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Physics LettersA 159 (1991) 105—1 12
Relation between “phases” and “distance” in quantum evolution
Arun Kumar Pati
Theoretical Physics Division, 5th Floor, CentralComplex, B, A.R.C., 400 085 Bombay, India
Received 5 February 1991; revised manuscript received 8 August 1991; accepted for publication 8 August 1991
Communicated by J.P. Vigier
We discuss the dynamical phase and the geometric phase in relation to the geometric distance function for cyclic evolution of
quantum states. For all cyclic evolution ofquantum states, we have shown that the non-adiabatic geometric phase is the integral
ofthe contracted length of the curve whichthe system traverses.
1. Introduction
In studying the geometric aspects ofquantum evolution, two things are relevant in recent years. One
is the geometrical phase discovered by Berry [1] and
second is the geometric distance formulated by
Anandan and Aharonov [2]. Berry made a rather
striking and perceptive observation in the quantal
adiabatic theorem [3]. He found that for circuital
adiabatic excursions of the system in parametric
space the wave function acquires a non-integrable
phase which depends on the geometry of the circuit
and on the eigenstates under consideration in addition to the usual dynamical phase. In the same year,
Simon [41explained that this geometric phase could
be viewed as a consequence of parallel transport of
vectors in a curved space appropriate to the quantum system. It appears naturally as due to holonomy
in a line bundle over the parameter space. Later on,
Aharonov and Anandan (AA) [5] generalised the
Berry phase by defining it for any cyclic evolution of
the quantum system. The importance of the AA formulation is that it is applicable irrespective of the
cyclic and adiabatic condition that is imposed on the
Hamiltonian ofthe system. Furthermore, Samuel and
Bhandari [61 formulated Berry’s phase for the case
of non-unitary and non-cyclic evolution of states by
employing Pancharatnam’s [7] idea of comparing
the phases oftwo arbitrary polarised light rays based
on their interference. Numerous experiments have
also supported Berry’s profound discovery in the last
half decade.
Turning to the second geometric quantity, it is
Anandan and Aharonov who have concretised the
formulation of the distance function in the projective Hilbert space and given a geometric meaning to
it (although various authors [8—11]in the past have
defined similar quantities in the literature). It is the
distance between quantum states along a given curve
C in projective Hubert space ~ as measured by the
Fubini—Study metric defined from the inner product
of the representative states in the Hilbert space k”.
It is equal to the time integral of the uncertainty of
the energy, and is geometric in the sense that this distance is independent of the particular Hamiltonian
used to move the quantum system along a given curve
in iY; it depends only on the points in ~ to which
they project.
In this Letter our purpose is to discuss the dynamical phase and the geometric phase in relation to the
distance function. We present a new expression for
the geometric phase in the case of non-adiabatic and
arbitrary cyclic evolution of quantum states. An example is studied to realise our new expression.
2. Dynamical phase and distance function
Let {w(2) } be a set of normalised vectors belonging to a Hilbert space of dimension N+ 1. The 2’s
form an n-dimensional parameter space 1= (2k, 22,
0375-9601/91/s 03.50 © 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.
Volume 159, number 3
A~)nip” on which { ~(A) } depends smoothly. Then
we can define a projective Hubert space with dimension one less, i.e. N. It consists of a set of rays
of the Hilbert space
where the rays are defined
as the equivalence classes of states differing only in
phase. The equivalence relation is I w(2)> I w’ (2)>
if I i,u’ (2)> =cI w(2)> where 0ceC* and C*=
C {0} is a multiplicative group of non-zero cornplex numbers. The projective Hilbert space is
~=~N(C)={)~’—{O}}/C, which is the quantum
state space;
in .*~areofprojected
onto ~~ as
are elements
~ and represented
points in ~
Given any
twowe can
define aw~>=lw(A~)>,
distance function
of vectors in ~‘ as a
1w2> = IW(
“physically natural” topology [81in the set of quantum states and this topology is specified by a numerical-valued, non-negative function D ( ~ W2)
which measures the distance between states ~ and
I w~>.In a mathematical sense it is a metric. It satisfies the identity, symmetry, and triangle axioms. A
useful way of defining it is
7 October 1991
given a state a priori, it defines how close we can then
determine the state a posteriori. In particular the distance between two vectors which are infinitesimally
close induces a Riemannian metric. Taking I Wi > =
W(2)> and I w~>= I ~ti(2+d2)> and Taylor expanding ~(2+d2)> up to second order, we have the
metric tensor associated with the infinitesimal distance function. It is given by [11]
w(A+d2))=g,~d2, d2
This metric is gauge invariant and preserves isometry; hence it is an important quantity in studying
the natural geometric structure of the underlying
manifold of quantum states.
