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World War II
Chapter 11
The Allies Turn the Tide
Chapter 11 Section 1
Britain's New Best Friend
• December 22, 1941 Churchill meets with FDR at the
White House
• They agree that Hitler is their #1 priority, why?
– Soviet Union needed help
– Only after Germany was defeated could Britain and USSR
help defeat Japan
– FDR and Churchill also decided they would only accept an
unconditional surrender from the Axis
War in the Atlantic
• U-Boats immediately attack US shipping off of the
east coast
– Seven months into 1942 U-Boats had sunk 681 Allied ships
in the Atlantic
– These losses could have made the Allies lose the war
• Organized ships into convoys and sent Navy along for
• Used sonar and radar to find and sink the U-Boats
• Produced more ships
– 1939-1940 US produced 102 ships
– 1943 US produced 140 ships a month
• This turns the tide in the Atlantic
The Eastern Front
• Brutal fighting between Germans and Russians
– Millions of men involved
• First great turning point of the war comes at
• Stalingrad was on the Germans way to the
Russian oil fields
• Battle lasts over 6 months
• House to house, hand-to-hand combat
• Stalin refuses to let his soldiers retreat
– It is Stalingrad after all!!!
• Russians launch a huge counter attack
– Hitler will not let his men retreat either
• February 1943 91,000 Germans finally
– Started the battle with 330,000
• Russians lose 1,250,000 men
• Russians are on the offensive from this point
on in the war
Operation Torch
• The allied invasion of North Africa
• Why were they fighting for Africa?
• 107,000 Allied troops, mostly Americans
• Tough desert fighting against the Afrika Corps
led by Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox
• General George Patton and Montgomery led
the Allies
• May 1943 Allies conquer North Africa
Invasion of Italy
• Churchill wants to attack the “soft underbelly of the
• Invade Sicily in summer of 1943
• Mussolini is stripped of power and arrested
• Italy joins Allies in September 1943
• Hitler occupies Italy and places Mussolini back
in power
• Takes Allies 18 months of hard fighting to
conquer Italy
Bombing Germany
• England and USA bombed Germany night and
– England did saturation bombing at night
• Dropping tons of bombs to cause massive damage
– USA did strategic bombing by day
• Bombing specific military targets
• Bombing crews suffered a 20% casualty rate
• Tuskegee Airmen
– African-American fighter pilots
– Would escort bombers
– Never lost a single bomber in over 1,500 missions
Battle of Midway
• Massive naval battle
• Japan had 5 carriers to America’s 3
– Japan ~300 planes, America 180
• First 3 waves of American planes destroyed
• 4th wave of dive bombers finds Japanese
– In 5 minutes most of the fleet is destroyed
– Japan lost 4 carriers, 3,500 men, and 300 planes
• Turns the tide of the war in the Pacific in favor of America
Battle of Guadalcanal
• August 7, 1942 19,000 marines landed on Guadalcanal
– Fierce land and naval fighting for the next 6 months
– Fighting ends in February 1943
• 1,600 American deaths, 4,000 wounded
• 15,000 Japanese deaths, 9,000 deaths from disease, 1,000
• First Island taken in the march to Japan
The Home Front
• Chapter 11 Section 2
• ~15 million men joined the
• US needed people to fill
these men’s jobs
• 6,000,000 women entered
the workforce
– Rosie-the-Riveter
– 2/3 returned to the home
after the war
– Laid ground work for the
feminist movement of the
1960’s and 1970’s
Wartime Migrations
• WWII caused many people to move around the US
• Again African-Americans left the South for Northern war jobs
– A. Philip Randolph
– African-American civil rights leader
– Demanded the right for Blacks to work and fight for their country
– Threatened to organize a massive protest in Washington DC
– FDR issued Executive Order 8802 forbidding discrimination in
defense industries
– Why?
