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Work and Power
Work – force is applied to an object and the
object moves in the direction as the applied
Work = Force x distance
**Work is zero when an object is not moving
Measuring Work
Joules – SI Units
1 J= 1 N x m = 1kg x m2 / s2
Power – the rate at which work is done, or
how much work is done in a given amount
of time
Power = work/time
P = W/t
Watts – SI units
1 W = 1 J of work in 1 second.
Machines & Mechanical Advantage
How do Machines make work easier?
Change size of an input force
change the direction of the force
decrease distance over which force is applied
this is – multiplying the force
mech. Adv. = output force/input force
= input distance/output dist.
Mechanical Advantage
output force/input force, or input
distance/output dist
No units – expressed as a number
** a machine that has a mechanical
advantage greater than one multiplies the
input force.
** a machine with mechanical advantage
less than one increases distance and
speed. Can this occur?
Momentum = mass x velocity
P = m v, v = P/m, m=P/v
P – momentum
 M – mass
 V – velocity (speed + direction)
SI units – kg m/s
Momentum has direction...indicated by
Momentum increases as mass and velocity
If an object’s velocity is zero, it’s
momentum is zero
Decreasing an objects Momentum will
decrease it’s Force
Conservation of Momentum
The total amount of momentum in an
isolated system is conserved.
Momentum is transferred from one object
to another in a given collision.
Total momentum before objects collide
equals the total momentum after the
The effect of a net force acting on an
object (a kind of "moving force")
The product of the average net force
acting on an object and its duration.
J = F Δt
Impulse–momentum theorem - the
change in momentum of an object equals
the impulse applied to it