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Descendent of Seth (Genesis 11), so a direct
descendent of Adam and Eve
From the land of Ur
Originally called Abram  God changed his
name to Abraham
Married to Sara formerly known as Sarai
Father of Ishmael (son of Hagar) and Isaac (son
of Sara)
God made 4 covenants with Abraham:
1. Genesis 12: God promises to bless Abraham’s name.
2. Genesis 15: God promises Abraham the land from the
Nile to the Euphrates.
3. Genesis 17: God promises to make Abraham the
father of many nations.
4. Genesis 22: God promises to give him a son and
countless descendants.
God promised Abraham all the land from the Nile
River to the Euphrates River  that area is called the
Promised Land
The promised land spans across the area of the
following modern day countries:
Saudi Arabia
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all believe in Abraham
being the “father of all nations” who has made
covenants with God.
All three believe in the stories we learned about in
Genesis including his two sons Ishmael and Isaac and
the sacrifice of Isaac.
Abraham is an ultimate example of faith and fear
of God
God asks him to leave his home, sacrifice his son,
and go into an unknown area and he does it
Abraham is mentioned many times by people
coming after him (OT and NT) such as Moses,
Paul the Apostle, and Jesus himself.
According to the Torah (the holy book of the
Jews, Abraham and Sara are the parents of the
People of Israel
All Israelites are said to be descendants of Isaac
He is honored as a man of incredible faith with
whom God has made many covenants
In Islam, Abraham is one of the greatest prophets.
The Quran (the holy book of the Muslims)
considers his son Ishmael to be the first Muslim
ever noted, so Abraham is the father of the first
Abraham is honored as a man of great faith and
fear of God who follows the Lord’s command.
Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and
teachings of Jesus Christ
Monotheistic = believing in only one God
The largest religion in the world  over 2.4 billion
followers all over the world called Christians
The holy book of the Christians is called Bible
Church leaders are pastors, ministers, priests, preachers
Houses of worship are churches or temples
Central Belief:
◦ Christians believe in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit
◦ God sent his son Jesus Christ to redeem human
beings from their sin as well as original sin  Christ
the Savior
◦ Jesus lived to be about 32 years old and was crucified
and buried
◦ He rose again after three days and rose into heaven
where he joined his father
◦ Most Christians believe in a dual system of the world
 heaven and hell, good and evil, God and Satan
Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the
experiences of the People of Israel
The tenth-largest religion in the world  about 14.5
million followers in the world called Jews
The holy book of the Jews is called Torah
Church leaders are Rabbis
Houses of worship are synagogues
Moses is the greatest of all the prophets
Central belief:
◦ There is only one God (no Trinity)
◦ God is so holy, that his name cannot be spoken  the Jews
have many other names for God (Elohim, JAWEH, Holy
◦ The words of the prophets are the truth and need to be
◦ The Messiah will come (but hasn’t come yet  no Jesus)
◦ The dead will resurrect if they repent
◦ God will punish the sinners and reward the good
Abrahamic, monotheistic religion
The second-largest religion in the world  over 1.7
billion followers called Muslims
The holy book of the Muslims is the Quran
Church leaders are called Imams
Houses of worship are mosques
The most important prophet in Islam is Mohammed
Central belief:
◦ There is only one God – Allah and his word is the
ultimate law
◦ The word of the prophets need to be followed 
prophets like Mohammed were chosen by God to do
and proclaim his will
◦ Muslims have a strong belief in angels who are
considered messengers of God
◦ Judgment day awaits all who die and Allah will judge
man based on their life and if they followed the five
Five Pillars of Islam