capacitors are difficult to implement in IC design due to large area
Conclusion: try to avoid using feedback resistor R2 in biasing network
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-2
Differential Amplifier Topology
In contrast to the single device commonemitter (common-source) amplifier with
negative feedback bias resistor of the
previous slide, the differential ckt shown at
left provides a better bypass scheme.
– Device 2 provides bypass for active device 1
– Bias provided by dc current source
– Device 2 can also be used for input, allowing
a differential input
– Load devices might be resistors or they
might be current sources (current mirrors)
The basic differential amplifier topology can
be used for bipolar diff amp design or for
CMOS diff amp design, or for other active
devices, such as JFETs
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-3
Differential Amplifier with Two Simultaneous Inputs
The differential amplifier topology shown at
the left contains two inputs, two active
devices, and two loads, along with a dc
current source
We will define the
– differential mode of the input vi,dm = v1 – v2
– common mode of the input as vi,cm= ½ (v1+v2)
Using these definitions, the inputs v1 and v2
can be written as linear combinations of the
differential and common modes
– v1 = vi,cm + ½ vi,dm
– v2 = vi,cm – ½ vi,dm
These definitions can also be applied to the
output voltages
– Differential mode vo,dm = vo1 – vo2
– Common mode vo,cm = ½ (vo1 + vo2)
Alternately, these can be written as
– vo1 = vo,cm + ½ vo,dm
– vo2 = vo,cm – ½ vo,dm
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-4
Bipolar Transistor Differential Amplifier
Q1 & Q2 are matched (identical) NPN
Rc is the load resistor
– Placed on both sides for symmetry, but could be
used to obtain differential outputs
Io is the bias current
– Usually built out of NPN transistor and current
mirror network
– rn is the equivalent Norton output resistance of
the current source transistor
Input signal is switching around ground
Vref = 0 for this particular design
– Both sides are DC-biased at ground on the base
of Q1 and Q2
vBE is the forward base-emitter voltage across
the junctions of the active devices
Since Q1 and Q2 are assumed matched, Io
splits evenly to both sides
– IC1 = IC2 = Io/2
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-5
Small-Signal Model Analysis for Single Input Diff Amp
Consider transistor Q2 with grounded base
– dc small-signal model shown in top-left figure
– Use the test voltage approach to calculate Q2’s
input impedance looking into emitter
– Using KCL equations, we can write
itest = vtest/r – oib2 where ib2 = - vtest/r
– Rearranging and solving for vtest/itest, we have
rth2 = vtest/itest = r/(o + 1) = ~ r/o = 1/gm2
– Generally gm2 is large, causing rth2 to act like an
ac short
Consider transistor Q1 with Q2 replaced by rth2
– Since rth2 is much smaller than rn (output
impedance of Io), we will neglect rn
– Writing KCL, we have
vin = ib1r1 + ib1(o + 1) rth2 = ib12 r1
– where we assumed r1= r2
– We can now find vout as a function of vin
vout = - ic1Rc = - oibRc = - ovinRc/2r1= - ½ gmRcvin
– where we have used gm = o/r1
R. W. Knepper, SC412, slide 8-17
Small signal gain Av = vout/vin = - ½ gmRc
Bipolar Diff Amp with Differential Inputs
At left is a bipolar differential amplifier schematic
having two inputs that are differential in nature, i.e.
equal in magnitude but opposite in phase
– The differential input v1 – v2 = va(t) – (-va(t)) = 2va(t)
– The common mode input = [va + (-va)]/2 = 0
A small-signal model for the diff amp is shown
below, where the Tx output collector resistance ro is
assumed to be >> RC (in parallel) and is neglected
We can derive the small-signal gain due to the
differential input by applying KVL to loop A
va(t) – (-va(t)) = 2va(t) = ib1r1 – ib2r2 = 2ib1r
– since ib1 = -ib2 and r1= r2
– Or, ib1 = va(t)/r and ib2 = - va(t)/r
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-18
Bipolar Diff Amp with Differential Inputs (continued)
Solving for the output voltages we can obtain
– vo1 = -ic1RC = - oib1RC = - (o/r)va(t)RC and v02 = + (o/r)va(t)RC
We can now find the gain with differential-mode input and single-ended output or with
differential-mode input and differential output
Adm-se1 = v01/vidm = -gmRC/2
and Adm-se2 = + gmRC/2
Adm-diff = (v01 – v02 )/ vidm = - gmRC
Since corresponding currents on the left and right side of the differential small-signal
