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Chapter 3 Study Guide
Where did Sumerians settle?
Southern Mesopotamia (Iraq)
What was the earliest known civilization? Sumerian
What twin rivers ran through Mesopotamia? Tigris & Euphrates
Where is Mesopotamia located today? Iraq
Define city-state. City and the farm land around it
What is the name for a skilled worker? Artisan
What was at the center of each Sumerian city-state?
Ziggurat (temple)
Who administered land in the god’s name? Priests
Who went to school? Sons of the Upper Class
What was cuneiform? Sumerian writing
Who was Gilgamesh? Most famous Sumerian priest-king
Where was Sargon I from? Ruler of Akkad, world’s first empire
Define empire. Group of states under one ruler
Who was the king of Babylon? Hammurabi
What is a way of life? Culture
How long did Sargon I rule for? 50 years
What is Hammurabi known for? Code of law
What did the Sumerians invent? Wheel, plow, and sailboat
What was called the “cradle of civilization”? Mesopotamia
Define reign. Period of power
Who were the 1st people to write down laws? Sumerians
What replaced muscle power with wind power? Sailboat
What was their clock operated by? Controlled drops of water