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Training #10
• Most Canadians suffer from some sort of digestive complaint
such as upset stomach, bloating, gas or heartburn. What many
people fail to realize is that these digestive problems can be
due to a lack of digestive enzymes.
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What Are Enzymes?
Enzymes are proteins that work as catalysts for chemical reactions within the body.
• This can be compared to blowing on a flame to start a fire.
• If extra oxygen is not added to the flames, it takes longer to start, or may go out
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Why Do We Need Enzymes?
Enzymes are essential for every function in the body including:
• Digesting food
• Delivering nutrients to the entire body
• Transport of toxic waste
• Blood clotting and purifying the blood
• Supporting kidney and liver function
• Delivering hormones
• Balancing cholesterol and triglyceride levels
• Breathing, talking, movement and behaviour
• Strengthening and maintaining the immune system
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How Do Enzymes Work?
• Many enzymes are catabolic, meaning they help to break things down into simpler
• Digestive enzymes break apart the bonds that hold nutrients together.
• Enzymes function in different pH’s throughout the body - some need a more acidic
environment to become active while others need a more alkaline environment.
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Digestive Enzymes
Digestive enzymes break down starches, proteins, fats and sugars into substances the
body can absorb.
• The salivary glands produce salivary amylase which is released in the mouth.
• The gastric glands produce pepsin which is released in the stomach.
• The pancreas produces pancreatic amylase, trypsin and pancreatic lipase which is
released in the small intestine.
• The liver produces bile to emulsify fats which is released in the gallbladder.
• The small intestine produces maltase and peptidase enzymes which are released in
the small intestine.
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Digestive Enzymes
• Complex carbohydrates are broken down into disaccharides (maltose) and
monosaccharides (glucose, fructose,) by amylase.
• Proteins are broken down into individual amino acids by protease and peptidases.
• Fats are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids by lipase.
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Digestive Enzymes The Body Can’t
There are some digestive enzymes that the human body cannot produce but when taken
supplementally, can be very helpful. These include:
• Cellulase which breaks down plant fibre (cellulose)
• Invertase which breaks down refined sugars
• Pectinase which breaks down pectin
• Phytase which breaks down phytic acid
It is very important that phytates and phytic acid are broken down (found in seeds,
legumes and grains). If not, they can bind with calcium, magnesium and zinc in the
intestine, blocking the absorption of these important minerals.
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Food Combining
The food combining way of eating is based on the theory that different food groups are
digested optimally when eaten in the following combinations:
• Proteins (beans, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, and poultry) and starches (grains, pasta,
breads, cereal, rice, carrots, etc.) should be eaten at separate meals.
• Proteins can be eaten with vegetables and starches can be combined with vegetables
but not together.
• Fruits should always be eaten alone.
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Enzymes Are Specific
• Enzymes are very specific to what they will break down or digest.
• Besides moisture, enzymes require three things to activate: the proper temperature,
the proper pH (acid or alkaline), and the right substrate (or material) to break down.
• For example, protease–the enzyme that breaks down protein–will only work on protein,
not carbohydrates.
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Proper pH For Proper Digestion
• Starches require an alkaline environment to activate the amylase needed to digest
• Proteins need an acidic environment to activate the protease needed to digest them.
• When proteins and starches are combined, the digestive environment is neither acid
nor alkaline enough for either group of enzymes to be activated, which results in poor
digestion leading to gas, bloating, stomach upset, and weight gain.
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What Causes Enzyme Deficiency?
• Lack of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes - the body requires these nutrients to
make enzymes.
• Age - over time the body begins to produce fewer enzymes.
• Cooked foods - once foods are heated above 47°C (118°F) enzymes are destroyed.
• Exposure to air and light - limp and pale looking vegetables are enzyme depleted.
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Enzyme Depletion From Body
• Pancreatitis – greatly reduces the pancreatic enzyme production.
• Gallbladder removal - without a gallbladder, we lose the ability to properly emulsify
fats and oils.
• Poor diet - lack of enzymes in food can put tremendous stress on the body.
• Imbalance of pH - without proper pH, some enzymes will not activate.
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A Little More About The Pancreas
• The pancreas is a fish-shaped spongy grayish-pink organ about 6 inches (15 cm) long.
• It stretches across the back of the abdomen,
behind the stomach.
• The head of the pancreas is on the right side
of the abdomen and is connected to the
duodenum (the first section of the small
• The narrow end of the pancreas, called the
tail, extends to the left side of the body.
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What Does The Pancreas Do?
• The pancreas produces digestive enzymes that help break down proteins,
carbohydrates and fats.
• It also produces the hormones insulin and glucagon, which help regulate the level of
glucose in the blood.
• As pancreatic juices are made, they flow into the main pancreatic duct.
• This duct joins the common bile duct, which connects the pancreas to the liver and
the gallbladder.