If we consider a quantum state smoothly dependent on one parameter and let I ~‘(2)>
be obtainable
of unitary
transformation, then
1,~t/2)=IIWI —e’~’2lI
and if it is minimised by equating its first derivative
with respect to 0 to zero then we call it the minimum-normed distance function. The value of the arbitrary phase for which the distance function is mmimised is called the “minimum phase” and is given
In eq. (6a) P denotes path ordering and A (A) is
a Hermitian operator which is the generator of the
corresponding parameter. An infinitesimal parametric evolution equation can be written (from (6a))
Thus the minimum-normed distance function which
is an appropriate measure of the distance between
states reads
W2) = mm i//
e 0W2
Eq. (4) yields
2 i~A2(A)d22,
where AA (A) is the uncertainty in A. Therefore, the
distance along a line in .~1,as measured by the metric
With the help of eq. (2) we can write D(çu
2—21 <Wi 1W2>
D(~1, W2)=(
Eq. (3) gives the minimum realisation for all propositions of the absolute values of the difference between probabilities predicted in the state I ~p’,>
I wa>. The meaning of the distance function is that
This distance is the same for an infinite number of
A(2)’s which generate the motion in ~//.
If a quantum evolution is considered where the
state vector at every instant of time belongs to a Hilbert space and the evolution of the state I w( t)>
Volume 159, number 3
is governed by the Schrodinger equation
I W(t)> =H(t) Iw(t)>
where H( t) is a general time dependent Hamiltonian, after an infinitesimal time dt, the state is
I ~(t+dt)> such that the infinitesimal minimumnormeddistancedDbetween Iw(t)> and Iw(t+dl)>
is given by
dD [2—21 <w(t)Iw(t+dlt)> I]~’2.
This can be easily evaluated either by directly Taylor
expanding I ~(1+dl)> up to second order and noting that
I <W(t)
7 October 1991
The phase Ø=Ø(t) is a sufficiently smooth function
of time and it keeps track of the passage of time during the evolution ofthe state vector. Expanding both
sides of (11) up to first order, and noting that the
denominator on the right hand side is 1 +0 (dt2),
we have
<W(1)Ih1(t)IW(1)> dt.
During the evolution from an initial state at t= 0 to
a final state at t=Tone can integrate both sides to
Omtn( T)
~ <w(t) IH(t) Iw(t)> dt,
which is just the dynamical phase. Thus, the dynamical phase can be interpreted as the value of the arbitrary phase in the final state for which the normed
distance function is minimised.
<w(t) IH2(1) I w)t)>
orby using (8) andchoosing2=tandA(A)=H(t)/
fi. Thus
dDz~.E(t) dt/h,
which differs from the distance between 17( Iw(t)>)
and 17(1 ~(t+dt)>)along the curve C in .9 as measured by the Fubini-study metric only by a numerical factor of two [2].This distance function is independent of the particular Hamiltonian used to
transport the state along a given curve C in .9. That
is to say, on the manifold of quantum states, once
the fluctuation in the energy is specified, we can fix
the metric even though the specification to the fluctuation in the energy comes from an infinite number
of possible Hamiltonians.
