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Operating systems and security Overview
Protection in Operating systems
Protected objects
Protecting memory, files
User authentication, especially passwords
Trusted operating systems, security
kernels, etc.
• Assurance methods
• Evaluation
Protection in Operating Systems
• Reasons:
– To prevent mischievous, intentional violation
of an access restriction by a user
– To prevent erroneous programs from affecting
the execution of other programs
– Improve reliability
Operating systems
• An operating system is a program that
acts as an intermediary between a user of
a computer and the computer hardware.
• The purpose is to provide an environment
in which a user can execute programs in a
convenient and efficient manner.
Operating systems
Protected Objects
Hardware, software and data
Sharable I/O devices
Serially reusable I/O devices
Sharable programs and sub-procedures
Sharable data
• The basis of protection is separation
• Several ways:
– Physical separation
– Temporal separation
– Logical separation
– Cryptographical separation
Base/Bound Registers
• We also want to provide sharing of objects
• Several levels of protection is possible
– No protection
– Isolation
– Share all or share nothing
– Share via access limitation
– Share by capabilities
– Limit use of an object
Protecting Memory and
• Needs hardware support
• At least two different modes needs to be
– Privileged, system, kernel, etc..
– Unprivileged, user, etc..
• Additional support for different schemes, e.g.
paging or segmentation.
• Relatively easy to do: every memory access is
guaranteed to go through certain points in the
• A program is divided into separate pieces,
• Each segment has a unique name.
• Code or data items in a segment is
addressed as the pair <name, offset>.
• Benefits:
– Each address reference is checked for
– Many different classes of data items can be
assigned different levels of protection.
– Two or more users can share access to a
– A user cannot generate an address or access
to an unpermitted segment.
• The most commonly used memory management
• The physical memory is divided into frames
• Each address have two parts: a page number and and
• Each page in the memory is mapped to a frame.
• This mapping is maintained in the page table.
• Each process (program) has its own page table.
• Access rights to the different pages is also kept in the
page tables.
• Pages can be shared between different programs.
Protecting Access to General
• Objects that needs protection
Files on storage devices
A executing program in memory
A directory of files
A hardware device
A data structure, such as a stack
Parts of the operating system
The protection mechanism
Goals and principles
• Check every access
• Allow least privilege
• Verify acceptable usage
• Works like a file directory.
• Easy to implement: one list per user, naming all
the objects the user is allowed to access.
• Sharing is possible: several users can have a
pointer (a name) to the same object in their
• Problem: revocation of access (the system must
search through all lists for the object).
• Too simple for most object protection situations.
Access Control List
• One list for each object.
• The list shows all subjects who should
have access to the object and what their
access is.
• Groups can also be used as subjects.
• Often used, e.g. in Windows NT.
Access Control Matrix
• A table of subject, objects and access
• Inefficient and seldom used.
• A capability is an unforgeable token giving the
possessor certain rights to an object.
• Used together with e.g. access control lists.
• The capabilities must be stored in memory
inaccessible to the subjects.
• Capabilities can be revoked.
• Kerberos (more about Kerberos later) is an
example that uses capabilities.
Procedure-Oriented Access
• A procedure controls access to objects.
• Implements the principle of information
hiding: only the control procedure need to
know how an object is implemented.
• Can be inefficient.
File Protection Mechanisms
• Examples of programs or techniques for
file protection:
– All-None protection
– Group protection
– Single permissions
Single Permissions, Temporary
Acquired Permission
All-None Protection
• The original IBM OS operating system, files
were public by default.
• Any user could read, modify and delete any file.
• Certain files could be protected with a password.
• A number of problems:
• The set userid (setuid) feature in Unix enables
temporary acquired permissions:
– When file with the setuid protection bit set is executed
with the protection level of the owner of the file, not
the executer.
– A program owned by root with the setuid bit runs with
root-privileges, no matter who the user that executed
the program is.
– A flaw in a root-owned setuid executable is
– Don't use it if not absolutely necessary.
– Groups can often be used instead.
Lack of trust
All or nothing
Rise of time-sharing
File listings
Group Protection
• Example from Unix, VAX VMS.
• Three classes: user, group and world.
• Users that need to share objects are part of a
• A file have different access rights for the user,
the group and the rest of the world.
• Problems:
– Group affiliation: solved by declaring that every user
belongs to one group, or by storing group id along
with the file.
– Limited sharing
User Authentication
• The basis for much of the protection in an
operating system is based on user
• The most common authentication
mechanism is a password, a word or
phrase known only by the computer and
the user.
Single Permissions, Password or
other tokens
• A user can assign a password to a file.
• User access is limited to those who can supply
the correct password.
• Can give the effect of a different "group" for each
• Problems:
Lost passwords
How to spread the password
Attacks on passwords
Try all possible passwords
Try many probable passwords
Try passwords likely for the user
Search for the system list of passwords
Install a Trojan horse
Listen for passwords on the network
Social engineering: ask the user, impersonate
the system administrator, etc..
Exhaustive attack
• In a exhaustive or brute force attack, the
attacker tries all possible passwords.
• At a rate of 1 password per microsecond,
it would take about 2 month to try all
possible passwords of 1-8 characters.
