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CPS120: Introduction to
Computer Science
Information Systems:
Database Management
Nell Dale • John Lewis
Session Goals
• Describe the elements of a database
management system
• Describe the organization of a relational
• Establish relationships among elements in a
• Write basic SQL statements
Database Management Systems
• A database can simply be defined as a structured
set of data
• A database management system (DBMS) is a
combination of software and data made up of:
– Physical database—a collection of files that contain the
– Database engine—software that supports access to and
modification of the database contents
– Database schema—a specification of the logical
structure of the data stored in the database
Database Management Systems
Figure 12.6 The elements of a database management system
The Relational Model
• In a relational DBMS, the data items
and the relationships among them are
organized into tables
– A table is a collection of records
– A record is a collection of related fields
– Each field of a database table contains a single data
– Each record in a table contains the same fields
A Database Table
Figure 12.7 A database table, made up of records and fields
A Second Table
A database table containing customer data
• We can use a table to represent a collection
of relationships between objects
A database table storing current movie
Structured Query Language
• The Structured Query Language (SQL) is
a comprehensive database language for
managing relational databases
What is SQL
• SQL is an ANSI standard language for accessing
stands for Structured Query Language
can execute queries against a database
can retrieve data from a database
can insert new records in a database
can delete records from a database
Some Definitions
• Database Tables
– Databases contain objects called Tables.
– Records of data are stored in these tables.
Tables are identified by names (like
"Persons", "Orders", "Suppliers").
– Tables contain Columns and Rows with data. Rows
contain records (like one record for each person).
Columns contain data (like First Name, Last Name,
Address, and City).
The Select Statement
• The SELECT statement selects
columns of data from a
• The tabular result is stored in a
result table (called the result
SQL Queries
• With SQL, we can Query a
database and have a Result
returned in a tabular form.
• SELECT LastName FROM Persons
Coding Select Statements
• To select the columns named
"LastName" and "FirstName", use
a SELECT statement like this:
– SELECT LastName,FirstName FROM
• To select all columns from the
"Persons" table, use a * symbol
instead of column name like this:
– SELECT * FROM Persons
The WHERE Clause
• To conditionally select data from a table, a
WHERE clause can be added to the
SELECT statement with the following
– SELECT column FROM table WHERE column
condition value
Where-clause Conditions
• Relations that can be used:
Not equal
Greater than
Less than
Greater than or equal
Less than or equal
Between an inclusive range
Wildcard Search
The LIKE Condition
• The LIKE condition is used to specify a
search for a pattern in a column.
• The syntax is like this:
– SELECT column FROM table WHERE column
LIKE pattern
• A "%" sign can be used to define wildcards (missing
letters in the pattern) both before and after the
Sample LIKE Statements
• Select Persons with a Name Pattern
• This SQL statement will return persons with a first
name that start with an 'O'.
– SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName
• This SQL statement will return persons with a first
name that end with an 'a'.
– SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName
LIKE '%a'
AND and OR
• AND and OR join two or more
conditions in a WHERE clause.
– The AND operator displays a row if ALL
conditions listed are true.
– The OR operator displays a row if ANY of the
conditions listed are true.
• SELECT * FROM Persons
WHERE FirstName='Paul'AND LastName='Millis'
• The BETWEEN ... AND operator
selects an inclusive range of data
between two values. These values
can be numbers, text, or dates.
– SELECT column_name FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1
AND value2
SQL Select Distinct
• The DISTINCT keyword is used
to return only distinct
(different) values.
– SELECT DISTINCT column-name(s)
FROM table-name
SQL Order By
• The ORDER BY clause is used to
sort the rows.
• Example: To display the
companies in alphabetical order:
– SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM
OrdersORDER BY Company
SQL Data Manipulation
• SQL includes a syntax to update
records with query and update
SQL Data Definition
• The Data Definition Language
(DDL) part of SQL permits
database tables to be created or
deleted, links between tables
defined and, and constraints
imposed between database tables.