To see how the dynamical phase arises in the context of the distance function we go back to (2). From
(2) we can argue that the infinitesimal phase associated with the state in transporting a quantum system along a one-parameter family of curves in .)(‘
generated by the Hamiltonian, and minimising the
distance function, is given by
exp(idOmjn)= ~
‘t’~ ‘t+dt)>
I <W(t) I w(
3. Geometric phase and distance function
This section is motivated bya remark byAnandan
and Aharonov [2]:
“we expect it (the distance funclion) to have a geometric meaning analogous to the
geometric phase for closed curve in .9.” We want to
see the extent to which this analogy can be carried
Before drawing the analogy, we remark on the basis for it. The dynamics of the system governed by
the Hamiltonian H( 1) cannot change the geometry
of the projective Hilbert space .9, as the geometry of
the state space is signatured by the metric defined on
it. Since the metric is fixed by the dispersion in the
generator of the motion AE( t), it is possible in primciple to have the same i.S.E( I) by a variety of Hamiltonians that generate the motion. On the other hand,
the time dependent physical states in i~°
are the elements of.9, and trace out a closed curve (in .9 during evolution. In a given metric on a manifold of
quantum states, for all cyclic evolutions, there develops a geometric object called the geometric phase
(AA phase) in projective Hilbert space. It depends
only on the path traced by the rays in .9 and does
not depend on the rate of traversal of the path. This
Volume 159, number 3
7 October 1991
phase is also independent of H( 1) for a given closed
curve (in 9. As we know in many physical problems the observables of importance are those which
remain invariant under a gauge transformation. In
this context, the geometric phase and distance are, in
fact, gauge invariant. In addition to this, they are invariant under unitary transformations. From all these
facts, it appears natural to ask whether some possible
link can be established between them. The result of
our query is that we are able to show that the nonadiabatic Berry phase for all cyclic evolution (i.e. the
AA phase) is the integral of the contracted length of
the curve that is traced out by I W(t)> in 9.
Consider a quantum state that evolves according
to (9) and for all time, I W(t)> n .$‘~with <WI w> = 1.
Then, we can define a cyclic vector for the evolution
equation if there is a cyclic time T such that an initial
state and a final state differ by a phase factor C!’, i.e.
phase 1, then one gets the so-called “non-adiabatic
Berry phase” (AA phase),
I W(T)> =e”1’I W(O)>
as Define a quadratic, positive definite function in .9
The existence ofa cyclic state is assured by the very
fact that it is an eigenvector of the unitary evolution
operator U( T) and the corresponding eigenvalue is
e”1’. Following Anandan and Aharonov [5],let there
be a natural projection map in 9, H: i~—~9
by H(Iw>)={Iw’>: 1w’> =clw>, for any complex
number c}. Then the cyclic evolution ofthe state describes a curve (, t—~w( 1) in that begins and ends
on the same ray. That is to say C: [0, T]
(=17(C) being a closed curve in 9. Also, (is the
image of the curve C under the projection map H.
Now a modified state is defined by choosing from
the curve Iw(t)>, so that the cyclic vector is easily
converted into a periodic form (i.e. a vector which
returns to itself after a time T):
t) I
‘~ iJ <W(
w( t)> dt.
The geometric quantity /3 is independent of the phase
that relates the initial state and the final state and of
the Hamiltonian for a given projection of the evolution in 9. In deriving the expression for /3, AA have
neither used the adiabatic theorem nor the cyclicity
condition of the Hamiltonian. However the cyclic
evolution of the state is necessary for its derivation.
Here, we seek to derive the mon-adiabatic Berry
phase from metric considerations. We emphasize that
the distance function (in fact, any quadratic, positive definite function) is of pivotal importance in
discussing the geometry of quantum evolution.
Q2(t)IIiI~(t)>—fl(t) I~(t)>II2,
where /3(t) is an arbitrary, real frequency. It is easy
to see that if we minimise Q( t) with respect to an
arbitrary frequency /3(t), them the minimum value of
/3 for which Q is minimised is given by
(~)=~<~(1)I ~(t)>
-~ .~,
I w(t)> =e
I W(t)>
with <~I~> = 1 andf( t) is any smooth function satisfying f( T) —f( 0) = 0. Then it trivially follows
I w( T)> = I w( 0)>
It has been shown by Anandan and Aharonov that
if one identifies
11 J~ <w(t)IH(t)Iw(t)> dt
as the dynamical phase and removes it from the total
and it may be called the Berry frequency. Hence
/3= J/lmin(t) dt=i
is the geometric phase as given by (13).
To assign a meaning to the quantity Q( 1), we can
take (see eq. (20)) /3mm to be of the form f(t) +
<H(t) > /fi, i.e., /3mm is a real frequency with the dynamical frequency removed from f( t). Then, Q is
equal to ~&E(
t) /h. It has a physical meaning which
is paraphrased as the magnitude of the velocity of
transportation (speed of transportation) in.9 (apart
from a factor of two in our convention) by Anandan
and Aharonov. Therefore, the geometric phase appears as a result of the principle of minimisation of
of transportation
in 9.
