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Reference: 16050
Features and Benefits
Category: Cardiology
May provide higher efficiency cardiomyocyte production.
May provide an implantable therapeutic option for enhancing
cardiac repair and recovery.
Possible use in drug toxicity screening.
Dr. Bradley Keller
Dr. Takeichiro Nakane
Dr. Hidetoshi Masumoto
Dr. Yun Yamashita
For more information:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (502) 852-2965
*This Technology is available for licensing, further development, or industrial partnering*
Market Opportunities
When the heart gets injured, heart cells are irreversibly lost and scar tissue forms at the site of the injury. This
scar tissue is stiffer than normal cardiac tissue and cannot develop force to assist cardiac function. As a result,
cardiac function deteriorates, leading to heart failure. This technology is able to reverse the decline in heart
function by restoring new functional cardiac tissues onto damaged hearts. Current injected cell therapies under
investigation suffer from cell death after delivery into patients. This engineered tissue technology was designed
to improve cell survival and function because the graft is placed directly on the injured area of the heart in a
formulation that promotes cell survival and coupling to the surrounding tissues, supporting better functional
Researchers from the University of Louisville and Kyoto University have developed an engineered cardiac
tissue technology intended for use in safe and effective cardiac repair. This technology is a large format
engineered cardiac tissue mesh produced in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The large format
engineered mesh is scalable for human use and may grafted onto damaged or previously damaged cardiac
tissue, promoting cardiac cell replacement and scar reduction. This mesh may have a lower risk of rejection by
the body due the human cell composition. This technology may also be used as a product for drug screening and
investigating cell to cell interactions and drug to cell interactions.
Technology Status
IP Status: Provisional Patent Application
Development Status: In vivo implantations in rat model
Fields of Use Available: All
University of Louisville / Office of Technology Transfer / 300 East Market Street, Suite 300 / Louisville, KY 40202