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Renaissance society was an urban, secular society, with interest in ancient culture, and a high regard for human worth.
By 1685, Akbar had brought Mogul rule to most of India.
The Mogul culture brought together Persian and Indian influences.
The Chinese author of The Dream of the Red Chamber was Cao Xuegin.
Japanese shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu brought the “Great Peace” and centralized Japanese authority.
Margaret Cavendish was critical of the seventeenth century belief that humans, through science, were masters of
René Descartes, the father of modern rationalism, said, “I think, therefore I am.” as proof of our existence.
Montesquieu used the scientific method to discover the natural laws that govern social and political relationships.
Mary Wollstonecraft was an eighteenth-century thinker who declared that Enlightenment ideals entitled women to the
same rights as men.
The Duke of Wellington (England) defeated Napoleon (French) at Waterloo.
Masaccio’s frescoes are regarded at the first masterpieces of Renaissance art.
Mercantilism dominated economic thought in the seventeenth century.
The survival of Great Britain was one of two major reasons that Napoleon’s Empire collapsed. The other major
reason was the force of nationalism.
The defeat of the king’s forces allowed Oliver Cromwell to lead England.
Matsuo Basho is considered to be the greatest of all Japanese poets.
Limiting cultivation of cloves to one island and forcing others to stop the growing and trade of the spice was one way
the Dutch tried to dominate the clove trade.
Babur established the Mogul dynasty in India.
Niccolò Machiavelli (Italian) wrote The Prince.
The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in 1494, divided control of new territories between Spain and Portugal.
The balance of trade is the difference between what a nation imports and exports.
The Crimean War was a result of a long-standing struggle between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.
Darwin’s principle that plants and animals had evolved over a long period of time from simpler forms of life is called
organic evolution.
Early public education helped provide skilled labor in the Second Industrial Revolution, required boys and girls
between ages 6 and 12 to attend school, and helped people become better-educated voters.
The Duma was a legislative assembly in Russia under the Czar.
Sigmund Freu devised a method of mental therapy called psychoanalysis.
Thailand (in SE Asia) was never a European colony.
As consequences of British indirect rule in Nigeria major decisions were made by British administrators, kept the
African elite in power, and sowed the seeds for class and tribal tensions.
The Monroe Doctrine was created by President James Monroe to allow the use of troops to restore Spanish control in
Latin America.
As a result of the Treaty of Nanjing, China agreed to give Hong Kong to the British.
The Japanese emperor Mutsuhito called his reign the “Enlightened Rule.”
Puddling was a process for producing iron.
The Factory Act of 1833 provided benefits for workers in case of sickness.
Nationalism arose out of people’s awareness of being part of a community with common institutions, traditions,
language, and customs.
After Czar Alexander II’s emancipation edict Serfs were allowed to own property, became wealthy landowners, and
could marry as they chose.
The Triple Alliance united Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
Pogroms and anti-Semitism in Europe led to emigration of thousands of Jews to the United States, the growth of
Zionism, and political parties that endorsed anti-Semitism.
Zamindars were local officials in India who collected taxes for the British.
President William McKinley decided to turn the Philippines into an American colony because it was a convenient
point for trade with China.
Extraterritoriality referred to Europeans living by their own laws in China.
Sun Yat-sen founded the Revive China Society and the Nationalist Party.
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Trench warfare during The Great War (WWI) caused the immobilization of troops on the Western Front.
The concept of total war means that it involved a complete mobilization of resources and people.
Quickly turning the USSR from an agricultural to an industrial economy was Stalin’s Five Year Plans.
The act that allowed Hitler to ignore Germany’s constitution for four years while passing new laws was called the
Enabling Act.
The world leader who used methods of civil disobedience to protest unjust laws was Mohandas Gandhi.
Mao Zedong led the People’s Liberation Army on the Long March.
The official political party of the Mexican Revolution was known as the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
Hitler’s form of attack that used tank divisions supported by air attacks was called blitzkrieg.
The turning point of the war in the Pacific occurred at the Battle of Midway Island.
President Harry Truman demanded freely elected governments from Eastern Europe after the end of WWII at the
Potsdam Conference.
Germany’s plan for a two-front war with Russia and France was the Schlieffen Plan.
German use of submarines during the Great War (WWI) to blockade Britain led to the United States entering the war.
Laws excluding Jews from German citizenship were called “Nuremberg laws.”
A fascist government is one in which a strong central government is led by a dictatorial ruler.
One of the many nonviolent acts of Mohandas Gandhi was the Salt March.
Chiang Kai-shek’s goal to promote traditional Confucian values was called the “New Life Movement.”
The ruler who introduced many modern reforms in Turkey was Atatürk.
Great Britain’s appeasement policy resulted from the view that Germany’s occupation of German territory was a
reasonable action by a dissatisfied power.
Heroic efforts by the Royal Navy and civilians in private boats resulted in the evacuation of 338,000 Allied troops at
The entire German Sixth Army, considered the best of German troops, was lost at the Battle of Stalingrad in WWII.
Spain was not one of the original NATO nations.
Yugoslavia remained independent of Soviet control because of its strong nationalist leader, Joseph Tito, although it
was a Communist nation.
The Brezhnev Doctrine supported the claim that the Soviet Union had a right to intervene if communism was
threatened in another Communist nation.
Establishing a common European currency (The Euro) by January 1, 2002, was one of the European Union’s first
Later defeated in free elections, the Sandinistas overthrew the government of Nicaragua.
The book Silent Spring (by Rachel Carson) led to the movement to protect the environment.
Pan-Africanism promotes the view that Black Africans share a common identity.
The nation of Cambodia was ruled by the oppressive military regime known as the Khmer Rouge after the Vietnam
War ended.
Zaibatsu refers to the large business conglomerates in Japan.
“Green Revolution” means the development of new strains of grains that have higher yields.
Communist leader Alexander Dubcek initiated the Prague Spring reforms in Czechoslovakia during 1968.
U.S. president Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law.
Serbia refused to allow Kosovo to remain an autonomous province after its war with Bosnia, and new tensions
between the two arose.
As Gorbachev sought to reform the Soviet Union, one of the most serious problems he faced was the multiethnic
nature of the Soviet Union.
Huge oil reserves discovered in Mexico during the late 1970s.
Iran and Iraq tensions are fueled by disputes over territory.
Israel, Great Britain, France, and Egypt were involved in the Suez War of 1956.
The Chinese Red Guards attacked the “Four Olds,” which included old ideas, old culture, old customs, old habits.
When China entered the Korean War, it was because United Nation forces invaded North Korea.
Increasing demand for new farmlands leads to deforestation.