The quantity
/3 is the
time integral
of the Berry
of which
speed of transportation is minimised during the evolution from time t =0 to t = T, whereas the geometric
Volume 159, number 3
distance is just the time integral of Q( 1) during the
evolution. In this sense the geometric phase and distance seem to be interrelated,
In the sequel we recognise yet another geometric
quantity, which is referred as the “length of the
curve” along which the quantum system is transported. Given a closed curve (in 9, we define the
length of the curve in.9 which is traced out by the
normalised vector I W(t)>. Such a projective Hilbert
space on which one has singled out a specific metric,
it is easy (though not trivial) to relate the length and
distance during a quantum evolution via the geometric phase. Below we define the length ofthe curve.
Definition. Let W(t) be a curve C: [t, T]—~”.Then
choose a section of the curve as ~ which is differentiable along C such that the length of the curve
ç~(t)along which the system evolves from point
~(0)to a point ~(T) (or from a parameter value
1=0 to t=T) is a number defined as
7 October 1991
Proof This can be easily seen by directly evaluating d12, the square of the infinitesimal length of the
curve. Differentiating I cl(t)> with respect to time
(from I cl(t)> =e11~’~
Iw(t)>) we have
<witfl w> dt2.
On using
.t’(t) =
<W(t) IH(t) I W(t)> +i<~(t) I
we can wnte dl as
d12= ~
tc= J <~(t)Iø(t)>~2dl.
MakinguseofthedefinitionofdD2 we finallyarrive
I ~‘> is the velocity vector in projective Hilbert space
.9 of the curve ç7? at point I along the path of evolution of the state vector. It is the tangent vector to
the curve ~i(t).
The integral (17) exists, since the integrand is
continuous. The length of a broken C curve is defined as the (finite) sum ofthe length ofits Cpieces.
The number l(~~’)
I ~ is independent of the parametrisation of its image set, i.e. for a smooth transformation from parameter Ito z where dt/dr>0, the
length of the curve remains unaltered. Therefore, the
length of the curve is a property of the whole curve
and is i-invariant. Hence for an arbitrary parametric
evolution of the state, we can define the infinitesimal
length of the curve during the infinitesimal time, dt,
d12—dD2= [i<~’(t) I ~(t)> dt]2
Because of the normalisation of I ~‘(‘)>for all
time, the quantity <~‘I~> is purely imaginary and
hence i<~~ç~>
is real. In view of the above fact,
d/2 dD2>O; proving thereby the first part of the
proposition. To prove (ii), we simply note that during a cyclic evolution of the state vector, the geometric phase factor acquired by the system is
Proposition. For an arbitrary cyclic evolution of a
quantum system any representative physical state
traces a closed curve in.9 (generally an open curve
in .~) such that (i) at each instant of time, d12 is
greater than dD2 and (ii) /3, the geometric phase, is
manifested as the integral ofthe contracted length of
the curve C in 9.
<WI w> dt_ ~ v dl
j ~Jl
where dL = ~.Jl— v~./u dl and we call it the infinitesimal contracted length ofthe curve. Thus the nonadiabatic Berry phase is the integral of the contracted length of the curve. The quantity v~,= dD/dt
has been defined earlier and u.,r = dl/dL is referred
to as the magnitude of rate of change of length along
Volume 159, number 3
the curve C. The expression (22) is the main result
of this paper. It gives a new insight into the Berry
phase. Since the Berry phase depends on two objects
in 9, namely the length of the curve (a 1-invariant
quantity) and the distance function (a H(t)-invariant quantity), we expect it to naturally depend on
the structure of the curve (in 9. We believe that the
expression (22) is more geometric than any other
one previously known. It provides an explicit rela-
7 October 1991
U(t) = V(t) exp(iMt)
where U( t) is the matrix representation of the time
evolution operator and Iw(t)> = U(t) Iw(0)>. Also
U, Vand Mare nXn square matrices and Vis unitary since U is unitary with M being a real constant.
V has the property that V(0) = V( T) = 1, i.e., periodic in T. One can extract the final state by
Iw(T)>=U(T) Iw(0)>=e~~Iw(0)>
tion between geometric phase and the topology of
the curve. During the cyclic evolution, we may regard the excess length of the curve at each instant of
time over the distance as accumulating, so that it f~
nally appears as the geometric phase. It is important
to note that our interpretation of the non-adiabatic
Berry phase in terms of the integral of the contracted
length of the curve is independent of the cyclicity of
the Hamiltonian and only depends on the cyclicity
of the quantum states.