model are always equal and opposite, implying that no current ever flows throw rn
– Node E acts as a “virtual ground”
If the output resistances of Q1 and Q2 are low enough to require keeping them in the
analysis, we simply replace RC with the parallel combination of RC||ro for transistor Q1
and Q2
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-19
Small-Signal Model of BJT Diff Amp with CM Inputs
The figure below is the small-signal model for the diff amp with common-mode inputs
– v1 = v2 = vb(t) and vicm = ½ (v1 + v2) = vb(t)
The common-mode currents from both inputs flow through rn as shown by the two loops
– in = 2(o + 1) ib1 = 2 (o + 1) ib2
– and therefore, vb = ibr + 2(o+ 1)ibrn or ib = vb/[r + 2(o+ 1)rn]
The collector voltages can be found as
– v01 = v02 = - oRCvb/[r + 2(o+ 1)rn] = ~ - gmRCvb/ [1 + 2gmrn]
The common-mode gain with single-ended output is given by
– Acm-se1 = Acm-se2 = vo1/vicm = vo2/vicm = - gmRC/[1 + 2gmrn] = ~ -RC/2rn
The common-mode gain with differential output is Acm-diff = (vo1 – vo2)/vicm = 0
Do Example 8.1, p. 488
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-20
BJT Diff Amp Circuit with Both Diff & CM Inputs
The example below illustrates the principle of superposition in dealing with both
differential mode and common mode inputs to a diff amp
– v1 = vx cos 1t + vy sin 2t
v2 = vx cos 1t – vy sin 2t
Using the definitions of differential mode and common mode inputs, respectively,
vidm = v1 – v2 = 2vy sin 2t and vicm = (v1 + v2)/2 = vx cos 1t ,
– we can obtain
vo1 = Adm-se1 vidm + Acm-se1 vicm
= - oRC [(vy/ r) sin 2t + (vx/{r + 2 (o+ 1) rn}) cos 1t]
– The expression for v02 is similar except that the first term (differential mode) has a minus sign
– Note that the common mode output is reduced by the factor (o+ 1) in the denominator
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-21
Common-Mode Rejection Ratio
In a differential amplifier we typically want to amplify the differential input while, at
the same time, rejecting the common-mode input signal
A figure of merit Common Mode Rejection Ratio is defined as
CMRR = |Adm|/|Acm|
– where Adm is the differential mode gain and Acm is the common mode gain
For a bipolar diff amp with differential output, the CMRR is found to be
CMRR = |Adm-diff|/|Acm-diff| = |- gmRC| / 0 = infinity
In the case of the bipolar diff amp with single-ended output, CMRR is given by
CMRR = |Adm-se|/|Acm-se| = | ½gmRC| / | oRC/[r + 2(o+ 1)rn]|
= [r + 2(o+ 1)rn]/2r = ~ orn/r = gmrn = ICrn/VT
= Iorn/2VT
– since o = gmr and VT is defined as kT/q
CMRR is often expressed in decibels, in which case the definition becomes
– CMRR = 20 log (|Adm|/|Acm|)
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-22
BJT Diff Amp Input and Output Resistance
Input Resistance:
• For differential-mode inputs, the input resistance can be found as
– rin-dm = (v1 – v2)/ib1 = (va – (-va)) / (va/r) = 2var/va = 2r
• For common-mode inputs, the input resistance is quite different
– rin-cm = ½(v1 + v2)/ib1 = vb / [vb /(r+ 2(o+ 1)rn)] = r + 2(o+ 1)rn
Output Resistance:
• For differential outputs, we can use the test voltage method (below) for deriving the output
resistance where all inputs are set to zero
– Since ib1 and ib2 are both zero, we have itest = vtest/(RC + RC) = vtest/2RC or rout-diff = 2RC
For single-ended outputs, rout-se = RC || ro = ~ RC
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-23
Bipolar Diff Amp Biasing Considerations
A bipolar differential amplifier with ideal
current source and resistor loads is shown
It is assumed that components are matched
sufficiently such that bias current Io is split
evenly between the left and right-hand legs
Node E will take a voltage value such that
IC1 = IC2 = Io/2 when v1 = v2 = 0
By using the Ebers-Moll dc model for the
NPN transistors, we can determine the voltage
at node E
IE = IEO [exp (qVBE/kT) – 1]
= IEO exp (qVBE/kT)
= Io/2
or, VBE = (kT/q) ln (IE/IEO)
– Typically, VBE = 0.75-0.85 V in modern NPN
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-24
It is important to design RC such that vout
never drops so low so as to force Q1 or Q2
into saturation.
BJT Diff Amp with Simple Resistor Current Source
The simplest approach to building a current
source is with a resistor
Given that node E is one VBE drop below
GND, we can choose RE to provide the
desired bias current Io
– RE = (0 – VBE – VEE) / Io
Preventing saturation in Q1 and Q2
provides an upper bound for RC
– RC ~ < (VCC – 0)/(Io/2) = 2 VCC / Io
Look at Example 8.3 in text.
