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What protected Rome from invasion?
A. The Sahara
B. The Himalayas
C. The Alps
The Roman Republic was a
A. Direct democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Representative democracy
The majority of Romans were
common people called
A. patricians
B. aristocrats
C. plebeians
The two officials elected to command the
army and direct the government for one
year were called
A. consuls
B. dictators
C. monarchs
The most powerful lawmaking
body in the Roman Republic was the
A. senate
B. assembly
C. emperor
For the most part, senators represented
the interests of the
A. patricians
B. dictators
C. plebeians
Who represented the interests of the
plebeians in the less powerful tribal
A. centuriates
B. tribunes
C. consuls
The Laws carved on tablets
and hung in
the Forum were called the
A. Code of Justinian
B. Ten Commandments
C. Twelve Tables
Which of these modern
principles is taken from Roman
A. An eye for an eye, a life for
a life.
B. An accused person is
innocent until proven guilty.
C. All men are created equal.
The names of the planets are based on Roman
A. senators
B. emperors
C. gods
Three wars fought between Rome and
Carthage were called
A. Punic Wars
B. Persian Wars
C. Peloponnesian Wars
Who was the general of Carthage who
crossed the Alps and invaded the Italian
A. Scipio
B. Hannibal
C. Cicero
Following the Punic wars, Rome
A. Declined
B. Expanded slowly
C. Grew rapidly
How did the spread of slavery cause
problems for the Roman Republic?
A. It caused small farmers to lose their land
B. It created racial tension
C. It led to a civil war between the North and the
What were some other factors leading to
the decline and fall of Rome’s republican
A. unemployment,
inflation, civil wars,
class conflicts.
B. the split in the Christian
C. ice ages froze most of
the northern hemisphere
Who made up the First Triumvirate?
A. Augustus Caesar, Marc Antony and Lepidus
B. Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey.
Who is being described?
• He conquered Gaul
• He went to war with Pompey
and won
• He forced the senate to make
him dictator
• He was assassinated by
A.Augustus Caesar
B.Julius Caesar
Ten years after the death of Julius Caesar,
civil war erupted between
A. Pompey and
B. Octavian and
Mark Anthony
C. Lepidus and
Anthony and
Who was the first emperor of Rome?
A.Augustus (Octavian)
B.Marc Antony
What was the Pax Romana?
A. Two hundred years of
peace and prosperity
B. Roman Law
C. The fall of the Roman
All of the following are true about Rome
during the Pax Romana EXCEPT
A. Augustus created a uniform
system of money and a uniform
system of law.
B. Augustus created a civil service
C. It was safe to travel and trade
on Roman roads.
D. Succession went smoothly
when an emperor died
Which empire is pictured?
A. Persian
B. Roman
C. Egyptian
Which religion is being described?
• It had its roots in Judaism
• Jesus is both the Son and
incarnation of God.
• Life after death
• New Testament
Who Spread Christianity throughout the
Roman Empire?
A.Asoka and his missionaries
B.St. Cyril and St. Methodius
C. the Apostles, including Paul
Why were the early Christians
A. They led a rebellion against the Empire
B. They tried to free the slaves
C. They refused to worship the Roman Gods
Christian doctrine was established by
early church
A. patriarchs
B. popes
C. councils
The First Council of Nicaea
As the Roman Empire declined in the
West, the influence and membership of the
Christian Church
A. declined
B. grew
C. stayed the same
The scattering of the Jews after being exiled from
Israel by the Romans is called the
C.Big shake-up
All of the following are causes for the
decline of the Roman Empire EXCEPT?
A. Moral decay
B. Army discipline
C. Division of empire
D. Political problems
E. Invasions
F. Economic growth
Germanic invaders poured into the
___ part of the Empire
A. Eastern
B. Southeastern
C. Western
Which Roman emperor adopted and
legalized Christianity and move the capital
of the Roman Empire to the East?
A. Caligula
B. Constantine
C. Augustus
The eastern part of the Roman Empire
survived and became known as the
A. Islamic Empire
B. Spanish Empire
C. Byzantine Empire
These well-engineered structures helped
trade flow smoothly throughout the
Roman Empire.
A. Domes
B. Minarets
C. Roads
Romans used these curved structures as
memorials in addition to supporting
buildings, bridges, and aqueducts
Romans designed these to bring water
from the mountains to the cities.
A. aqueducts
B. pails
C. aquariums
The political and
economic heart of
Rome was the
A. Town Center
B. Forum
C. Gaul
What is the name of the building
A. Colosseum
B. Parthenon
C. Pantheon
What is the name of the building
A. Colosseum
B. Dome of the Rock
C. Pantheon
“The Aeneid” was written by the
Roman poet
B. Virgil
C. Sophocles
Who designed an Earth-centered,
(wrong) model of the universe that was
held as truth for 1400 years.
A. Ptolemy
B. Phidias
C. Plato