• The common bile duct also carries bile and connects to the small intestine near the
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A Little More About The Gallbladder
• The gallbladder is a hollow organ that sits just beneath the liver.
• In adults, the gallbladder measures
approximately 8 cm in length and 4 cm in
diameter when totally full. It is divided into
three sections: fundus, body and neck.
• Traditionally, it is thought only to help with
the digestive processes.
• Recent studies have shown that it acts as
a regulator to help with insulin levels, mineral
and vitamin absorption and even to some
degree, the regulation of the rate of
metabolism within the body.
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What Does The Gallbladder Do?
• Bile travels from the liver through the hepatic ducts to the gallbladder.
• As fatty food enters the upper portion of the small intestine (the duodenum), the
gallbladder contracts and forces bile into the small intestine through the common bile
• The bile emulsifies fats in food. During storage in the gallbladder, bile becomes more
concentrated which increases its potency and intensifies its effect on breaking down
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What Happens When A Person Has
No Gallbladder?
• Once the gallbladder is removed, bile flows out of the liver through the hepatic ducts
into the common bile duct and goes directly into the small intestine, instead of being
stored in the gallbladder.
• Because the bile isn’t stored in the gallbladder, it flows into the small intestine more
frequently, causing diarrhea in about 1 percent of cases.
• When the bile is not concentrated, some people may not digest fats as well.
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Lifestyle Changes For People With
No Gallbladder
• Adopt a low-fat diet
• Avoid eating fatty, fried foods
• Eat small, frequent meals
• Avoid eating a very large dinner after fasting all day
• Incorporate more fibre into the diet
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Symptoms Of Digestive Enzyme
When we do not digest our foods properly we may show some of the following
• Gas & bloating
• Flatulence
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Leaky Gut
• Malabsorption of nutrients
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The Law Of Adaptive Secretion Of
Digestive Enzymes
• Customers may ask whether taking enzymes long-term is safe.
• The pancreas does not stop producing enzymes, it just adapts to what it needs to
digest food.
• It uses the remaining available capacity to produce metabolic enzymes needed for
energy and cell repair.
• If one stops taking supplemental digestive enzymes, the body will adapt and return to
producing more digestive enzymes just as with any other change in diet.
• This is referred to as the Law of Adaptive Secretion of Digestive Enzymes by Dr.
Edward Howell in his book “Enzyme Nutrition”.
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What Is Lactose Intolerance?
• Lactose intolerance is a condition where the body does not digest lactose, the sugar
found in milk.
• This causes painful gas, bloating, diarrhea, and other digestive upsets when ingesting
dairy-based foods.
• Since lactose occurs mostly in milk, in most mammals the production of lactase
gradually decreases with maturity due to a lack of constant consumption.
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Read Labels Carefully If Lactose
• Avoid prepared foods that contain lactose, milk, or milk products as well as dry milk
solids, whey, curds, milk by-products, and nonfat dry milk powder.
• Choosing lactose-free or vegan would be a safer bet.
• Lactose is also found in some medications. It is the base for more than 20% of
prescription drugs and about 6% of ‘over the counter’ medications.
• Some examples include antacids, menopause medications, and various types of birth
control pills.
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Dealing With Lactose Intolerance
• In most cases, problems digesting dairy products are due to trouble breaking down
• However, for many people, lactose is not the only problem. Dairy is a complex food
including carbohydrates, protein and fat.
• There are some who find that lactase pills do not help their digestion because they
also have difficulty breaking down the fat and protein contained in dairy.
• These people require a supplemental digestive enzyme that can break down lactose as
well as fats and protein.
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Microbial Enzymes
• Microbial enzymes are supplemental enzymes derived from fungal organisms by the
process of fermentation.
• They are active in the stomach as well as the small intestine.
• They function in the pH range 2-14 and have a broad action on a variety of foods.
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Renew Life Enzyme Products
There are many reasons to take digestive enzymes. As each person is unique, there are
different combinations of enzymes that will work for different people. Renew Life carries
a number of different enzyme formulations, including:
• DigestMORE
• DigestMORE Ultra
• DigestMORE HCl
• LactoZYME
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• DigestMORE is a plant-based digestive enzyme formula designed for digestive problems that are mild to moderate in severity or
do not occur every day.
• Useful for digestive problems that occur with a specific type of food or quantity of food.
• Includes healing ingredients for the digestive tract.
Ideal for those who:
• Have difficulty breaking down large meals, or specific foods (i.e. protein).
• Have gas or bloating after eating certain types of food.
• Have gas or bloating after combining certain types of foods (i.e. proteins with carbohydrates).
