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Chapter 2: Section 1 Quiz Review
Civilization Begins in Mesopotamia
Name: ______________________________
Period: _______
I. Key Terms
=> Fertile Crescent = ____________________________________________________
a. How did the Fertile Crescent have such rich soil if there was little rain fall?
b. What allowed the people of Mesopotamia to grow crops on a regular basis?
=> Uruk = _____________________________________________________________
a. Briefly describe what the city of Uruk looked like?
=> Code of Hammurabi = ________________________________________________
a. What does the statement: “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” mean?
b. What kind of insight can historians gather from Hammurabi’s laws?
=> Cuneiform = _________________________________________________________
a. What types of things did Sumerians write?
b. Describe the Epic of Gilgamesh.
A. Gods, Goddesses, and Rulers
1. Ziggurat = ___________________________________________________________
a. Purpose = ______________________________________________________
b. Location: ______________________________________________________
c. Theocracy = ____________________________________________________
Chapter 2: Section 1 Quiz Review
Civilization Begins in Mesopotamia
Name: ______________________________
Period: _______
2. What did the following people do in Sumerian culture?
Kings: ___________________________________________________________
Priests: __________________________________________________________
Soldiers: _________________________________________________________
B. Economy and Society
1. The economy of Sumerian city states was based on __________, _____________, and
2. Imported Sumerian goods = _____________________
3. The majority of the Sumerian population was : ________________.
C. Empires in Ancient Mesopotamia
=> Define Empire = ______________________________________________________
=> The northern enemy to the Sumerians were the ________________________
1. Sumerian city-states were open to attacks and were constantly being taken over. The
first leader to take over the Sumerians was called __________________.
D. The Importance of Religion
=> Define Polytheistic = __________________________________________________
=> What role did the environment play in the way Mesopotamians viewed the world?
E. Sumerian Technology
1. Three inventions of the Sumerians include: