* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Week 13 Lab The Brain and Cranial Nerves LEARNING OUTCOMES: ❍ To identify the following brain structures on a dissected specimen (or slices), human brain model, or appropriate diagram, and to state their functions: • • Cerebral hemisphere structures: lobes, important fissures, lateral ventricles, corpus callosum, fornix • • Brain stem structures: corpora quadrigemina, cerebral peduncles of the midbrain, pons, medulla Diencephalon structures: thalamus, intermediate mass, hypothalamus, optic chiasma, pituitary gland, mammillary bodies, pineal body, choroid plexus of the third ventricle Cerebellum structures: cerebellar hemispheres, arbor vitae ❍ ❍ To define gyri, fissures, and sulci. ❍ To identify the cranial nerves by number and name on a model or diagram, stating the origin and function of each. To identify at least four pertinent anatomical differences between the human brain and that of the sheep (or other mammal). BEFORE WE BEGIN: When it comes to dissections, there are three types of people: cutters (people who don’t mind cutting things), touchers (people who don’t like to cut, but will touch afterwards), and lookers (who won’t touch anything). ❍ Every group needs to have at least one cutter. Otherwise you’ll just sit there and stare at the brain. ❍ Only cutters and touchers needs gloves. ❍ Lookers are good for turning pages and taking notes. ACTIVITY 1: Sheep Brain Dissection — External Features In this activity, you will study the gross superficial anatomy of the sheep brain and its meninges. In Lab: 1. The tough outer covering of the sheep brain is the dura mater, one of three meninges that cover the brain. While you will need to remove the dura mater to see most of the brain, you can see some structures on the brain before you remove it. Take special note of the pituitary gland and the optic chiasma, optic nerves and optic tracts. The pituitary gland and attached infundibulum are likely to be pulled off when you remove the dura mater. (This will demonstrated for you.) 1 2. The most prominent feature of the brain is the cerebrum. It is divided into nearly symmetrical left and right cerebral hemispheres by the longitudinal fissure. sheep brain, superior view (dura mater partially intact) sheep brain, superior view (dura mater removed) 3. The surface of the cerebrum is covered with large folds of tissue called gyri. The grooves between the gyri are sulci. The deeper indentations are called fissures and are used as landmarks to divide the surface of the cerebrum (the cerebral cortex) into regions: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobes. sheep brain, left lateral view 4. The smaller, rounded structure at the back of the brain is the cerebellum. The cerebellum has smaller gyri that are roughly parallel to one another. Compare the gyri of the cerebellum to that of the cerebrum. 5. Week 13 Lab: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 2 6. Turn the brain over so that the cerebrum is down. The most prominent structure visible on the ventral side of the brain is the optic chiasma, where the two optic nerves cross over each other and form an “X” shape. The optic tracts run from the optic chiasma to the brain. Just posterior to the optic chiasma is the mammillary body. You may also be able to see where the infundibulum attached the pituitary gland to the brain. 7. Toward the front of the brain are two prominent round structures, the olfactory bulbs, that connect to the olfactory tracts. The olfactory nerves (CN I) enter the olfactory bulbs from the nasal cavity through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. 8. Identify the brain stem structures: the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. 9. Carefully bend the cerebellum to see the dorsal surface of the midbrain. The four domes are the two superior colliculi and the two inferior colliculi. If you gently push those structures down, you can see the rounded pea-sized pineal body (also called the pineal gland). Week 13 Lab: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 3 ACTIVITY 2: Sheep Brain Dissection — Internal Features In this activity, you will make a midsagittal cut through the sheep brain to observe its internal anatomy. In Lab: 1. Use a knife or long-bladed scalpel to cut the specimen along the longitudinal fissure. This will allow you to separate the brain into left and the right parts. Lay one side of the brain on your tray to locate the structures visible on the inside: ❍ The corpus callosum is a commissure that connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres. ❍ You may see a membrane—the septum pellucidum—covering the opening to the lateral ventricle. ❍ Underneath it, you can find the third ventricle, which surrounds the intermediate mass of the thalamus. (This is just labeled as the thalamus in the figure above.) ❍ The white area between those two ventricles is the fornix. ❍ The fourth ventricle is the space under the cerebellum. ❍ Just behind the thalamus is the pineal body. The hypothalamus is the area below the thalamus that points to the area of the optic chiasma. ❍ The pons, medulla, cerebellum and spinal cord are also visible in the side view of the brain. ❍ The transverse fissure separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum. ❍ Within the cerebellum, you can see the arbor vitae, named such because the pattern of white matter resembles a tree. 2. Compare the sizes of the cerebral hemispheres, olfactory lobes and brain stems in the sheep and the preserved human brain (or one of the brain models in the lab). Week 13 Lab: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 4 3. When you’re finished: ❍ Please wash and dry all tools, and return them to the tray of tools. ❍ You are welcome to put your dissected brain in a sealable bag and keep in the back room for future study for Lab Exam 2. ❍ Any biological waste that you don’t want to keep must go in the large hazardous waste container in the prep room. ❍ Gloves and paper towels can be discarded in the regular lab trash. ❍ When you’ve put all dissection materials away, please spray and wipe down your lab bench. ACTIVITY 3: The Cranial Nerves The cranial nerves, like the spinal nerves, are technically part of the peripheral nervous system, but their association with the brain means that studying them along with brain anatomy is most appropriate. Clinically, many of the tests that physicians perform during routine checkups are designed to test cranial nerve function. 