DigestMORE - Each capsule contains
Alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae - Whole)
90mg / 9000 FCC DU
Protease (Fungal Protease, Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae -Whole)
40mg / 20,000 FCC HUT
Lipase (Triacylglycerol lipase, Aspergillus niger, - Whole)
11.25mg / 36 FCC LU
Cellulase (Trichoderma reesei - Whole)
2mg / 250 FCC CU
Invertase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Whole)
0.5mg / 50 FCC SU
Lactase (Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae - Whole)
2.5mg / 250 FCC ALU
Malt Diastase (Hordeum vulgare – Seed)
12.5mg / 125 FCC DP
Pectinase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
4mg / 60 Endo-PG
Phytase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
1mg / 2 FCC FTU
Stem Bromelain (Ananas comosus var. comosus - Stem)
10mg / 360,000 FCC PU
Ginger Root, Rhizome (Zingiber officinale)
Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)
Papaya Fruit (Carica papaya)
Gamma-Oryzanol (Oryza sativa - rice bran oil)
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DigestMORE Ultra
• DigestMORE ULTRA is a therapeutic strength enzyme formula designed for those whose digestive problems are chronic and
occur on a daily basis, or are serious in nature.
Ideal for those who:
• Have difficulty breaking down all meals.
• Have gas or bloating after eating, regardless of food type.
• Have stomach upset, belching or regurgitation after eating, regardless of food type.
• Have no gallbladder. Due to the high amount of lipase in each capsule, DigestMORE Ultra is best for breaking down fats.
DigestMORE Ultra - Each capsule contains
Alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae - Whole)
250mg / 25,000 FCC DU
Protease (Fungal Protease, Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae -Whole)
200mg / 100,000 FCC HUT
Lipase (Triacylglycerol lipase, Aspergillus niger, - Whole)
25mg / 750 FCC LU
Alpha-Galactosidase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
50mg / 500 FCC GalU
Beta-Glucanase (Trichoderma reesei - Whole)
25mg / 25 FCC BGU
Cellulase (Trichoderma reesei - Whole)
12mg / 1500 FCC CU
Glucoamylase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
50mg / 50 FCC AGU
Hemicellulase (Trichoderma reesi - Whole)
0.1mg / 30 FCC HCU
Invertase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Whole)
2.5mg / 250 FCC SU
Lactase (Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae - Whole)
12mg / 1200 FCC ALU
Papain (Carica papaya - Latex)
1.1mg / 50,000 FCC PU
Pectinase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
3mg / 45 Endo-PG
Phytase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
2.5mg / 5 FCC FTU
Xylanase (Trichoderma reesei - Whole)
25mg 22mg / 550 FCC XU
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• DigestMORE HCl is a comprehensive digestive enzyme formula that contains 200mg of Betaine Hydrochloride.
Ideal for those who:
• Have low stomach acid.
• Experience heartburn after any sized meal.
• Have gas or bloating and experience accompanying heartburn after eating specific types of food (i.e. protein), or after combining
certain types of foods (i.e. mixing proteins and carbohydrates).
• Are concerned about ingesting bacteria or parasites with food (i.e. when travelling or eating out in restaurants, particularly sushi).
DigestMORE HCI - Each capsule contains
Alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae - Whole)
90mg / 9000 FCC DU
Protease (Fungal Protease, Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae Whole)
40mg / 20,000 FCC HUT
Lipase (Triacylglycerol lipase, Aspergillus niger, - Whole)
11.2mg / 36 FCC LU
Cellulase (Trichoderma reesei - Whole)
2mg / 250 FCC CU
Invertase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Whole)
0.5mg / 50 FCC SU
Lactase (Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae - Whole)
2.5mg / 250 FCC ALU
Malt Diastase (Hordeum vulgare – Seed)
12.5mg / 125 FCC DP
Pectinase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
4mg / 60 Endo-PG
Phytase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
1mg / 2 FCC FTU
Betaine Hydrochloride
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• GasSTOP works to alleviate gas and bloating associated with poor digestion of food, particularly beans/ legumes, and
cruciferous vegetables.
Ideal for those who:
• Are vegetarian.
• Have difficulty breaking down raw vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, sulphur-containing foods like garlic or onions, beans and
legumes, which leads to gas, bloating, stomach upset or belching.
GasSTOP - Each capsule contains
Alpha-Amylase (Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae - Whole)
100mg / 10,000 FCC DU
Protease (Fungal Protease, Aspergillus flavus var. Oryzae - Whole)
10mg / 5,000 FCC HUT
Lipase (Triacylglycerol lipase, Aspergillus niger - Whole)
6.25mg / 24 FCC LU
Alpha-Galactosidase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
50mg / 500 FCC GalU
Cellulase (Trichoderma reesei - Whole)
12mg / 1,500 FCC CU
Invertase (Saccharomyces cervesiae - Whole)
2.5 mg / 250 FCC SU
Phytase (Aspergillus niger - Whole)
10mg / 20 FCC FTU
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• LactoZYME works to help break down the main components of dairy products (lactose, protein, and fats).
