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Solar System Picture Book
Make a picture book about the solar system. Your book will
include information about each planet in the solar system as well
as any other objects in the solar system you wish to include.
Each page of your book should have at least one picture and at
least five facts about the planet or object you have pictured.
More credit is given for illustrations you create yourself than for
pictures that have been cut from a magazine or the internet. The
first page of your book should be at least one paragraph
introducing the solar system and explaining the difference
between the inner and outer planets. Your book should also
have an illustrated cover.
Make a cover for your book. The cover should have the book’s title,
your name, and an illustration.
The first page of your book should be an introduction. You should
talk about the solar system in general and you should also talk
about the specific differences between the inner and outer
planets. The introduction should be at least a paragraph but you
will probably need more than one paragraph to cover this topic.
Each of the next eight pages should be about a planet. One
planet goes on each page. The page should include a picture or drawing of
the planet and four significant facts about the planet (**Pre-AP must do 6).
Choose your facts carefully. They should be important and/or interesting.
You may also include extra pages about other objects in the solar system such
as dwarf planets like Pluto, comets, asteroids, or even the sun itself. Each object
you choose should have its own page. These extra pages are extra credit.
You will be given points based on effort, correct facts, creativity, following
the correct format, and neatness. Incomplete projects will not be
considered for credit.
Planet for Sale!!
Every community has its selling points,
climate, reasonably priced housing, good
schools, attractions that tourists would find
interesting and so on. This project will require you to use your
imagination and pretend that you are trying to sell people on the idea that your
planet is “the place to live.” You are to create a brochure that someone thinking about
moving to your community would find interesting.
Your first step is to research your planet and familiarize yourself with its characteristics
and various points of interest. Remember, the people that will see this brochure have
never been to your planet and have no idea where it is located or even what it looks
Your job is to create a brochure that will give a prospective buyer of your planet enough
persuasive information that, after reading your brochure, they will for sure want to buy
your planet. What are some of the major attractions of your planet? Do you have any
out-of-the-way sites that people would be interested in visiting or curious to see?
Things to include when making your brochure (you need 4 facts for each of the
following categories, Pre-AP must have 6 for each):
Little known facts about your planet
Characteristics (size, location, distance)
Tourist attractions (moons, craters, trenches, volcanoes etc.)
Miscellaneous facts (air quality, Natural resources, etc.)
Travel information (how much to get there, how to get there, who to call, etc.)
Special needs (supplies, clothing)
Existing structures/inhabitants
You will be given points based on effort, correct facts, creativity, following the
correct format, and neatness. Incomplete projects will not be considered for
Solar System Foldable
To make the foldable:
A. Start by getting a large piece of paper, 12” X 24”.
B. Fold the paper in half long ways
C. Unfold, fold the long edges of the paper towards the crease you just made until
they meet in the center and crease the folds.
D. Folding the skinny ends together, fold the paper in half twice.
E. Unfold until you have a rectangle with two large flaps with creases.
F. Cut along the creases from the edge to the long fold.
1. On the outside, non-flap side, give the foldable a relevant title. (Be creative, use
2. On the outside, flap side, draw, label and color a diagram of the major items in
our solar system in the order that they occur. (inner planets, sun, asteroid belt,
and outer planets). Make sure you draw the planets on the correct flap and
make sure to take into account the correct color(s) and sizes.
3. Under the flaps labeled “Inner planets” :
*Label the planet with the correct name
*Write three interesting facts (You may not label the order in which the
planet occurs, whether the planet is a gas giant or terrestrial, or the color
of the planet.) Make your facts interesting; spend some time looking them
up. Pre-AP must do 6 facts.
4. Under the flaps labeled “Outer planets”
*Label the planet with the correct name
*Write three interesting facts (You may not label the order in which the
planet occurs, whether the planet is a gas giant or terrestrial, or the color
of the planet.) Make your facts interesting; spend some time looking them
up. Pre-AP must do 6 facts.
Grading Rubrics:
Solar System Book Grade Sheet – 70 pts regular, 86 Pre-AP
Illustration (6pts)
General Info (2pts)
Inner Planets (2pts)
Outer Planets (2pts)
(2 pt
Label (1 pt each)
Fact 1
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5
Fact 6
Extra Pages
(extra credit)
Planet for Sale Brochure - 70 pts regular, 86 Pre-AP
Planet Label (2 pts)
Pictures - 8 worth 2 pts each (16 pts)
Neatness (5 pts)
Color (5 pts)
Sales Pitch (10 pts)
Fact 1
Little known facts
Characteristics (size, location, distance)
Tourist Attractions
Miscellaneous (air quality, resources, etc)
Travel Info (who, what, when, how much)
Special needs (supplies, clothing)
Existing structures/inhabitants
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5
Fact 6
Solar System Foldable Grade Sheet – 70 pts regular, 86 Pre-AP
outside non-flap side
Outside Flap side- diagram
Inner Planets (4 pts)
Asteroid Belt
Outer Planets (4 pts)
Planet Names (8 pts)
Color (8 pts)
Correct Order (10pts)
Label (1 pt each)
Fact 1
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5