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Date: May 18, 2016
Aim #85: How does biodiversity increase stability of an
Do Now: Warm-Up Notebook
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1) RRWS #1- Life Functions
2) Regents Review Session May 19th 3:15PM Room 142
3) Ecology Test Tuesday 5/24 (periods 1&7) and Wednesday 5/25
(periods 5)
4) Unit 7f due Friday, May 27th
• Do not forget Castle Learning!!
Aim #85: How does biodiversity
increase the stability in an
1) What is meant by the
“Circle of Life”?
All living things are
dependent on one another
Why is this important?
2) Why are there so many
different species on earth?
Due to the evolution of related
organisms ADAPTING TO different
3) What is Biodiversity
All the VARIETY OF living
things of a specific area
Look for the biodiversity of the
4) Why is biodiversity important?
What happens
If insecticide
Is sprayed?
All living things are interdependent on
one another
How do living things depended on each other?
All organisms are
interrelated by the
food web. If one
organism in the
food web decreases,
then others will
either increase or
5) What happens to an ecosystem when biodiversity
Ecosystem stability decreases
Stability – the ability of the different populations of
organisms to survive an environmental change.
6) How does great biodiversity maintain
ecosystem stability?
In an ecosystem with
great biodiversity,
organisms rely on
more than one type
of food, increasing
their stability.
7) Which ecosystem has greater stability?
• The forest has greater stability
because it has greater biodiversity
8) How is biodiversity lost?
• Natural disaster & human activities
9) Why is biodiversity important to us?
• Biodiversity is a source of medicine,
genetic variation and insect &
weather resistant crops
Amoeba Sisters
Food Chains and Food Webs: Bedrock of