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Name: ___________________________
World History Test Chapters 2 & 3
Multiple Choice (2 Points Each)
1. Which civilization was established by invaders from the north and became a
leading commercial center of the Aegean region?
A. Roman B. Mycenaen
C. Persian D. Hellenic
2. According to the legend of the Trojan War, fully armed Greek soldiers hid within
a ________, then sacked the city at night.
A. Whale B. Tent
C. Horse D. Teacher
3. The “city-state” or ________, was the basic political unit of Greece.
A. Polis
B. Politic
C. Government D. Princep
4. The “rule by one” is known as:
A. Oligarchy B. Monarchy
C. Democracy D. Republic
5. Which city-state was at the head of the Peloponnesian League and focused on
training fighters?
A. Sparta
B. Athens
C. Corinth
D. Byzantium
6. What was the highest goal of any Spartan?
A. To be the best in Academics for the State
B. To be the best Olympian for the State
C. To be the best Warrior for the State
D. To be the best Writer for the State
7. Which city-state nurtured creativity, commercial endeavors, democracy, and
A. Sparta
B. Athens
C. Corinth
D. Byzantium
8. In which battle of the Persian Wars did the Athenian army charge the Persian
army, and resulted in a decisive Greek Victory?
A. Battle of Thermopylae B. Battle of Marathon
C. Battle of Salamis Bay D. Battle Saratoga
9. Which Persian War Battle was held in a pass where 300 Spartans fought to their
A. Battle of Thermopylae B. Battle of Marathon
C. Battle of Salamis Bay D. Battle of Saratoga
10. Which Persian War Battle resulted in a Greek Victory after a “traitor” tricked the
Persians into entering the strait with their ships?
A. Battle of Thermopylae B. Battle of Marathon
C. Battle of Salamis Bay D. Battle of Saratoga
11. Which great commander had no successor to his empire, and thus it was divided
into four Kingdoms just as the prophet Daniel had described.
A. Themistocles
B. Socrates
C. Julius Caesar
D. Alexander the Great
12. Which term is used to describe Greek culture?
A. Hellish
B. Helestic
C. Holistic
D. Hellenic
13. Who believed that absolute truth could be obtained through reason?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Hippocrates
14. During the eighth century B.C., seven villages formed the
_______________________, which was known as the beginning of the city of
A. Team of Seven Villages B. League of Seven Hills
C. Team of Eleven Hills
D. League of Extraordinary Gentleman
15. According to the legend of Romulus and Remus, the brothers were saved by a
A. Wolf
B. Bear
C. Princess
D. Pharaoh
16. According to the legend of Romulus and Remus, what happened?
A. Remus killed Romulus
B. Both brothers killed themselves
C. Romulus killed Remus
D. No one killed anyone
17. The wealthy aristocratic class of Rome was known as?
A. Plebeians
B. Patricians
C. Consuls
D. Priests
18. Which Roman invention was instrumental in the spreading of the Gospel to parts
of the Mediterranean World?
A. Printing Press
B. The Roman Republic
C. Roman Chariots
D. Roads
19. Which roman office replaced the King and held the Imperium. They supervised
the daily affairs of government, commanded the Roman army, and served as the
supreme judges of the land?
A. Consul
B. Senate
C. Censor
D. Tribune
20. What became the most powerful body of the republic?
A. Consul
B. Senate
C. Censor
D. Tribune
21. The tablets of law which became the foundation of Roman civil law were known
as _______________?
A. 10 Commandments
B. Law of Ten Stones
C. Law of Twelve Codes D. Law of Twelve Tables
22. The section of Rome which was the center of government was known as the
A. Capitol
B. Coliseum
C. Forum
D. Assembly
23. The laws which the Council of Plebeians passed were known
A. Plebiscites
B. Laws of the common man
C. Resolutions
D. Congressional Acts
24. The First Punic War was fought over the Island of __________?
A. Sardinia
B. Punicia
C. Sicily
D. Corsica
25. The First Punic War pitted the Romans against the ____________?
A. Romans
B. Babylonians
C. Myceneans
D. Carthaginians
26. Which great leader surprised the Romans by crossing the Alps in the dead of
winter during the Second Punic War?
A. Hannibal
B. Alexander the Great
C. Julius Caesar
D. Scipio
27. Which leader crossed over North Africa and attacked Carthage directly issuing a
sound defeat to the Carthaginian army?
A. Hannibal
B. Alexander the Great
C. Julius Caesar
D. Scipio
28. What were the Roman tax collectors known as?
A. Republicans
B. Democrats
C. Publicans
D. Independents
29.. Who was killed betrayed and killed brutally by his own men in the Forum?
A. Crassus
B. Julius Caesar
B. Caesar Augustus C. Pompey
30. Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar formed the ________________, which was known
as the rule of three men.
A. Triangulary
B. Triumverate
C. The Great Tribune D. The League of Three
Bonus Questions (2 Points Each):
31. Name a famous Roman tax collector from the Bible:
32. Who got the final blow in the death of Julius Caesar?
33. What were the names of the two brothers who become spokesmen for reform in
the later days of the republic?
34. Who does Georgia play this week in football? (It is an SEC team)
35. Mr. McCorkle is originally from which state? (I am not from the South)
Identification: Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great ( 10 points)
Essay (30 points): Please write a detailed essay on either the Persian Wars or the
Roman Civil Wars. You MUST include an introduction, body, and a conclusion.
Your introduction should have a clear thesis statement.