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SWORD Arts and Humanities: Drama
Mrs. Beavers
Globe Theater Virtual Tour:
Fill in the blanks as you explore the website. Click on pictures going from left to right.
1. The Globe Theater had to compete with other forms of entertainment such as _____________
2. The ___________ was the smelly, noisy, and crowded place where the common people stood to
watch the play. These people were known as the ________________.
3. The yard was surrounded by covered ______________, where rich people could sit in comfort,
away from the weather.
4. If the audience didn't like what they were seeing on stage, they would shout ___________, or
__________________________________________ at the actors.
5. In spite of its bad reputation, the theatre was a place where people from many different
_________________, ____________________, and backgrounds mixed together.
6. The Globe Theatre had no _________________. A ______________ was probably passed
around theatre for people to relieve themselves!
7. In the galleries, __________________ provided the strong smells. It was very popular in the
upper classes.
8. Plays began around ____________ and ended about ____________________________. People
often had to miss part of a ___________________ to attend the theatre.
9. Plays were advertised on sheets of paper called _______________________.
10. Occasionally, if the audience didn't like the play that was performed, they would shout and
stamp until _________________________________.
11. Spectators could pay an extra ______________ to sit in the upper galleries.
12. Spectators had to be careful because there were thieves called ________________ that would
make off with their money while they watched the show.
13. Pickpockets would be __________________________ at the side of the stage for people to jeer
at and pelt with food.
14. A ____________________ would fire to let the audience know the play was about to begin.
15. During a performance of Henry VIII, a cannon ______________________ to the roof, and it
burned to the ground in the “course of an hour”.
16. ___________________ and __________________ such as fireworks were used in Elizabethan
17. In Shakespeare's day, actors worked together in small groups called ________________.
18. Each ____________________ also had a nobleman or lady called a _______________ to give
them money and prestige.
19. Shakespeare's first company was called the ___________________.
20. Shakespeare was an ___________________ in the company, as well as a playwright.
21. ___________________ were an important way for the actors in Shakespeare's plays to convey
information about the characters they were playing.
22. Also, the __________________ of clothing was very symbolic.
23. Costumes were not used ______________________ in Shakespeare's time.
24. Many costumes were given to the company by their __________________ and were made
from very rich and expensive materials.
25. The Globe had a bare stage, and groundlings in the yard surrounded it on _________________.
26. Their was no ___________________ light in the Globe Theatre.
27. In Shakespeare's time, actor's used more flamboyant ____________________ than actors use
28. The audience would have ________________________ in the plays at the Globe.
29. The mixture of people provided a mixture of ________________, and playwrights would try to
include something to keep most audience members happy.
30. A ____________________ is when an actor speaks alone onstage, either to himself or the
31. There were ___________ doors at the back of the stage that the actors could use to enter and
exit the stage.
32. Most of the ___________ that the companies possessed were small, portable objects that were
easy to store and could be carried onstage by the actors.
33. All actor's in Shakespeare's time were _____________, and female roles were played by boys
whose voices hadn't broken.
34. Actors, who had to travel around a lot, had a very low ________________ in society.
35. The Globe Theatre had a __________________ through which actors could come up to the
stage or go down beneath it.