Encrypted password file
• A safer way: encrypt the password file.
• Two ways:
• The passwords are encrypted with conventional
– When a user password is received, the stored
password is decrypted and compared.
– Plain text passwords are still available in the memory.
• One-way encryption (hash functions):
– When a user password is received, the password is
encrypted and the cipher text is compared with the
stored one.
Probable passwords
• A password such as beer or summer is
more likely to be used than e3.;%Te.
• Try words from dictionary instead.
• Try the words backwards too.
• People of chooses passwords that means
something: name of a pet, birthdays,
names of people they know, etc.
Finding a plaintext system
password list
• Sometimes the passwords are stored in a
(read protected) plaintext file.
• A flaw in a privileged program could be
exploited to read the password file.
• Dumping memory at a convenient time
could also produce a plaintext list.
• Backups could also be used.
Encrypted password file
• Example from Unix:
– Often the password file with encrypted
passwords are available to all users.
– To avoid having two users with the same
passwords having the same encrypted
password, a salt is added
– Makes many of the attacks against passwords
easier, so the encrypted passwords are often
Social engineering
• Easiest way to obtain passwords: ask the
• Many people write the passwords
Trojan horses
1. Display copy of the login prompt or
2. Read the user name and password when
a user tries to login
3. Save the password, and display
"password incorrect" and make the real
login prompt visible.
Password selection
• Some rules:
Use characters other than a-z and A-Z
Choose long passwords.
Avoid actual names or words.
Choose an unlikely password.
Change the password regularly.
Don't write it down.
Don't tell anyone else.
• Passwords that are too hard to remember is also
a problem: users are then more likely to write the
password somewhere.
Other means of authentication
• What you
– Know - passwords etc.
– Have - smartcards etc.
– Are - biometrics
• Hardware devices: finger prints, retinal
scans, smart card readers etc.
• Often expensive.
• Can be stolen(?).
• Can be combined with passwords.
Trusted operating systems
• Trusted - believed to be secure to some
• A policy is a statement of the security we
expect the system to enforce.
• A operating system can be trusted only in
relation to a security policy, that is, to the
security needs the system is expected to
One-Time Passwords
Example - separation of duty
• A one-time password is one that changes every time it is
• Instead of knowing a static password, each users knows
a mathematical function.
• The system provides an argument to the function, and
the user computes and returns the function value.
• Also called challenge-response systems.
• An intercepted password is useless.
• Limited use without hardware devices (the functions can
be hard to remember and compute).
• Separation of duty or separation of responsibility
• A commercial security policy
• Example:
– In a small company, several people might be
authorized to issue orders, receive goods and write
– You would not want the same person issuing the
order, receiving the goods and writing the check since
there is potential for abuse.
– Therefore, you might want a policy that specifies that
three separate people issue orders, receive goods
and write checks, although any of the three might be
authorized to do any of these tasks.
Security features of Trusted
operating systems
User identification and authentication
Mandatory access control
Discretionary access control
Object reuse protection
Audit log reduction
Trusted path
Intrusion detection
Security kernels
A kernel is the part an operating system that performs the lowestlevel functions.
A security kernel is responsible for enforcing the security
mechanisms of the entire operating system.
Reasons for a security kernel:
Trusted computing base
• The trusted computing base (TCB) is
everything in the trusted operating system
necessary to enforce the security policy.
• Nothing in the non-TCB code should be
able to impair the correct security policy
• A security kernel and a reference monitor
are part of the TCB
Assurance Methods
• Again, many methods from Software
– Testing
– Formal verification
– Validation
Might degrade system performance.
Does not guarantee that it contains all security functions, or t hat it
has been implemented correctly.
Can be quite large.
Reference monitor
• The reference monitor controls accesses
to objects.
• Can be a collection of access controls for
devices, files, etc.
• Must be:
• Testing can demonstrate the existence of
a flaw, but not the absence of flaws.
• The many possibilities of e.g. input makes
it hard (or even impossible) to create tests
with a adequate coverage.
• Penetration or tiger-team analysis: a team
of experts try to crack the system.
– Tamper-proof
– Always invoked
– Small enough to easily trusted
Formal Verification
U.S. Orange Book Evaluation
• The operating system is reduced to a
theorem, which is then proven.
• For a operating system this can take years
to perform.
• It is also a very complex process.
• Actual name: Trusted Computer System Evaluation
Criteria (TCSEC).
• Four basic divisions: A,B,C,D
• A is most secure
• Within the divisions, there are added distinctions
denoted by numbers (higher is better).
• Complete list, from lowest to highest assurance: D, C1,
C2, B1, B2, B3 and A1.
• Most Unix systems can be made to get a C2 certification
without much effort.
• One installation of Windows NT3.51 (without any
network) has been C2-certified (when people say that
NT is C2-certified, this is what they are referring to).
What doesn't lead to assurance
• A more general term than verification.
• Less rigorous methods:
– Requirement checking
– Design and code reviews
– Module and system testing
• Most consumers of operating systems
can't verify the security them self.
• Independent third-party evaluation is thus
• One example: U.S. Orange Book
Emphatic assertion
Security through obscurity
“I couldn't find flaws”
Next time
• Examples from real world operating