1. Below is a table that summarizes the twelve pairs of cranial nerves. You should be able to do the following, using either a brain model or an image of the cranial nerves: ❍ identify the cranial nerves by name and by number (Roman numeral); ❍ identify the functions of the cranial nerves as primarily sensory, motor, or mixed; and ❍ state the brain association and peripheral association for each cranial nerve. For example: • The optic nerve connects the retina of the eye to the thalamus. • The vagus nerve connects the medulla oblongata to organs of the thorax and abdomen. 2. The last page of this handout contains an empty table that you can use to summarize this information for your study. Number and name Origin and course Function* Testing I. Olfactory Fibers arise from olfactory epithelium and run through the cribriform plate of ethmoid bone to synapse in olfactory bulbs. Purely sensory—carries afferent impulses associated with sense of smell. Person is asked to sniff aromatic substances, such as oil of cloves and vanilla, and to identify each. II. Optic Fibers arise from retina of eye to form the optic nerve and pass through optic canal of orbit. Fibers partially cross over at the optic chiasma and continue on to the thalamus as the optic tracts. Final fibers of this pathway travel from the thalamus to the visual cortex as the optic radiation. Purely sensory—carries afferent impulses associated with vision. Vision and visual fields are determined with eye chart and by testing the point at which the person first sees an object (finger) moving into the visual field. Fundus of eye viewed with ophthalmoscope to detect papilledema (swelling of optic disc, or point at which optic nerve leaves the eye) and to observe blood vessels. Week 13 Lab: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 5 Number and name Origin and course Function* Testing III. Oculomotor Fibers emerge from dorsal midbrain and course ventrally to enter the orbit. They exit from skull via superior orbital fissure. Primarily motor—somatic motor fibers to inferior oblique and superior, inferior, and medial rectus muscles, which direct eyeball, and to levator palpebrae muscles of superior eyelid; parasympathetic fibers to iris and smooth muscle controlling lens shape (reflex responses to varying light intensity and focusing of eye for near vision). Pupils are examined for size, shape, and equality. Pupillary reflex is tested with penlight (pupils should constrict when illuminated). Convergence for near vision is tested, as is subject’s ability to follow objects with the eyes. IV. Trochlear Fibers emerge from midbrain and exit from skull via superior orbital fissure. Primarily motor—provides somatic motor fibers to superior oblique muscle that moves the eyeball. Tested in common with cranial nerve III. V. Trigeminal Fibers emerge from pons and form three divisions, which exit separately from skull: mandibular division through foramen ovale in sphenoid bone, maxillary division via foramen rotundum in sphenoid bone, and ophthalmic division through superior orbital fissure of eye socket. Mixed—major sensory nerve of face; conducts sensory impulses from skin of face and anterior scalp, from mucosae of mouth and nose, and from surface of eyes; mandibular division also contains motor fibers that innervate muscles of mastication and muscles of floor of mouth. Sensations of pain, touch, and temperature are tested with safety pin and hot and cold objects. Corneal reflex tested with wisp of cotton. Motor branch assessed by asking person to clench his teeth, open mouth against resistance, and move jaw side to side. VI. Abducens Fibers leave inferior pons and exit from skull via superior orbital fissure to run to eye. Carries somatic motor fibers to lateral rectus muscle that moves the eyeball. Tested in common with cranial nerve III. VII. Facial Fibers leave pons and travel through temporal bone via internal acoustic meatus, exiting via stylomastoid foramen to reach the face. Mixed—supplies somatic motor fibers to muscles of facial expression and parasympathetic motor fibers to lacrimal and salivary glands; carries sensory fibers from taste receptors of anterior portion of tongue. Anterior two-thirds of tongue is tested for ability to taste sweet (sugar), salty, sour (vinegar), and bitter (quinine) substances. Symmetry of face is checked. Subject is asked to close eyes, smile, whistle, and so on. Tearing is assessed with ammonia fumes. VIII. Vestibulocochlear Fibers run from inner-ear equilibrium and hearing apparatus, housed in temporal bone, through internal acoustic meatus to enter pons. Purely sensory—vestibular branch transmits impulses associated with sense of equilibrium from vestibular apparatus and semicircular canals; cochlear branch transmits impulses associated with hearing from cochlea. Hearing is checked by air and bone conduction using tuning fork. IX. Glossopharyngeal Fibers emerge from medulla and leave skull via jugular foramen to run to throat. Mixed—somatic motor fibers serve pharyngeal muscles, and parasympathetic motor fibers serve salivary glands; sensory fibers carry impulses from pharynx, tonsils, posterior tongue (taste buds), and from chemoreceptors and pressure receptors of carotid artery. A tongue depressor is used to check the position of the uvula. Gag and swallowing reflexes are checked. Subject is asked to speak and couch. Posterior third of tongue may be tested for taste. Week 13 Lab: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 6 Number and name Origin and course Function* Testing X. Vagus Fibers emerge from medulla and pass through jugular foramen and descend through neck region into thorax and abdomen. Mixed—fibers carry somatic motor impulses to pharynx and larynx and sensory fibers from same structures; very large portion is composed of parasympathetic motor fibers, which supply heart and smooth muscles of abdominal visceral organs; transmits sensory impulses from viscera. As for cranial nerve IX (IX and X are tested in common, since they both innervate muscles of throat and mouth). XI. Accessory Fibers arise from the superior aspect of spinal cord, enter the skull, and then travel through jugular foramen to reach muscles of neck and back. Mixed (but primarily motor in function)—provides somatic motor fibers to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles and to muscles of soft palate, pharynx, and larynx (spinal and medullary fibers respectively). Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles are checked for strength by asking person to rotate head and shrug shoulders against resistance. XII. Hypoglossal Fibers arise from medulla and exit from skull via hypoglossal canal to travel to tongue. Mixed (but primarily motor in function)—carries somatic motor fibers to muscles of tongue. Person is asked to protrude and retract tongue. Any deviations in position are noted. *Does not include sensory impulses from proprioceptors. Week 13 Lab: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 7 Week 13 Lab: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 8