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Appendix I - Lesson plan
P2 University of Manchester Lesson Plan
Subject: Science
Class: Year 5 (Eagles)
Lesson context
Children’s learning from previous
lesson S2b, S6b
Physics Strand: Earth and
Chn have described the movement of
Space (Planets).
the Earth and other planets in our
Solar System relative to the Sun.
Date: 08.12.14
Provision for inclusion (SEN, EAL, G&T, Beh, GRT,
LAC...) (S5d, S5b)
PW working with Red table.
CH working with AL and SM.
Objective: what do I want the pupils to learn and how I will know they have learnt it?
Lesson objective (To…)
Success criteria: To be successful pupils will
Differentiation (who will do what?) – link each
activity to the success criteria on the left (S5a)
To look at other planets
1. I know which planets make up our Solar System LA provided with scaffolded sheet to facilitate
in our Solar System.
and their order away from the Sun.
research and will be directed to appropriate
2. I understand that all these planets orbit the
websites to gather information.
Sun and many have other celestial bodies orbiting
PW working with Red table.
3. I have used a selection of resources to research Make sure HB and JL are supported
Subject knowledge: what do I need to know in order to teach this lesson?
Concepts I will explain: S3a
I will model:
How all of the planets orbit the Sun and are held in
How planets orbit the Sun to create Solar System.
place by gravity.
How to use resources to create a fact file for planets.
Vocabulary I will use: S3a
Gravity, solar system, celestial bodies, asteroid,
satellite, moon, orbit.
Laptops, space books, list of suggested
Pedagogy: teaching strategies I will use (S2d): eg talk partners,
investigation, active learning, games, collaboration, IT.
Investigation, active learning and collaboration.
Safety S1a
Laptops (plug in power), moving around
the classroom sensibly, using
appropriate websites.
Formative assessment and feedback (S6)
To challenge and extend the pupils
my questions are: S1b, S6b
Why do you think that the planets stay orbiting the Sun and do not fly off into the
Why do you think some planets are hotter than others? Is there a pattern?
Do you think that there are any planets that would be hospitable for humans based
upon your research?
Can you think of any of the planets that may have celestial bodies?
What is meant by celestial bodies?
What techniques and strategies am I
using to assess the learning? (S6b)
Formative assessment when asking directed questions in lesson.
Formative assessment when working with groups and individuals in group activity.
Summative assessment on fact fine created (photocopy one for each child and stick in
their book).
How and when we I give oral/written
feedback to the pupil against the
success criteria so that they can
respond? (S6d, S2a)
Formative feedback in whole class teaching in response to directed questions.
Formative feedback when working with individuals and groups in group activity.
Summative feedback on fact file created.
Teaching and learning sequence: How will I teach this lesson? What will I do? The guide to my lesson (S6a, S4 and S7)
(Think about behaviour management, timings, transitions and assessment leading to feedback)
What the teacher is doing
What the pupils are doing
Chn have discovered that the Sun is at the centre of our Solar System – What
Chn should recap on what
15 mins
does this mean?
they have learned about
The Solar System consists of the Sun and other bodies which orbit it (held in
planets orbiting around the
place by gravity) – includes planets, dwarf planets and asteroids.
Sun and how this makes up
N.B. gravity keeps them in place because they have been pulled towards the Sun our Solar System.
as they have been flying past and have been trapped in its gravitational pull and
will circulate around it, moving no closer or further away.
Draw on w/board to demonstrate.
Chn know the planets in the Solar System from hwk. Ask what order they are in
and if they can remember any rhymes that may help?
My Very Easy Method Just Suits Us Nicely (Pluto was redefined as a Dwarf
planet in 2006) but it is good to remember that it is there.
Get chn to write the order down in their books.
It’s worth pointing out that new discoveries are found all the time and recent
information about Pluto suggests it is not big enough to be called a planet! The
exploration of space is relatively recent, scientists only discovered Pluto in 1930
and in 2006 realised Pluto was just the second largest of several dwarf planets in
orbit around the Sun (Eris - discovered in 2005, is the largest)!
Six of the planets have celestial bodies orbiting them too – natural satellites
often called moons, or planetary rings.
Earth has 1 natural satellite – the Moon, Mars has two tiny satellites, Jupiter has
67 (the largest bigger than Mercury), Saturn 62 (also with one bigger than
Mercury), Uranus 27 & Neptune 13. Saturn’s rings are made of small ice & rock
Chn look at what it might
be like to be a celestial
body orbiting the Earth.
Demonstrate to chn what it would be like to be orbiting the Earth as a celestial
body by showing live feed from International Space Station.
Group Activity
30 mins
Arrange the class into 8 mixed ability groups of 4 chn who will research a given
planet using laptop and book provided (make sure that no one in each group has
researched that planet for homework).
Chn create a fact file of
information on each planet
in our Solar System.
Give chn the ‘Planet Fact File’ example in order for them to create a fact file for
all of the planets in the Solar System.
Chn must find out about: surface, temperature, atmosphere, size (diameter and
in relation to other planets), number of moons/satellites, time to orbit the sun,
distance from the sun and any other interesting information.
Extension: get chn who have finished to research Pluto and other dwarf
planets like Eris.
10 mins.
20 mins.
Look @ stars.
Point out that recently planets orbiting around distant stars have been found but
explain that a lot more research is needed before these can be described in any
detail – see
What are stars? Giant balls of glowing gas that shine through the darkness. Sun
is a star which gives off light and heat to all planets in SS. Sunrays take 8 minutes
to reach Earth. Sun is just one of many stars in Milky Way – lots of different stars
The stars in the night sky are a very popular hobby for Astronomers. Some stars
are grouped into constellations used for navigation by Greeks and today for
horoscopes to predict the future.
Look at stars and what
they are, what they have
been used for and how
astronomers group stars
into constellations.