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Comparison of the Big Three Monotheistic
Religions of the Middle East
By Allen Teal
All three religions get their origins from Abraham in the Old Testament.
Of the three, only Islam traces its roots through Ishmael, Abraham's first born son.
Christianity departs from Judaism over the issue of Jesus Christ being the Messiah.
When we talk of the big three, it is often about United States car companies. However, the real big three are
the giant monotheistic religions that sprang up within a 300 mile circle in the Middle East. Almost 1/2 of the
world's population claim affiliation with one of these three religions.
Of the three, Judaism is by far the elder brother. In reality, this religion traces its roots to the Garden of Eden
with the first two humans, Adam and Eve. However, the Jews consider themselves the descendants of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. These were the first three Hebrew Patriarchs and still stand larger-thanlife in this religion.
Although the 12 tribes of Israel descended from the 12 sons of Jacob, they really take their shape from the
teaching of Moses. After a four century stay as slaves in Egypt, it was Moses, the lawgiver, that brought
them to freedom and established a hierarchy for the tribes. Under Moses, the priesthood was developed and
began operation. The early tent temple called the Tabernacle established the basis for eventual permanent
temples during the time of Solomon, Ezra/Nehemiah, and Herod.
Books like Job (considered to be the oldest book in the Old Testament) where the Old Testament reveals
that God will bring man into his place of residence for eternity. The book of Isaiah reveals a punishment for
the Satan. Many other references to eternal life are littered thoughout the books. Although the Jewish faith
deals with the Old Testament books differently than Christians, the content is essentially the same.
With the birth of Christ, Christianity begins a new religious course. Growing out of Judaism, Christian faith is
established on the foundations of the Old Testament. Like Jews, Christians trace their religious faith through
Isaac to Abraham. They believe that Jesus Christ is the great son of Abraham. He is the true child of
promise. The Jews reject this belief because they believe that Jesus was simply the illegitimate son of Mary.
Standing on Old Testament prophecies like Genesis 3:15, Christians believe that Christ is the ultimate
fulfillment of the Old Testament. In fact, they see him as the personification of the Law. Instead of the rigidity
of the Law, Christians live within the flexible guidelines of grace. It is an undeserved favor granted from God
by his choice.
From the time of Martin Luther, Protestant Christians have rejected the idea of a single human head of the
church. The belief is that the Pope is just a man, and that God can communicate with all men equally. While
Catholicism is still the single largest arm of the Christian religion, some Protestant movements are gaining
ground. The Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement now claims to have reached nearly 500 million believers.
Six hundred years after Christ, Muhammad claimed to have received a new revelation from an angel sent
Allah. Having rejected the Christian faith, Muhammad recorded the words of the angel in the Qur'an. Most
westerners pronounce this Koran. Christians reject this revelation on the basis of the New Testament words
that declare that any new revelation, even from an angel, should be considered accursed.
Mecca and Medina figure as the two primary cities that Muslims regard as holy with Mecca being the main
shrine. Muslims trace their spiritual roots back to Abraham, but reject Isaac and accept the first-born son,
Ishmael. Ishmael was born of the servant of Sarai, Abrahams wife, but he is still the son of Abraham.
Abraham petitioned God that Ishmael might have a great heritage in addition to his son Isaac. God granted
this request.
Muslims regard Jesus as a great prophet, but in a subordinate role to Muhammad who is considered the
greatest prophet of Islam. Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam has splintered into various factions and sects
based on their interpretation of the Holy writings. Much of the material is still considered common ground,
but the differences have led to strive and bloodshed. This is true of all three religions.
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