Download 7. Standard 6.32: Explain how the regions of China are isolated by

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7. Standard 6.32: Explain how the regions of China are isolated by
geographic features, making governance and the spread of ideas and
goods difficult, and served to isolate the country from the rest of the
1. Using a map of China list geographic features that isolate China from the rest of the
2. How could isolation effect the transfer of goods & ideas from China?
8. Standard 6.35: List the policies and achievements of the emperor
Shi Huang and explain how these contributed to the unification of
northern China under the Qin Dynasty and the construction of the
Great Wall of China.
1. List policies & achievements of Shi Huang Di.
2. How did Shi Huang Di’s contributions add to the unifying of northern China under the
Qin Dynasty?
9. Standard 6.36: Detail the political contributions of the Han
Dynasty and determine how they contributed to the
development of the imperial bureaucratic state and the
expansion of the empire.
1. What was the government philosophy of the Han Dynasty?
2. How did China experience a Golden Age under the Han Dynasty?
3. What was the civil service system? How did it benefit China?
4. How did the Silk Road help China economically?
10. Standard 6.37: Cite the significance of the trans-Eurasian “silk
roads” in the period of the Han Dynasty and Roman Empire and their
1. Name the route of the Silk Road; where trade began and ended.
2. What’s the importance of the Silk Road?
3. What items were traded that affected other cultures? For example, China traded silk with
11. Standard 6.45Explain how Judaism survived the
expulsion/dispersion of the Jews to other lands (the Diaspora) after
the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD/CE, and
the renaming of the country by the Romans.
1. What events led up to the Diaspora?
2. What steps did Jewish leaders take to assure Judaism survival?
3. What were the results of the leaders’ effort to help Judaism survive?