• One capsule of LactoZYME is designed to break down the equivalent of 250ml (8oz) of milk within one hour.
Ideal for those who:
• Have difficulty digesting dairy products.
• Have gas, bloating, stomach upset or belching after eating dairy products.
LactoZYME - Each capsule contains
Lactase (Aspergillus flavus var. oryzae, whole)
90mg / 9000 FCC ALU
Lipase (Triacylglycerol lipase, Aspergillus niger - whole)
7mg / 24 FCC LU
Papain (Carica papaya - fruit)
2mg / 90,000 FCC PU
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DigestMORE Ingredients
Enzymes that break down proteins:
• breaks down proteins into amino acids.
Papaya Fruit
• contains the enzyme papain which breaks down protein.
Enzymes that break down carbohydrates and sugars:
• breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars.
• breaks down lactose (found in dairy, many people lack the
lactase enzyme).
Invertase (Sucrase)
• breaks down sucrose (found in sugar).
Malt Diatase
• breaks malt sugar (found in beer, crackers and cereals).
Enzyme that breaks down fats:
• breaks down fat.
Enzyme that breaks down fibre:
• breaks down cellulose (plant cell walls/fibre).
Enzymes that break down phytic acid:
• breaks down phytic acid (found in grains, beans and seeds).
Helps to heal the intestinal tract lining:
• increases intestinal villous height, stimulates mucosal cell
growth in the intestinal tract, and helps to maintain the mucosal
cell integrity.
Gamma Oryzanol
• enhances gastric & illeal movement.
Ginger Root
• carminative (expels gas from stomach, intestines or bowel) and
Marshmallow Root
• alleviates local irritation, inhibits mucociliary activity & is
demulcent (soothing).
N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine
• required for tissue repair mechanisms.
• enzyme from pineapple, which reduces tissue irritation and is
an anti-inflammatory.
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DigestMORE Ultra Ingredients
DigestMORE Ultra
Enzymes that break down proteins:
• breaks down proteins into amino acids.
• contains protease, an enzyme which breaks down protein.
Enzymes that break down carbohydrates and sugars:
• breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars.
• breaks down lactose (found in dairy, many people lack the
lactase enzyme).
• breaks down starches found in carbohydrates.
Alpha Galactosidase
• breaks down starches found in carbohydrates (particularly
Invertase (Sucrase)
• breaks down sucrose (found in sugar).
Enzyme that breaks down fibre:
• breaks down cellulose (plant cell walls/fibre).
• breaks down hemicellulose (component of plant cell walls/fibre).
• breaks down hemicellulose (a component of plant cell walls/
Beta Glucanase
• breaks down beta glucans (soluble fibre found in grains,
mushrooms and baker’s yeast).
• breaks down pectin (a polysaccharide found in plant cell walls).
Enzymes that break down phytic acid:
• breaks down phytic acid (found in grains, beans and seeds).
Enzyme that breaks down fats:
• breaks down fat into usable components.
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DigestMORE HCl Ingredients
DigestMORE HCl
DigestMORE HCl contains digestive enzymes and Betaine
Hydrochloride (HCl):
Enzyme that breaks down fats:
• breaks down fat.
Betaine Hydrochloride
•a component of stomach acid, which destroys bacteria and
parasites ingested with food.
Enzyme that breaks down fibre:
•breaks down cellulose (plant cell walls/fibre).
• breaks down pectin (a polysaccharide found in plant cell walls).
Enzymes that break down proteins:
• breaks down proteins into amino acids.
Betaine Hydrochloride
• breaks down protein into amino acid chains.
Enzymes that break down phytic acid:
• breaks down phytic acid (found in grains, beans and seeds).
Enzymes that break down carbohydrates and sugars:
• breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars.
• breaks down lactose (found in dairy, many people lack the
lactase enzyme).
Invertase (Sucrase)
• breaks down sucrose (found in sugar).
Malt Diatase
• breaks malt sugar (found in beer, crackers and cereals).
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GasSTOP Ingredients
Enzymes that break down carbohydrates and sugars:
•breaks down starches found in carbohydrates (particularly cruciferous vegetables, legumes, grains).
•breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars.
•breaks down sucrose (found in table sugar and maple sugar).
Enzymes that break down proteins:
•breaks down proteins into amino acids.
Enzymes that break down fibres:
•breaks down cellulose (plant cell walls/fibre).
Enzymes that break down phytic acid:
•breaks down phytic acid (found in grains, beans and seeds).
Enzymes that break down fats:
•breaks down fat.
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LactoZYME Ingredients
•an enzyme that breaks down lactose, a carbohydrate (sugar) found in milk.
•an enzyme which helps to breakdown the fats found in dairy products.
•contains the enzyme protease, which helps breakdown proteins found in dairy.
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for your time & involvement!
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