To add a little, we remark that the proof of our
proposition also stems from the observation of (14),
(15) and (20). After minimising the quantity Q2
with respect to/i and usingJ~=f(t)+<H(t)>/his
nothingbut ~.E2(t)/h2, and this in turn again equals
<øi~’> (i<q’I~’>)2 on using/3= (i<ç~’~çE~>).
we get (21) and the proof follows.
To validate our interpretation, we supplement it
by one more special case where we choose the Hamiltonian to be periodic and the state to be cyclic and
obtain an expression similar to that of (22). Also,
we use explicitly (22) to calculate the geometric
phase for a spin-i particle precessing in a magnetic
We work in a finite dimensional Hilbert space.
Then once the basis is chosen, the quantum state will
evolve according to eq. (9) which will be a matrix
equation, where H is an n x n square matrix and
Iw(t)> is a column vector of nx 1. Since the system
evolves unitarily, the evolution operator will satisfy
the equation
Let us consider a periodic Hamiltonian H(t) with
some period 1= T, i.e. H(t+ T)=H(t); then via Hoquet’s [12,13]
theorem, any fundamental matrix of
a linear system of the ordinary differential equation
(23) can be put in a form
=e1mTI w(O)>
i.e., Iw(0)> is an eigenvector of U(t) with eigenvalue I’= mT and C!’ is real. This shows that the mitial state returns to itself after a time t= T modulo a
phase factor of 0, a property which depends only on
the unitanty of U( t) and not on the finite dimensionality of ~‘
and the cyclic properties of the
To see how the expression (22) comes about in
this framework we evaluate the distance function as
given by (10). We have
_<W(0)IUtHUIW(0)>2] d12.
UtHU=ihUt ~ =e_iMt(ihVtJ~T_hM)emMt, (25)
UtH2U= (UtHU)t( UtHU)
where we have used the fact that Iw(O)> is an eigenstate of M with eigenvalue m, and I ~‘(t)>=
Next we evaluate the term <wI H2 I W>:
Volume 159, number 3
7 October 1991
<wI2(1—a,)Iw> dt2
and using
=2~(1— cosO) dt2.
Calculation of the geometric phase is trivial:
one can write
+h2m2 —2ih2m<~I~>
Substituting eq. (26) and (27) into dD2 we have
cos 0)— (e2/h 2) sin20 dl
Eq. (28) is the same as (22). Hence for cyclic evolution and a periodic Hamiltonian the non-adiabatic
Berry phase takes the form
cos 0) dl,
changing the variable from Ito 0 we have
/3=iJ <~I~>
dt= JdL.
This can be evaluated alternatively by using
Finally as an illustration to the above relation we
can consider the elegant example taken by Anandan
[4]in his recent work, i.e. a spin-i particle undergoing precession in a homogeneous magnetic field. Here
is spanned by two-dimensional vectors with cornponents (cos ~0,sin ~O)and On [0, it], (with a suitable basis choosen for the Hamiltonian that describes the system). Due to precession, the wave
function rotates by 2it radians about some axis which
results in a cyclic motion ofevery vector of
Without loss of generality, at every instant of time one
can choose the coordinate axis in such a way that the
Hamiltonian is given by H= —~uBa
3,with ~= ~B
being a positive number in units of energy, B= I B I
and a3 is the Pauli spin matrix. From the evolution
equation, dØ= 2e dt/h, which gives the infinitesimal
angle by which the state is rotated about the instantaneous direction of the magnetic field in an infinitesirnal
timeis interval,
Then, one can
2, which
equal to e2
To calculate
d12 we have to choose the V( I) matrix properly. An
appropriate form of V(t) ~
V( I) = exp[
J <~I~> J
<w(O) I ~
W(O)> dl
(1 — cos
which is half the solid angle subtended by the orbit
ofmotion in a sphere of unit radius. Also one can see
that for 0= it the magnitude of velocity of transportation is zero and hence the geometric phase coincides with the length of the curve during cyclic excursion. Thus the above example provides a firm
ground for our interpretation of the geometric phase
by relating it to the geometric distance function
through the length of the curve. In the future we want
to see whether our interpretation of the geometric
phase as the integral of the contracted length of the
curve holds good for non-Hermitian and non-adiabatic cases.
e(1 a
3)t] ,
where l is a unit matrix. Then,
I thank the referee for valuable suggestions and for
bringing my notice to refs. [10,111.
Volume 159, number 3
7 October 1991
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