Do problem 8.31 in class.
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-25
Example 8.3: Diff Amp with Complete Bias Design
Design Conditions
– Differential-mode, single-ended gain > = 50
– Common-mode, single-ended gain < = 0.2
Completed design is shown above
In class Exercise: 8.4, 8.5, & 8.6
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-26
BJT Diff Amp with BJT Current Source
The expression for common-mode gain on slide 8-20 (-RC/2rn)
shows that in order to reduce Acm, we want to make the effective
impedance of the current source very high
– Using a resistor to generate the current source limits our
design options in making rn (RE in this case) high
An alternate method of generating Io is to use an NPN transistor
current source similar to that shown at the left
– Q3 is an NPN biased in the forward active region so that rn
(given by the inverse slope of the collector characteristics) is
very high
– RA and RB form a voltage divider establishing VB = VEE x
RA/(RA + RB) where VEE is <0
– The voltage across RE can be used to find Io
– VRE = VB – Vf – VEE
– Io = (VB – Vf – VEE)/RE is the bias current provided to the
diff amp
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-27
Small Signal Model of BJT Current Source Transistor
Find the small-signal resistance looking into
the collector of Q3 on slide 8-27 diff amp
– If RE were = 0, then the solution becomes
simply ro, since the incremental base current ib3
would, in fact, be 0
– With a finite feedback resistor RE, we need to
use KVL and KCL to derive an expression for
rn (See Example 8.4 in text)
• Apply a test current itest and find vtest
– Obtain v3 by applying KVL to the 3 left-most
resistors to obtain ib3 and multiply by r3
v3 = -itest RE r3 /[RE + r3 + RP]
– If we multiply this result by gm3 and substract
from itest, we obtain io3 which can be used to
find vo3 by multiplying by r03
vo3 = itest{1 + gm3RE r3 /[RE + r3 + RP]}ro3
– ve can be found as (itest + ib3) x RE
ve = itest (r3 + RP) RE/(RE + r3 + RP)
– Adding vo3+ ve = vtest, we obtain rn = vtest/itest
rn = RE || (r3 + RP) + r03 [1 + oRE/(RE+ r3+RP)]
Do Exercise 8.8 and 8.9 in class.
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-28
Bipolar Current Mirror Circuit
A method used pervasively in analog IC design to generate a current source is the current
mirror circuit
In the bipolar design arena, the method is as follows:
– A reference current is forced through an NPN transistor connected as a base-emitter diode (base
shorted to collector), thus setting up a VBE in the reference transistor
– This VBE voltage is then applied to one or more other “identical” NPN transistors which sets up
the same current Iref in each one of the bias transistors
– As long as the bias transistor(s) is (are) identical to the reference transistor, and as long as the
bias transistor(s) is maintained in its normal active region (where collector current is
independent of the collector-emitter voltage), then the current in the bias transistor(s) will be
identical to the current in the reference transistor.
Variations on the basic current mirror circuit can be used to generate 2X or 3X or maybe
10X the original reference current by using several bias NPN transistors in parallel
– Or alternately, by using an emitter that has 2X or 3X or 10X emitter stripes and is otherwise
identical to the reference transistor
– One reference current generator can be used to provide bias to several stages
– Very high incremental output impedance can be obtained from the current mirror
– The technique can be used in both bipolar and in CMOS/BiCMOS technologies
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-29
Bipolar Current Mirror Bias Circuit Design
Design procedure:
– Given RA and the IC vs VBE
characteristics of the NPN
reference device, we can
determine IA, or
– Given the desired IA and the
IC vs VBE characteristics of
the NPN reference device,
we can choose RA
We can find IA by dividing the voltage drop across RA by the resistance value
– IA = (VCC – VBE1 – VEE) / RA
– Assuming that the two base currents are small, we can say IA = Iref
– Because of the current mirror action, the VBE1 set up in Q1 to sustain current Iref will be equal
to VBE2, the base-emitter voltage in Q2
– Therefore, Io = Iref = IA
– Note: corrections for IB1 and IB2 can easily be made is needed
– Note 2: Q2 must be maintained in its forward active region
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-30
BJT Diff Amp with Current Mirror Bias (Ex. 8.5)
Design Objectives:
– Diff amp with 1.5 mA in each leg
– 5V drop across load resistors
– VCC = +10V, VEE = -10V
Design Procedure:
– Set Io = IA = 3 mA
– RA = (0 – VBE = VEE)/3mA = 3.1K
• where we used VBE = 0.7 volt
– RC1 & RC2 can be found as follows:
– RC1 = RC2 = 5V/1.5 mA = 3.3K
Check VCE of Q2, Q3, and Q4 to see if
they are in normal active region
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-31
VC = VCC – 1.5 mA x 3.3K = 5V
VE = 0 – VBE = -0.7V
VCE = 5 – (-0.7) = 5.7V for Q2 and Q3
For Q2 VCE = -0.7V – (-10) = -9.3V
Calculate power in each device
– PQ3 = PQ4 = 1.5mA x 5.7V = 8.6 mW
– PQ2 = 3 mA x 9.3V = 28 mW
– PQ1 = 3 mA x 0.7V = 2.1 mW
BJT Current Mirror Feeding 2-stage Diff Amp
The example below shows a 2-stage bipolar diff amp fed from two current sources with a
single current mirror
– Reference current 0.93mA is determined by placing (0 – VBE – VEE) across a 10K bias resistor
– The reference current is used for the first differential stage with 0.47 mA on each leg
– The second differential stage is to have double the bias current of the first stage
• This is accomplished by using two bias NPN transistors in parallel giving 1.86 mA bias current with 0.93
mA flowing on each leg (Q7 and Q8)
– Check the VCE of each device to check for normal active region and calculate power in circuit.
