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Download Name Period Date Chapter 5: Egypt Review Packet Lesson 1 ____
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Name Chapter 5: Egypt Review Packet ____ 1. an area near a river’s mouth where the water deposits fine soil ____ 2. the name for the Nile River in the south of Egypt ____ 3. the name for the Nile River in the north ____ 4. fine soil that is deposited along the shores of a river such as the Nile ____ 5. method of trade in ancient Egypt that involves exchanging goods that people grew or made Period Date Lesson 1 a. upper Nile b. silt c. bartering d. lower Nile e. delta Lesson 2: Finding Main Ideas: Choose the word that most accurately completes each sentence below. Write that word in the blank provided. Note: Not all words will be used. calendar scribe mummy pharaoh obelisk polytheism hieroglyphs afterlife papyrus artisans embalming monotheism 1. In ancient Egypt, the person whose job was to write and keep records was called a ____________________. 2. ____________________ were people who made pottery, jewelry, linen clothing, and other articles that could be used in trade. 3. An ____________________ was an Egyptian temple that had a shaft with a pointed top. 4. The ruler of Egyptian society was called a ____________________. 5. Based on their observations of the star now called Sirius, Egyptians created a practical ____________________. 6. Egyptians used a writing system with ____________________, pictures that stand for different words or sounds. 7. ____________________ was a paper-like material used by Egyptians to roll into scrolls for early books. 8. Early Egyptians believed that a happy ____________________ followed life on Earth. 9. Egyptians practiced ____________________, a religion that included a belief in many gods. 10. To preserve a body after death, Egyptians used ____________________; in other words, they removed all organs except the heart, filled the body with salt and herbs, and wrapped it in linen strips to create a ____________________. LESSON 3 The Pyramid Builders Finding Main Ideas: Write the terms, names, or phrases that best complete the sentences. 1. The ruler who wore the Double Crown reigned over both ____________________ and ____________________ Egypt. 2. More than 30 dynasties ruled ancient Egypt. Historians divide Egypt’s history into the ____________________ Kingdom, ____________________ Kingdom, and ____________________ Kingdom. 3. Because Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was a child of the ____________________, hard times were a sign that the pharaoh was not ____________________ them properly. 4. The step pyramid is the oldest-known large ____________________ structure in the world. 5. The Great Pyramid took nearly ____________________ years to build, and an estimated ____________________ Egyptians worked on it. 6. Tombs were supposed to be the ____________________ of pharaohs in the afterlife. 7. Egypians tried to protect tombs from ____________________, so that the person buried inside could have a happy ____________________. 8. Some tombs contained small statues, which were to be ____________________ for the dead person. 9. Paintings inside Old Kingdom tombs showed the dead person with ____________________, no matter how the individual really looked. 10. The pharaohs of the Middle Dynasties lost power to invaders called the ____________________. LESSON 4 The New Kingdom- Finding Main Ideas: The following questions deal with Queen Hatshepsut and the New Kingdom. Answer them in the space provided. 1. How did Queen Hatshepsut expand Egypt? __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What changes to Egyptian beliefs did Akhenaton make, and how long did they last? __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did Ramses II expand the Egyptian Empire? __________________________________________________________________________________ READING COMPREHENSION Find the name or term in the second column that best matches the description in the first column. Then write the letter of your answer in the blank. ____ 4. new capital city for Egypt during the a. obelisk time of the New Kingdom b. Thebes ____ 5. first woman to rule as an Egyptian c. Ramses II pharaoh d. Nefertiti ____ 6. four-sided shaft with a pyramide. Hatshepsut shaped top ____ 7. name of Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton’s wife ____ 8. Egyptian pharaoh who ruled for 66 years