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Disorders of teeth/mouth
• Dental Caries (cavities)
• Decay on enamel surface of teeth which can deepen into dentin and pulp
chamber of tooth causing infection and eventually tooth loss.
• Caused by acid and bacteria
• Periodontal Disease (gum disease)
• Infection of the gums, periodontal ligaments, and bone surrounding the
• Swollen, dark red, and bleeding gums
• Ultimate destruction of the alveolar bone- leading to tooth loss
• TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder)
• Pain and dysfunction in jaw joint (tempormandubular joint)
• Many causes such as
• Clenching/grinding teeth (bruxism)
• Injury to jaw joint (TMJ)
• Dysfunction in jaw due to position of mandible
Weight Loss Surgeries – 3 types
Roux En Y or Standard Gastric
Half of the stomach and the duodenum
is sealed off and the jejunum is
rerouted to the stomach.
By skipping part of the stomach and
duodenum, less calories are absorbed
Stomach is now a small pouch and can
hold only 1 ounce of food at a time.
High risk for complications,
malnutrition. Without a pyloric
sphincter, food moves too quickly from
the stomach to the intestines causing
dumping syndrome (abdominal
cramping, shakiness, pain and
Procedure is irreversible
Weight Loss Surgeries
2. Gastric Band
•An inflatable band is placed
around the stomach to create a
small pouch.
•Stomach is reduced to ½ - 1
cup therefore less food can be
eaten causing weight loss.
•Individuals tend not to lose as
much weight
•Few complications possible
•Procedure is reversible
Weight Loss Surgeries
3. Sleeve Gastrectomy
•75% of the stomach is removed
but no intestinal tract is
• Pyloric sphincter is left intact,
therefore no dumping syndrome
•Good results in weight loss
•Fewer risks of complications in
comparison to standard bypass
•Procedure is irreversible
Bowel Obstruction
• Partial or complete blockage of
the small or large bowel.
• Causes: severe constipation,
tumors, scar tissue, or twisting
or narrowing of the intestines.
• Treatment: Laxatives or
• Small pouches in the large intestine become clogged and
inflamed with bacteria & feces.
• Typically treated with antibiotics however sometimes may
need surgery to remove infected gut.
Ulcerative Colitis/ Crohn’s Disease
• Disease of the intestines causing ulcers & inflammation.
• Ulcerative Colitis is less invasive and only affects the large intestine
• Crohn’s disease is more severe and can cause ulcers throughout the
digestive tract.
Gastric Ulcers
• Also known as peptic ulcer.
• Inflammation in either the stomach or
the duodenal mucosa, with extension
beyond the submucosa into the
muscularis mucosa.
• Most commonly caused is bacteria
called Helicobacter pylori.
• Other causes include medication
induced or increase production of
gastric secretions.
Alternative Nutrition
• Enteral Nutrition:
• Also known as tube feeding
• Given via a tube through the
mouth/nose/stomach and
extends into either the
stomach or intestines.
• Special formulas used
containing all nutrients.
• “If the gut works, use it” But if it
doesn’t work use Total Parental
Nutrition (TPN)
• Nutrition via blood.
Celiac Disease
• Sometimes called “Slick Gut” because the lining of the
small intestines becomes so inflamed food is unable to be
absorbed and passes right through
• Inflammation is caused by an allergy to gluten, a protein
found in wheat.
• Treatment: AVOID WHEAT! The following foods contain
wheat: Bread, Pasta, Oats, Barley, Cookies, Cakes, Most
Cereals, Most Processed Foods, Many Spices… And
many more…
Poo Facts…
• Average amount of stool excreted
per day is about a pound
• One poop a day is ideal however 2 - 3 times day or
3 times a week can also be considered normal too.
• The color of feces is due to bile (from the liver) and
bilirubin (dead RBC’s)
• We need some bacteria (Gut Flora) in our digestive
system to help us digest things we normally can’t
• Yogurt contains some of these
“good bacteria” and can help
replace them
Feces are made of…
• 75% of your poop is water
• 25% undigestable fiber &
stuff to help move the
poop through the colon
• 1/3 of this is dead bacteria
• 1/3 fat, dead cells, mucus &
live bacteria!
The hue of poo…
• The color of feces can
indicate either what you’ve
consumed, or a more serious issue!
• Black: high iron levels, blood (from intestines)
• Red: beets, blood (from rectum/anus)
• White/Gray: bile duct blockage, liver disease, excess anti-
• Green: spinach, GI infection
• Yellow: fat in feces (pancreatic disease)
Follow mom’s advice – eat fiber!
• We need fiber in our diet – it helps to stimulate
goblet cell production, which provides a lubricant
for feces – thereby reducing time in our GI tract
• However, our intestines can’t process extremely
high-fiber substances – especially plant cell walls
(the cellulose!)
• For example: seeds, nuts, corn, and certain fruit/veggie skins
• Usually two main causes: GI tract infections and maldigestion
• Inadvertent consumption of bacteria, viruses, or toxins causes the small
intestine to secrete large amounts of fluid, and the large intestine will not
absorb any – all in efforts to “flush out” the tract
• Pooping more than 3 times a day is considered diarrhea.
Diarrhea – When should I see a doctor?
• Adults with any of the following symptoms should see a
health care provider:
• signs of dehydration
• diarrhea for more than 2 days
• severe pain in the abdomen
or rectum
• a fever of 102 degrees or higher
• stools containing blood or pus
• stools that are black and tarry
• Persistent diarrhea can be caused by lactose-intolerance or
Celiac disease (allergy to gluten/wheat)
• Definition includes the following
• Infrequent defecation (less than
3x per week)
• Difficulty during defecation
• Sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation
• Can be caused by…
Improper mastication
Insufficient intake of fiber
Symptom of medication
Abdominal surgery
• Dr. Oz says the perfect poop
should be an s-shaped
• What causes gas? Well, you can thank
your “Gut Flora” – or bacteria residing
in your intestines
• The worst are in your colon – they
release gas based on polysaccharide
• Alpha-D-galactosidase (the active
ingredient in Beano) will help digest
polysaccharides, thereby reducing gas
• The average person farts
10 times per day
Floaters and Sinkers
• Your feces will tend to float if you take in too much
fat in your diet.
• If your feces sinks, you are taking in a healthy
amount of fat in your diet.
More fun facts about your poo!
• During World War II,
German tank drivers
thought it was good luck to
drive over camel dung…
• The British found out about
this and began to make
explosives that looked like
• With the help of a high-
fiber diet, the longest poop
ever recorded was 26 feet
• Rabbits can poop up to
500 pellets per day!!
More fun facts about your poo!
• Coffee cherries are fed
to civets, a weasel like
animal and during their
digestion, the animal’s
enzymes mix with the
coffee beans.
• The civet’s poop is
collected, beans are
removed to make civet
coffee. Costs $600
per pound. YUM!
More fun facts about poo!
• Some caterpillars can
fling their poop up to 3
feet to elude predators.
• Elephants poop 80
pounds a day!
• Poop stinks because
bacteria produce foul
smelling compounds
rich in sulfur and
• Poop can sometime
float because of an
unusual high amount
of gas content.