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Name______________________________ Date_____________
Chapter 10 Section 3 – The Late Republic
(Pages 308-313)
Do Now: Read the paragraph at the top of page 308. What might convince you to join the
army? Explain your answer using complete sentences.
***Think…Is this something you might consider in modern-day America?***
1. (p. 308) The Romans expanded their empire and conducted trade around which sea?
2. (p. 309) Groups of 6000 soldiers were called __________________, while smaller
groups of 100 soldiers were called __________________.
How did this organization of the army help the Romans defeat their enemies?
3. Look at the map of page 309. Determine the following statements to be true, false or opinion.
_______________ Four seas bordered Roman lands in 509 BC.
_______________ By the year 270 BC, Rome controlled most of the Italian peninsula.
_______________ The city of Rome was a better place to live than Carthage.
_______________ The Adriatic Sea was located east of Rome.
4. When small farmers left the countryside to work in Rome, who replaced them?___________
(p. 309)
5. (Underline the benefits of having slaves, Circle the dangers of having slaves)
Slaves were used for almost every possible purpose in ancient Rome. In the city itself, slaves were part of the civil
service and performed important jobs such as maintaining the aqueducts that supplied Rome with water. The
emperor’s household employed slaves as cooks, maintenance workers, and caretakers. The majority of food in the
empire was produced through the use of slave labor. Many private households also relied heavily on the assistance
of slaves. Rome’s slave workers came from conquered territories and other sources. One estimate is that slaves
were about 1/3 of the total population. Another estimate puts the ratio of slaves to citizens at 1:1. A third
estimate is that slaves actually outnumbered citizens by a ratio of 5:3. The Roman slave had no rights. They could
not marry nor have a traditional family. Many did not even have a name. Slaves could not own property. Most had
been captured during the various wars that Rome engaged in. Roman slaves did sometimes attempt to rebel against
their masters and gain their freedom. The most famous incident was in 73-71 BC when the gladiator Spartacus
defied his master and instigated a revolt in central Italy that eventually gathered thousands of fellow slaves to his
What were some of the benefits of having slaves in Rome? What were some of the
dangers? Provide at least one example for each.
A. Benefits of having slaves ___________________________________________________________________
B. Dangers of having slaves ___________________________________________________________________
6. (p. 309) Which city in North Africa fought against Rome in the Punic Wars? ________________
7. (p. 310) The most famous Carthaginian general was named __________________.
8. Look carefully at the picture, inlay, and map on pp. 310 and 311. Answer these questions.
A. The name of the Roman general who defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama was
named ____________________.
B. From which cardinal direction did the Romans attack the city of Carthage in 202 BC? _________
C. How did Hannibal die?_________________________________________________
D. List two techniques the Romans used to fight against the elephants of Hannibal.
E. According to the picture and information, what advantage did the Romans have?
9. (p. 312) According to the map, what new places did Rome add in 100 BC?
_______________, _______________, _______________, and _______________.
10. Fill in the chart to help remember how Rome tried to deal with the gap between rich
and poor. (pp. 312-313)
Tiberius and Gaius
Action to address the problems facing Rome
Encouraged poor people to join the army. Eventually killed by Sulla.