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Sharing Moral Responsibility with Robots:
A Pragmatic Approach
School of Innovation, Design and Engineering,
Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
Abstract. Roboethics is a recently developed field of applied ethics which deals
with the ethical aspects of technologies such as robots, ambient intelligence, direct
neural interfaces and invasive nano-devices and intelligent soft bots. In this article
we look specifically at the issue of (moral) responsibility in artificial intelligent
systems. We argue for a pragmatic approach, where responsibility is seen as a
social regulatory mechanism. We claim that having a system which takes care of
certain tasks intelligently, learning from experience and making autonomous
decisions gives us reasons to talk about a system (an artifact) as being
“responsible” for a task. No doubt, technology is morally significant for humans,
so the “responsibility for a task” with moral consequences could be seen as moral
responsibility. Intelligent systems can be seen as parts of socio-technological
systems with distributed responsibilities, where responsible (moral) agency is a
matter of degree. Knowing that all possible abnormal conditions of a system
operation can never be predicted, and no system can ever be tested for all possible
situations of its use, the responsibility of a producer is to assure proper functioning
of a system under reasonably foreseeable circumstances. Additional safety
measures must however be in place in order to mitigate the consequences of an
accident. The socio-technological system aimed at assuring a beneficial
deployment of intelligent systems has several functional responsibility feedback
loops which must function properly: the awareness and procedures for handling of
risks and responsibilities on the side of designers, producers, implementers and
maintenance personnel as well as the understanding of society at large of the
values and dangers of intelligent technology. The basic precondition for
developing of this socio-technological control system is education of engineers in
ethics and keeping alive the democratic debate on the preferences about future
Keywords. Intelligent agents, Moral responsibility, Safety critical systems
Engineering can be seen as a long-term, large-scale social experiment since the design,
production and employment of engineered artifacts can be expected to have long-range
effects [1]. Especially interesting consequences might be anticipated if the engineered
artifacts are intelligent, adaptive and autonomous. Recently, Roboethics, a field of
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applied ethics, has developed with many interesting, novel insights.3 Topics addressed
within Roboethics include the use of robots, ubiquitous sensing systems and ambient
intelligence, direct neural interfaces and invasive nano-devices, intelligent soft bots,
robots aimed at warfare, and similar, which actualize ethical issues of responsibility,
liability, accountability, control, privacy, self, (human) rights, and similar [2].
This article deals specifically with the issue of (moral) responsibility in artificial
intelligent systems. We argue that this should be handled by adopting a pragmatic
approach, where responsibility is seen as a social regulatory mechanism.
1. Moral Responsibility and Intelligent Systems
Moral responsibility is understood as consisting of two parts: causal responsibility and
intention. Traditionally only humans are considered to be capable of the mental state of
intention. This mental state can be seen as the origin of an act that, depending on the
effects it causes, can imply moral responsibility [3][4].
A common argument against ascribing moral responsibility to artificial intelligent
systems is that they are not considered to have the capacity for mental states like
intention [3][4]. Another argument maintains that it is pointless to assign praise or
blame to an agent of this type when it has no meaning to the agent [5].
Both these arguments stem from a view in which agents are seen primarily as
isolated entities. Dennett and Strawson suggest that we should understand moral
responsibility not as individual duty, but as a role defined by externalist pragmatic
norms of a group [6][7]. In this functionalist view moral responsibility can best be seen
as a social regulatory mechanism which aims at enhancing actions considered to be
good, and simultaneously minimizing what is considered to be bad.
We argue that to address the question of ascribing moral responsibility to
intelligent systems we must adopt the functionalist view and see them as parts of larger
socio-technological systems with distributed responsibilities, where responsibility of a
moral agent is a matter of degree. From such a standpoint ascribing responsibility to an
intelligent system has primarily a regulatory role. Delegating a task to a machine is also
delegating responsibility for the safe and successful completion of that task to the
machine [8]. A machine that takes care of certain tasks intelligently, learning from
experience and making autonomous decisions gives us good reasons to talk about a
machine as being “responsible” for a task in the same manner that we talk about a
machine being “intelligent”. No doubt, technology is morally significant for humans,
so the “responsibility” for a task with moral consequences could be seen as moral
responsibility. Moral responsibility as a regulative mechanism shall not only locate the
blame but more importantly assure future appropriate behavior of the system.
Consequential responsibility, which presupposes moral autonomy, will however be
distributed through the system.
