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PART 1 -Multiple Choice
1. The male reproductive hormone is
a. testosterone
b. estrogen c. adrenaline
2. Reflexes are controlled by the
a. brain
b. spinal cord c. muscles
d. progesterone
d. bones
3. An impulse moves from one neuron to another
across a small space called a
a. dendrite
b. synapse c. terminal branch d. impulse
4. A message carried by a neuron is called a(n)
a. hormone b. impulse c. nerve
d. gland
5. In order for an impulse to travel to the next neuron
the terminal branches must release ______ into
the synapse.
a. hormones b. messages c. blood d. neurotransmitters
6. The brain and the spinal cord make up the
____ nervous system.
a. peripheral b. central c. entire d. impulse
7. The main job of the brain is to send
a. oxygen b. blood c. hormones d. messages
8. An example of a receptor is the
a. brain
b. tongue c. spinal cord
117. The part of the brain that controls your balance is the
a. cerebrum
b. cerebellum
c. medulla
18. Which gland releases adrenaline, which is released in
times of emergency, to increase heart rate?
a. thyroid b. adrenal glands c. ovaries d. thymus
19. Which gland secretes growth hormone?
a. testes
b. thymus c. pancreas d. pituitary gland
20. The hormone released by the ovaries which controls the
development of a female’s secondary sex characteristics
is called
a. testosterone b. estrogen c. adrenaline d. insulin
21.The part of the brain that controls memory is the
a. cerebrum
b. cerebellum
c. medulla
22. Chemicals messengers released by endocrine glands.
a. hormones
b. impulses
c. blood
d. effectors
23. The gland that controls metabolism is called the
a. thyroid
c. pituitary gland b. adrenal glands
d. thymus
24. What part of the body carries out a response?
a. impulse
b. stimulus c. receptor
d. effector
d. nerves
9. Which term describes an organism’s ability to
maintain a stable internal environment?
a. reproduction c. locomotion b. transport d. regulation
10. The hormone which lowers the amount of
sugar in your blood is called
a. adrenaline b. growth hormone c. insulin d. glucagon
11. The largest part of the brain, where impulses
from the senses are interpreted, is called the
a. cerebrum b. cerebellum c. medulla d. axon
25. Which is a correct route of an impulse in a reflex arc?
a. receptor  sensory neuron  interneuron 
motor neuron  effector
b. effector  receptor  motor neuron  sensory
neuron  interneuron
c. sensory neuron  effector  motor neuron 
receptor  interneuron
d. motor neuron  sensory neuron  interneuron 
effector  receptor
26. The diagram below represents nerve cell X
releasing substance A.
12. Messages from receptors are carried to the
brain by ____________ neurons.
a. inter b. motor
c. sensory
d. hormone
13. Hormones made by endocrine glands travel
through the
a. spinal cord b. nerve c. blood d. brain
14. Any change inside or outside your body that
brings about a response is called a
a. stimulus b. response c. receptor d. Reflex
15. An example of effectors are
a. muscles
b. eyes
c. hair
Substance A represents a
a. stimulus b. hormone c. receptor d. neurotransmitter
27. The diagram below shows the interaction between blood
sugar levels and the activity of certain glands.
d. ears
16. The branches that pick up an impulse at the beginning of
a neuron are called
a. dendrites b. cell bodies c. axons d. terminal branches
30. This system is one way that the human body
a. circulates gases
c. destroys viruses
b. maintains homeostasis
d. transports nutrients
PART 2 – Answer the questions below in the space provided.
1. You are sitting in your living room and the telephone rings. You get up and answer it. Identify the following:
a. Stimulus: ____________________________
c. Effector: ______________________________
b. Receptor:____________________________
d. Response: ____________________________
A. ____________________________
2. Label the parts of the neuron as show in the diagram .
B. ____________________________
C. ____________________________
D. ____________________________
E. ____________________________
3. Label the parts of the brain as show in the diagram using the word box below.
A. ____________________________
B. ____________________________
C. ____________________________
Identify the part of the brain being described.
____________________d. Which part of the brain is in charge of balance and coordinating all of the muscles?
____________________e. Which part of the brain controls thinking, moving and sensing?
____________________f. Which part of the brain keeps your heartbeat and your breathing regular?
4. Use the diagram below of the endocrine system to answer the following questions.
a. Which letter represents a gland which controls metabolism? __________
b. Which letter represents a gland that produces growth hormone? __________
c. Which letter represents the glands known as the ovaries? ___________
d. Which letter represents the gland known as the parathyroid? ________
e. On which structure are the Islets of Langerhans found? _______
f. What hormone is produced by the glands labeled E? ____________________
g. Label the following glands: