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What is Public Relations?
A Definition of Public Relations
 A variety of definitions exists for public relations
 It is not necessary to memorize any particular
 The following key words frame most definitions:
 Deliberate
 Planned
 Performance
 Public interest
 Two-way communication
 Management function
Other Popular Names
Public relations is an umbrella term
Fortune 500 companies use corporate
Other companies use communications
Nonprofits use public information/public
affairs or marketing communications
The Diversity of Public Relations
Issues management
Financial relations
Media relations
Industry relations
Employee/Member relations
Community relations
relations/workplace diversity
Special events
Marketing communications
Public affairs
Government affairs
Public Relations vs. Journalism
 Scope
Public relations has many components; journalism has only
two: journalistic writing and media relations
 Objectives
Journalists are objective observers; public relations
personnel are advocates
 Audiences
Journalists focus on a mass audience; public relations
professionals focus on defined publics
 Channels
Journalists use only one channel; public relations uses a
variety of channels
Public Relations vs. Advertising
 Advertising works through mass media; public
relations relies on a variety of tools
 Advertising addresses external audiences;
public relations targets specialized audiences
 Advertising is a communications function; public
relations is broader in scope
 Advertising is a tool; public relations often
supports advertising campaigns
Public Relations vs. Marketing
Completion vs. Opposition
Role in Management
How Public Relations Supports
Public Relations is the “fifth ‘P’” in marketing
strategies, which are product, price, place and
There are Eight ways PR supports marketing
Develops new prospects
Third party endorsements
Generates sales leads
Paves the way for sales calls
Stretches dollars
Provides inexpensive literature
Establishes credibility
Helps sell minor products
Toward an Integrated Perspective
organization’s goals and objectives are best
accomplished through and integrated approach
is the use a variety of strategies and
tactics to convey a consistent message in a variety
of forms
used to explain integration:
marketing communications
Convergent communications
Integrated communications
Toward an Integrated Perspective
A Career in Public Relations
 Five
core courses for PR majors
1. Introduction to public relations
2. Public relations research,
measurement, and evaluation
3. Public relations writing and production
4. Supervised work experience in public
relations (internship)
5. An additional PR course in law and
ethics, planning and management, and
case studies or campaigns
Essential Career Skills
1. Writing skill
2. Research ability
3. Planning expertise
4. Problem-solving ability
5. Business/economics competence
6. Expertise in social media
The Value of Public Relations
The world doesn’t need more information, but
sensitive communicators to interpret its relevancy
for people
Public relations practitioners explain the goals and
objectives of clients and employees to the public
and provide them with guidance