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All about Hinduisim
Who found hinduism?
• Hinduism is four thousand years old.
Where was hinduism found?
• Shquiv was a god of creation but brahman is the
main god in hinduism.
• hindus, when they are praying they put candels
next to them.
• hinduism is the oldest of the world relgions still
practised today. Those who have studied
hinduism and it’ orgins belive that is a fusion of
different belies cuyltures and tradition of the
people who lived along the hinduism originated
in south east asia along the river indus.
A picture of Guru nanak!
Comparing mandirs.
• They all have bells. They have a shoerag. Merties
artis, they have really tall buildings. They are
very different and they have shrines.
• Some of the mandirs are so tall theyn want to
get up to hevean.some of them have colours
and some of them don’t.
Facts about hinduism!
• Hinduism gods and godesses all have different
qualities.The main god is called brahman.The
place of worship is called a mandhir. If they
want intellgence they go to a god that give
them intelligence.The god of intelligence is the
elephant. There are many god and godesses
that represents brahman qualities. They look
after their gods and godesses . That is a that
facts of hinduism!
• A long time ago there was a king who had a
son called prahlad. The king wanted everyone
to worship him but prahlad refused so the
king decided to kill him. The king threw
prahlad into a hole of hissing snakes but
prahlad prayed to vishnu and he got saved.
The king put him under stupeling elephants
but he prayed and he got saved because he
prayed then prahlad thank you vishnu for
saving his life.
THE holy veda!
• A veda is a holy bible for a hindu person.
There are four vedas .The for vedas are :rig
veda , yajur veda , sama veda atharva veda.