The total circuit power is found
by computing the sum of the
three current source currents
multiplied by the source-sink
voltage differential for each.
– Q1: 0.93mA x 10V = 9.3mW
– Q2: 0.93mA x 20V = 18.6mW
– Q3/Q4: 1.86mA x 20V = 37.2
Total circuit power = 65.1 mW
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-32
Bipolar Widlar Current Source
A special use of the current mirror is the Widlar
Current Source (shown at left)
– A resistor in the emitter of Q2 is used to reduce the
current Io in Q2 to a value less than that in Q1
– Io can be set to a very small value by increasing the
R2 value
Example iteration procedure:
Assume that Iref = 1 mA and R2 = 500 ohms.
Guess Io inside ln term. Find LHS Io.
Initial guess = 0.5 mA, then Io = 0.036mA
Try a guess of 0.2 mA, then Io = 0.083mA
Try a guess of 0.1mA, then Io = 0.119mA
Try a guess of 0.11mA, then Io =
0.114mA Close enough!!
Design procedure:
– As in the standard current mirror, we can find Iref as
Iref = (VCC – VEE – VBE1)/RA
– But, in contrast to the standard current mirror, VBE2
will not be equal to VBE1
VBE1 = VBE2 + IE2R2
– Using the Ebers-Moll model for emitter current
IE = IEO (exp[VBE/VT] – 1) = ~ IEO exp[VBE/VT]
– We can invert this expression and insert it into the
above equation for VBE1 to obtain
IE2 = (VT/R2) ln(IE1/IE2) = Io = (VT/R2) ln(Iref/Io)
– Since this is not a closed form solution, an iterative
approach can be used to solve for Io by starting with
a best guess.
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-33
Small-Signal Model for Widlar Current Source Q1
The incremental output impedance (looking into Q2 collector) of Widlar Current Source is
similar to the expression derived for the BJT current source (slide 8-28) except that RP
must be replaced by the incremental resistance at the base of Q1
– From the model below, the incremental resistance at the base of Q1 is given by
r1 || 1/gm1 || ro1 || RA = ~ [r1/(o1 + 1)] || RA
– Thus, the output impedance seen looking into the collector of the Widlar Current Source is given
rn = R2 || (r2 + RP) + r02 [1 + o2R2/(R2+ r2+RP)]
– where the above expression is to be used in place of RP
However, with a number of approximations and using the relation IoR2/VT= ln (Iref/Io),
the expression may usually be simplified to
rn = r02 [1 + ln (Iref/Io)]
Look over Example 8.9 in text.
R. W. Knepper
SC412, slide 8-34
Amp. Multietapa con Diferenciales
El circuito de la figura 2 funciona como un
amplificador rudimentario. La salida del
amplificador diferencial está derivada en una
forma de una sola terminal y alimentada a un
seguidor de voltaje que sirve como un acoplador
de salida. Suponga que la BF de cada transistor
ocurre en el rango de 50 a 200.
A. Encuentre el punto de operación
aproximado de cada transistor del circuito
para un valor supuesto de Vf=0.7V.
B. Identifique las entradas V+ y V-.
C. Determine las expresiones para las
ganancias diferencial y común del
Figura 2
Amp. Multietapa con Diferenciales
Utilicé donde sea apropiado aproximaciones de ingeniería, y suponga que están
pareados todos los BJT, determine
Los valores aproximados del punto de polarización de cada uno de los transistores.
La ganancia de voltaje en pequeña señal Vo/(V1-V2).
Diseño Con Amplificadores
Diseñe un amplificador diferencial a BJT que cumpla con las especificaciones
Rango de excursión diferencial en las terminales de salida de por lo menos 3 v
rin-dif >1k
Están disponibles canales de alimentación de mas o menos 10 v