See, e.g.,, or International Review of
Information Ethics Vol. 6, IRIE, 2006, that was dedicated to Ethics of Robotics,
2. Risks and Distribution of Responsibility in Intelligent Technology
Based on the experiences with safety critical systems such as nuclear power, aerospace
and transportation systems one can say that the socio-technological structure which
supports their beneficial functioning is a system of safety barriers preventing and
mitigating malfunction. The most important part is to assure safe functioning under
normal conditions, which is complemented by the supposed abnormal/accidental
condition scenarios. There must be several levels of organizational and physical
barriers in order to cope with different levels of severity of malfunctions [9].
In every design process there are uncertainties that are the result of our limited
resources. All new products are tested under certain conditions in a given context. This
implies that an engineered product may, sooner or later, in its application be used under
conditions for which it has never been tested. Even in such situations we expect the
product to function safely. Handling risk and uncertainty in the production of a safety
critical technical system is done on several levels. Producers must take into account
everything from technical issues, through issues of management and organization, to
larger issues on the level of societal impact [10]. Risk assessment is a standard way of
dealing with risks in the design and production of safety critical systems [11], also
relevant for intelligent systems.
Any technology subject to uncertainty and with a potentially high impact on human
society is expected to be handled cautiously, and intelligent systems surely fall into this
category. Thus, preventing harm and having the burden of proof of harmlessness is
something that producers of intelligent systems are responsible for. (Precautionary
A precondition for this socio-technological control system is an engineer informed
about the ethical aspects of engineering, where education in professional ethics for
engineers is a fundamental factor [12].
3. Conclusion
According to the classical approach, free will is essential for an agent to be assigned
moral responsibility. Pragmatic approaches on the other hand focus on social,
organizational and role-assignment aspects of responsibility. We argue that moral
responsibility in intelligent systems is best viewed as a regulatory mechanism, and
follow essentially a pragmatic (instrumental, functionalist) line of thought. Intelligent
systems can be seen as parts of socio-technological systems with distributed
responsibilities, where responsible (moral) agency is a matter of degree. We claim that
for all practical purposes, the question of responsibility in safety critical intelligent
systems may be addressed in the same way as the safety in traditional safety critical
systems, such as nuclear industry and transports.
Long-term, wide range consequences of the deployment of intelligent systems in
human societies must be discussed on a democratic basis as the intelligent systems
have a potential of radically transforming the future of humanity. Education in
professional ethics for engineers is a fundamental factor for building a sociotechnological system of responsibility.
Martin, M.W., Schinzinger, R., Ethics in Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1996.
Dodig-Crnkovic G., Professional Ethics in Computing and Intelligent Systems, Proceedings of the
Ninth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2006), Espoo, Finland, October 25-27,
[3] Johnson D. G., Computer systems: Moral entities but not moral agents, Ethics and Information
Technology, Vol. 8, Springer, 2006, pp. 195-204.
[4] Johnson D. G. and Miller K. W., A dialogue on responsibility, moral agency, and IT systems,
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing table of content, Dijon, France, 2006,
pp. 272 – 276.
[5] Floridi L. and Sanders J. W., On the morality of artificial agents, Minds and Machines, Vol. 14, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2004, pp. 349-379.
[6] Dennett, D. C., Mechanism and Responsibility, in Essays on Freedom of Action, T. Honderich (ed),
Routledge & Keegan Paul, Boston, 1973.
[7] Strawson P. F., Freedom and Resentment, in Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays, Methuen,
[8] Johnson D. G. and Powers T. M., Computer systems and responsibility: A normative look at
technological complexity, Ethics and Information Technology, Vol. 7, Springer, 2005, pp. 99-107.
[9] Dodig-Crnkovic G., ABB Atom's Criticality Safety Handbook, ICNC'99 Sixth International Conference
[10] Huff, C., Unintentional Power in the Design of Computing Systems, in T. W. Bynum and S. Rogerson,
eds., Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Blackwell Publishing, Kundli, India, 2004, pp.
[11] Stamatelatos M., Probabilistic Risk Assessment: What Is It And Why Is It Worth Performing It?,
[12] Dodig-Crnkovic G., On the Importance of Teaching Professional Ethics to Computer Science Students,
Computing and Philosophy Conference, E-CAP 2004, Pavia, Italy, in L. Magnani, ed., Computing and
Philosophy, Associated International Academic Publishers, 2005.