– Afraid a protest will hurt the war effort by making Americans look disunited
• African-Americans drafted into the military
– Military still segregated
– Fighting for a “Double V”
• Victory over dictators and racism
• Bracero Program, 1942
– US brought people from
Mexico in to work in
• Zoot Suit Riots
– Mexicans discriminated
against in the West
• Dressed in Zoot Suits
– 1943 American sailors on
leave went around Los
Angeles and started attacking
– Mexicans then arrested for
starting fights
Executive Order 9066
• Japanese Americans
– 110,000 interned (placed in)
in concentration camps
– Afraid they were spies
– Happened on West Coast
– Most were born in US, known
as Nisei
– Korematsu v. US in 1944
• US Supreme Court upheld
constitutionality of
WWII Internment Camps
442nd Regimental Combat Team
• Made up of all JapaneseAmericans (~3,800)
• Fought in Italy, France, and
• Most decorated unit in
American history
21 Medals of Honor
560 Silver Stars
4,000 Bronze Stars
9,486 Purple Hearts
Costs of War
• War cost $330 billion
– Debt went from $49 billion to $259 billion
• People bought war bonds to help pay for the
• War Production Board created
– Oversaw the economy
– Told factories what to build
– Placed rations on certain items
• Gas, rubber, meat…
• People given “ration stamps”
– Ceilings placed on prices and wages
Office of War Information (OWI)
• America’s propaganda office that worked
closely with the media and entertainment
– Tried to “sell” important ideas about the war to
American people
War Bonds
Victory in Europe and the Pacific
•Chapter 11 Section 3
A Second Front
• 1943 Stalin, FDR, and Churchill meet
at the Tehran Conference
–It was decided that England and USA
would open a “second front” by
invading France
Operation Overlord
• The Allied invasion of France
D-DAY June 6, 1944
• 3 airborne divisions dropped behind enemy
lines in the night
– American 101st & 82nd
– British 6th
• 156,000 troops storm the beaches
– Light resistance everywhere except Omaha beach
Omaha Beach
• 1st division and 29th division landed in waves
• ~3,000 casualties on Omaha beach
• Pointe-Du-Hoc
– German artillery on top of vertical cliffs
overlooking Omaha beach
– US 2nd Rangers’ job to take them out
– Climbed vertical cliffs while being attacked to take
the guns out
Allies Advance
• Despite Omaha Allies hold beachheads
• Within a month 1 million Allied troops had
landed in France
• Patton led US troops across France
• August 25, 1944 Paris was liberated
• Later that year FDR wins 4th term
Battle of the Bulge
• Hitler’s last offensive
• December 16, 1944
– 29 German divisions (~500,000 men) broke
through American lines
• First week of battle goes bad for the Allies
– Fog kept air force out of the battle
– Many new recruits manning the front line
– Many Americans surrender
• German offensive literally runs out of gas
• After a month Germans are pushed back
– Loose 120,000 troops, 600 tanks, 1,600 planes
• Germany on defensive for rest of war
End Game for Hitler
• American decide to let Russians
capture Berlin
– Why?
• Fierce street fighting throughout
– Russians lose 305,000
– Germans lose 325,000
• April 30, 1945 Hitler shot himself
blaming the Jews for starting the war
V-E Day
• May 8, 1945 America accepts Germany’s
unconditional surrender
• The war in Europe was over
Advancing in the Pacific
• America went on the offensive after Midway
• Island hopping
– Taking over strategically less protected islands
Navajo Code Talkers
• Marines recruited over 200 Navajos and used their language
as a code
– Made up words for military terms
– "besh- lo" (iron fish) (Submarine)
– "dah-he- tih-hi" (hummingbird) (fighter plane)
• Code declassified in 1968
– Code talkers honored in 1969
Leyte Gulf
• Battle to retake Philippines
– 178,000 Allied troops
– 738 ships
• Japanese start using kamikazes (suicide bombers)
– 16 ships sunk, 80 damaged
• Huge victory for Allies
– Japan lost 3 battleships, 4 aircraft carriers, and 400 planes
Iwo Jima
• US needed Iwo Jima as a base for bombing
• 20,000 Japanese defending, only 200 survive
• 6,000 Marines die, most in any pacific battle
to that point
• 27 Medals of Honor handed out
FDR died of a stroke in April 1945
Harry Truman takes over as President of the USA
Okinawa last stop before invading Japan
Okinawa lasts from March until June 1945
• 1,900 kamikazes attack US ships, sinking 30 and
killing 5,000 sailors
• Fierce fighting onshore
– 7,600 Americans killed
– 110,000 Japanese killed
• Could this be an indication of the fighting to come on
mainland Japan?
The Manhattan Project
• The project was the construction of an atomic
– Led by Robert J. Oppenheimer at Los Alamos, New
• July 16, 1945 the first atomic bomb was detonated in
Alamogordo, New Mexico
Force of 21,000 tons of TNT
Heard 100 miles away
Flash was visible 250 miles away
Only took 2 yrs, 3 months, and 16 days to create the
Atomic Bomb
• August 6, 1945
– Enola Gay, a B29 bomber, dropped “little boy”
over the Japanese city Hiroshima
– Less than a minute later Hiroshima no longer
– 80,000 people died instantly
– The temperature was 7,000 degrees
– Thousands more died over the years from
radiation exposure
• Japan still would not surrender
• Three days after Hiroshima another atomic
bomb (Fat Man) was dropped on Nagasaki
• Half the city destroyed and ~60,000 killed
Victory (VJ Day)
• September 2, 1945 Japan officially surrenders
on the deck of the battleship Missouri in
Tokyo Bay