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Religions of the World: Hinduism video guide
From GPB media, Discovery Education
Class period:
History of Hinduism
1.Hinduism is the world’s most ancient __________ religion.
2.Its roots began about 5000 years ago in the ____________ _________________ of India. The earliest
people there were called ____________________. By _________ B.C., the Dravidian culture had all but
vanished. They were replaced by Aryan ________________ who came from southern ____________ and
central __________.
3.The Aryans brought the Sanskrit language and a religion known as ______________ or Vedism.
The Rig Veda
4.Their sacred text was called the _______ ___________. It was a collection of hymns and poetry. There are
_________ hymns in the Rig Veda.
5.In time the religion of the Dravidians and Aryans combined into what is the earliest form of
6.Important concepts related to the Rig Veda include: nonviolence, harmony, wisdom, meditation.
7.The gods of Hinduism number in the ____________________.They are the parts that make up the one
divine being known as ________________. Truth is one, but aspects are different and diverse. God is one
but is multiplied in different forms. All of the deities represent different aspects of Brahma. The priests of
Hinduism are called Brahmans.
8.Transmigration of the soul is the belief that all things must be __________ again and again. One should
follow one’s ___________, or proper path in order to ascend higher and higher spiritual planes. This is
connected to the belief of reincarnation. After many births, one may achieve release from the _______ of
earthly existence. Holy men or ____________ led solitary and _____________ lives.
9.The earliest deities were Shiva and __________.
10.The _______________ River is considered a pure and sacred river.
11.Hindus believe that all life is __________. The cow is the most sacred because it is the most giving
12.Slowly public sacrifice was replaced with private ritual called ________.
13.A __________ is a spiritual teacher, one who has mastered the inner world of the spirit; “an example of
what a we wants to become, demonstrates how to organize life with God in the center, ….and shows
followers how it can be done
14.Guru means “to take away the ___________ and illuminate the ____________.” Gurus provide
15.An ashram is the Guru’s ________ and spiritual center.
16.Mantras are repeated during meditation.
17.Temples are dedicated to specific ____________.
18.People go to temples to worship, get advice, and show reverence to deities.
19.The __________ and the _________ are musical instruments used in worship ceremonies.
20.Chants are also performed during the day.
The caste system
21.The caste system developed at the time of the ____ ______. People are born into and marry into certain
22.________________ is now outlawed thanks to the efforts of _____________ and others.
23.In 1,000 AD _________ attacked India, and ____________ replaced temples.
24.The ________ religion developed from Islam and Hinduism.
25.Buddhism was also born from Hinduism. The founder of Buddhism was a Hindu who became
disillusioned with worldly life and searched for spiritual enlightenment. Buddhism = the middle way
Hinduism is a link between the _________ and the __________.